GOROU IS QUITE GOOD ! | First Look At Gorou | Genshin Impact

Gorou looks cool on paper with lots of stuff going on in his kit, but you probably want to pair him with geo characters as he works with them so well.

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00:00 Talents
04:06 Constellations
08:54 Possible Build ?
11:50 Team Comp

Current Banner : Eula / Albedo / Bennett / Rosaria / Noelle
Patch Version : 2.3


50 thoughts on “GOROU IS QUITE GOOD ! | First Look At Gorou | Genshin Impact”

  1. You wanna go full defense bc it gives defense for your team which makes it so u take less dmg. This means that u have less to heal through gorou constellation 4. People always forgetting what defense actually do, idk what the reduction scaling.

  2. Mihoyo just hates women in Genshin at this point
    Hasbundo stans calm your tits. My comment was that regarding how Mihoyo has been doing poorly when it comes to making female kits RECENTLY. NOT that he is making more “male characters”. Stop putting words in my mouth you weirdos.

  3. Any decent off field sub dps would work well in the flex spot. Xiangling, Xingqui, Beidou, c6 Fish, Kaeya, Rosaria. You could even swap depending on content (bringing an element for shield breaking or countering a certain enemy). You could even run Raiden but I feel like it would be a waste of her skills.

  4. Unless you want your Gorou to do Damage I really don't see a reason to use DEF artifacts or even the Husk set. Other than his C4 healing, non of his buffing abilities scale off of his own DEF. I'm personally gonna run a Fav bow with Noblesse set, ER Sands, Geo Goblet, and Crit Rate Circle. Kinda similar to how I run my Sara but instead of focusing on ATK% substats I'll focus on DEF% substats.

  5. 4th slot wants to be someone who can spread element around to make crystals, Fischl likely best option because no need to have any energy investment for her, Beidou wouldn’t work, XQ is self sufficient with sac sword but probably better on other team

  6. I cant even take youtubers seriously when it comes to their opinions anymore except maybe tec and mtashed. everyone else seems to just say everyone is godlike or great. like. let's not kid ourselves. gorou is fuckin trash unless you have itto. and even then… eh. IWTL is especially guilty of this, and tenha.

    1 geo bonus is who the hell cares.
    2 bonus is who the hell cares even more.
    3 geo is… cool. but I had to use 3 geo to do that. or I can just use a real team and exploit reaction damage instead of triple geo… which doesn't react at all.

  7. Bro for the love of god can they NOT put GEO characters dependent on fucking DEF? Like can we PLEASE stop with that shit? It was cute for like two characters but now every fucking GEO character works off of DEF so all of the ATK percent and weapons with non DEF bonuses are shit because their base atk is so fucking low. Jesus Christ.

    Gorou, Itto, Yunjin, Albedo, Noelle…like fuck man… please god stop this shit. I guess every hydro has to be based off of fucking healing percent now? or HP scaling? Every electro off of ER now? Bullshit.

  8. I've been maining Geo since 1.0 but it seems like Mihoyo doesn't know what to do with Geo, do you want to do splits scaling among on them (Albedo)? Do you want to just focus on Def (Itto, Gorou, Noelle)? Do you want the shield to be DEF or HP scaling (Noelle, Zhongli)? Do you want to make it so that they work best as mono team (Gorou). I don't even know anymore with Geo. The decision to keep Geo's reaction to crystallize is hurting the element. No one builds Geo to make Crystals. And Mihoyo adding gimmick such as extending Gorou's skill if you proc crystal is copium level of coping trying to make the reaction work. If they want to make crystallize work they could make it naturally it buffs Elem Dmg instead of keeping that as an artifact 4-piece effect that nobody use (Archaic). Even then that restricts Anemo and Geo because the two don't react. They could have made a unique reaction between the two since they are both inert – Sandstorm could have been a great reaction – confusing/blinding enemy and make could have been the way to finally Shred Anemo (without the use of 5* character constellation) and Geo (without the need for Zhongli's Shield and resonance). I don't even know anymore, I think Mihoyo is so confused what to do with Geo, the element is all over the place in the game.

  9. Itto/noelle

    You dont have to use 3 geo, 15% geo dmg is good and if gorou is C6 he buff CD for geo dmg by
    1 geo 10%
    2 geo 20%
    3 geo 40%
    But you still have problems with breaking some shields if you use 4 or 3 geo, with 2 geo you lose the 15% geo dmg and 20% CD but you can break any shield

    So if you have to deal with different shield enemys use 2 geo with e.g. pyro and electro
    If you dont have many different shields or no shield enemys use more than 2 geo if you want

  10. i have a feeling that despite the release of new four stars, it will take time before a new ones will beat xingqui, beidou, bennett, sucrose, fischl, and xiangling demand in team comps

  11. I already have a maxed and geared Albedo, Geo Traveler and Noelle. Albedo and Noelle with the new artifact set. I have all the materials set for gorou and enough fates to C6 him. Pretty excited about it. I have a 2 pc husk and 2 pc severed fate waiting for him with a healing bonus head pc and ER Sands. Also a Favonius warbow. Not really concerned with his dps. I just want him to heal and buff and keep his burst up constantly.


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