The Genshin Impact Interview

Today in Genshin Impact we’re reacting to and giving some thoughts and opinions on the interview.

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0:00 Intro
0:19 On Shorter Update Cycles
0:35 On End Game Content
3:04 On Balance and Powercreep
4:24 On Dendro Reactions
5:06 On The Current Resin System
6:17 On Old Story Content, Misc…
7:34 Final Thoughts, Outro


44 thoughts on “The Genshin Impact Interview”

  1. I'm a student and i have a very strict routine to do everything everyday and im also a veteran f2p player and it just makes me so anxious that my resin is overcaping since i get to play once every 24 hours so bumping up the resin cap to 180 or 200 would be amazing for me and many other casual veteran players

  2. I've learned about it for a long time in honkai. No matter how bad the development of the game is, players always go crazy and forget all their complaints every time a new character comes out. I can't remember how many times I quit honkai and ended up coming back again when they put out a new character because I wanted to try it so bad.

  3. The updates will be 5 weeks apart until 3.2 to compensate for the long Ayaka banner we had due to their lockdown so only 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 gonn be 5 weeks, after that it should be 6 weeks again

  4. For me, abyss is just a hassle I have to get through for primos, unlike the labyrinth warriors or the perilous trail things which I actually had fun doing so I hope that with time they'll reconsider
    I also hope they'll end up letting us do old event quests because i missed out on the mona and fischl introduction event
    And most of all I REALLy want outfits for aether and lumine they're my favorites

  5. Regarding the abyss, I think eventually new players gonna challenge it if they confident enough with their team comps, artefacts, weapon, etc. And I think they (genshin) can implement something from other team at the same company (yeah I'm talking about Honkai), Honkai have different types of endgame content (and pretty well written story too) suchlike memorial arena (boss rush), abyss, elysian realm (like shiki taishou domain, perilous trail), etc they nailed it, imo. And they said didn't want to add more complexity to the game rules? Pfffttt Genshin… You literally create Summertime Oddesey event which should be a summer holiday vibes become "F*ck you, do your homework!" Vibes😂 the puzzle is complex enough and too much, it become overwhelming and unenjoyable, imo. I think they forget that endgame combat type and casual endgame type can coexist with each others and both type of player that loved to combat type and casual type can enjoy this game. They wouldn't lose any money, it enriches their content. And then if, the combat type player bored with always pushing their limit, they can enjoy some casual Endgame content, and vice versa. Resin cap is always a problem, since the beginning they only give us 120 and 3 condensed resin cap then they add 40 more and 2 more limit, and looking at the expanding region, I think it'll be a huge problem same as boss ascension material.

  6. I hardly ever do spiral abyss because it is difficult, it has few rewards, and there's a lot to do already. And it is constantly pretty much the same thing. The main difference is that sometimes it is more frustrating than usual because my 2 partially built teams don't have the right characters for the enemies at hand. And I'm already behind on many other things because I don't always play. To me it only looks appealing if I were a whale . . .

    I'd also like to add that I only play on my phone so I don't get as addicted as I used to be. And attempting the abyss on a phone is not fun 🤣

  7. SPIRAL ABYSS IS BROKEN! Fix it first. Why do I have to start all the way back at the beginning? Let me fight the chamber I want to without having to go all the way back and fight the ones I already got 3 stars in NO DUH!!!!
    No wonder people aren't interested in Musk Reef, fools. Fix your game.
    Even though i got 3 stars in the first two chambers , I have to do those FOUR FIGHTS again just to rechallenge the third chamber?!?!? Are you nuts!!!!!!

    Fix that! Then people will play it. Let us replay the chamber that we want ! How is that not understood?!?!!!?!

  8. MOGA I miss your challenge content, and now I can see why you stopped doing it. I hope that this artifact swapping feature becomes a thing so that you can make more challenge content :).

  9. Casual doesn't mean people don't play high level content or try to improve their account/characters. It's just the amount of time they're willing to spend on the game
    For instance, I play csgo casually. But I'm still faceit lvl 10.

  10. most of veteran players are quiting left and right because how boring genshin currently for old players. The only left are small numbers of old players and tons of new players… you think new players will ever think about spiral abyss? Nope…there's too much content for them to clear. While us old players left with time gated contents and boring "endgame" contents. Only getting excited when new archon quest released.

    Those limited events, RNG, and limited banners are the real anxiety inducing contents

  11. The reason old characters are still good not because mihoyo is doing a good job. Its the opposite actually. They are purposely releasing new characters underpowered and with really bad stats so that it looks like we still can play old ones. This is problematic because we are not able to use newly released characters and are still with the old ones. So why do we even need to summon for new ones? I went f2p long time ago but many still haven't unfortunately

  12. The tower idea would be great. Adding additional floors every month for the super endgame players so they don't get bored and there's always content to look forward to. Adding say 20-30 primos per floor clear and at every 10 floors you get a fragile resin. This would fix two main issues players have of content being so little and fixing the resin issues we have at endgame. No "anxiety" involved it's something everyone can eventually progress through.

  13. The anxiety Mihoyo is talking about is the potential perception that the game is pay to win. Too much focus on sweaty tryhard endgame skews the importance of meta over waifu.
    Many, MANY gacha have succumbed to this problem where they keep ramping up challenge to appease the hardcore, and it inevitably turns into power creep, pay to win, people quitting.
    Mihoyo is trying to steer their billion dollar flagship in a different direction, to avoid the mistakes of other gacha, to target the mass casual audience rather than the hardcore minority.
    They have earned their perception as F2P friendly (Enviosity can 36 star with the 8 starting units). They don't want to threaten that reputation. So further endgame will be casual, not sweaty.

  14. As for the temporary stories not gatekeeping archon quest lore, that's a flat out lie. The only indication we have right now that the sky is in fact fake in Teyvat, besides the cycleless moon, is Scaramouche saying it in the falling stars event where Mona and Fischl become friends.

    Genshin is executed as if it was a shitty chinese game on steam designed to steal your money. Or a Blizzard game. It's very clear that they not only do not have a clue what they are doing but also refuse to listen to the consumerbase, making Genshin objectively a bad game. I say this, as someone who's invested thousands and plenty of time into the game.

  15. Of all the drama going on about it, I think the best phrase to completely state why players are so upset is "If we are not supposed to worry about better damage down the road then why do character constellations grant more damage? By that logic we are not supposed to want to spend primos to get constellations."

    Because from here on out there is so much less incentive to get C6. C6 was meant to be a way to future proof characters you liked.

    Edit: on a side note to the dendro geo reaction… the fact that dendro IS so complex is by their own doing. If they wanted elements to be less reactive and confusing maybe make dendro reactions more simplified? They dont like geo plain and simple and that sucks for every geo lover out there…

  16. The recent updates seems to show that they're focusing on making more areas to explore as opposed to having more combat-oriented endgame. This is horrible for characters like Cyno who only functions with his ult and needs 80 energy to use his ult. You can't really play him in the open-world exploration as he's either not gonna have his ult, and once he does have his ult, he'll destroy the enemies way before his ult expires.

  17. My biggest gripe with genshin is the resin system, I think it's so dumb that they timegate players this hard. In a day you can run a max of 4 bosses without fragile resin (which is few and far between)or spending primos/irl money which i have neither of. With how hard it is to get a good artifact, how many characters we need to build, and how much goes into each of those characters, I honestly think the resin should have a cap of like 200-300 and refresh 1 every minute.

  18. Damn here I was hoping the roguelike game mode from Perilous Trail would become permanent as endgame content. I've been having so much fun with Integrated Strategies in Arknights and I've been spending many hours on the game, so I was hoping Genshin would get a permanent roguelike mode too

  19. this basically says SUB STATS almost doest matter anymore as the game will be and always will be an easy game. i guess its time to level up everyone instead of farming artifacts ? since thats the true anxiety and frustration of this business ass game.

  20. ive noticed a lot of the new characters are like old ones: Cyno's burst is like Razors. Nilous q and e are like Childe and Ayato. Layla is like Ganyu and Diona. Candace is like hydro Yun Jin. If you ask me, they should make more Bennetts.

  21. To get rid of the varying opinions about endgame content, Artifact RNG should be lessened first. That way, hardcore or casual, a player would voluntarily play difficult combat game modes like Abyss.

    There’s a lot of ways to approach this. Just at the top of my head, HoYo could:
    • Add scheduled weekly boosts on drop rate.
    • Add drop rate boosts based on event appearance.
    • Add drop rate boosts based on the concurrent character banners.

  22. My personal stand on it is that we don't need endgame content at all.
    There will always another character to get lvl 10 friendship on, there will always be a character who doesn't have the best artifacts, there will always be a character that's not raised, there will always be a nation to 100%, there will alway be a world quest to do, there will always be the hangouts to do and there will always be a teapot to build.
    By all means you do not need endgame at all, there is always SMT else to do in game (unless you rush through everything the moment it's released in which case that's your own fault) so by all means nobody needs a spiral abyss 2.0
    If you want more endgame content then fine but even then there will always be other things to do in the game


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