Genshin's new ENDGAME Mode changes EVERYTHING!… (Imaginarium Theater Guide)

Genshin Impact has a new ENDGAME Mode! The “Imaginarium Theater” will give you tons of FREE Primogems, Mora and rare materials.
So in this Genshin Impact Guide, I am going to tell you everything you need to know about the Imaginarium Theater: How to unlock it, how it works and what you have to do to get the rewards.
But not just that, I’m also going to give you valuable Tips on how to make this new Endgame Mods super easy.

This Genshin Impact Guide is inspired by the works of Zy0x, SharkH3art, Eakes, Doro44, JazzGal and many more…

Background vector: – Image by vector_corp on Freepik

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34 thoughts on “Genshin's new ENDGAME Mode changes EVERYTHING!… (Imaginarium Theater Guide)”

  1. i like that you only need to defeat all the opponents to get all the rewards and dont actually have to complete the star quests/bonus quests, as long as you have 1 good dps you can just use the trial characters and leave your own dps to defeat two big bosses (for me i mostly used the trial characters and had my arlecchino sweep through the vishaps and the dancing lady man duo boss) w/little to no trouble at all

  2. tbh i don't really get why they added RNG. makes the game feels way less fun when you complete a run and get a bullshit character to form a bullshit team with zero synergy. i played on hard mode and for all the stages that didn't include an overworld boss they gave me my unbuilt sucrose keq fucking lisa and an artifactless beidou OTL makes it feel like a chore more than "fun" if u get what i mean. elemental restrictions are and always have been pure BS, i bet they're gonna have us play dendro + geo + cryo characters on the next cycle.

  3. it’s just dumb and disappointing, imagine rerolling for gruper in monolith defence, it’s not even hard it’s annoying, the teams you end up with are not even real teams and yes if you don’t have enought characters your cooked ( wtf is up with must have all 4 characters) imagine if hydro was there there is like only 3 4 stars characters in that element Barbara xingqiu Candice , and most people have only xingqiu build and rest are 5 stars you not ony need decent build characters but a lot of build characters and even if I don’t have problem with that people who are not playing since beginning are cooked again , and any f2p with not so much 5 stars. In my opinion this can’t be called endgame, even abyss is less luck and more skill dependent, and that is saying something. Plus what the fu*k is with elemental rasizm like this game is about reactions what’s the point of excluding half the reactions every month. Plus the audience of this bs of a endgame content just got halfed from people who can even 36 star abyss. Some people enjoy minmaxing that’s their main way of enjoying the game it was enought so far but now if they want to clear all endgame they can’t anymore and that’s why it sucks. Plus players build mostly for meta or characters they like and for this sh*t you need to pull even more and for characters you might not even like or that are not even that good like tf is that , that’s not even endgame that’s just a greasy greedy money grab with lowering abyss reset. What is even worse is that that little imaginary buff to specific trial characters that is active outside theatre means those greedy sons of bishes got cheap excuse to inflate abyss difficulty for players who don’t have those characters, or you might just get a buff but on your lvl 50 barbara. That’s just sad and I hope more people will see how down right predatory this system is

  4. The most painful thing about this endgame is that if they allowed us to just use the characters we wanted to, it would be so much easier and fun. I don't understand why they don't want to do it like Star Rail where you can just choose the characters. Perhaps thats why its "endgame"

  5. ngl this event dissapointed me so much i love this game but hoyo decided to prove once again they are just money grabber i just uninstalled the game cause if i cant have fun in a game i am not gonna play it

  6. couldn't have chosen any element combination worse than this for my roster if they wanted to… Well, maybe if they picked dendro instead of electro i guess…
    The fact taht Diluc and Raiden are the only 2 on-field DPS units I have outside of the ones provided as trial ones (Also Wanderer and Clorinde, but my wanderer is aproximately the same in terms of being built as the trial one, while my Clorinde still has her talents on 1-1-1, as I didn't level her talents up yet; if I did that, she'd be stronger than the trial one, as mine has a better weapon, and similarly good artifacts, but that's about it…)
    The tams I can think of are:
    mono pyro
    – Diluc plunge with Xianyun
    mono electro
    – Raiden can do some stuff there.
    – Chevreuse is nice to have.
    technically a team: wanderer hypercarry

    The real issue is, that I don't have the required support units, or main dps units that'd make the ones I actually have work properly, as my account has mostly cryo, hydro, and due to navia, geo as it's strongest elements. If I had access to cryo, Gany uwould stomp, and Ayaka would carry as well. Heck, maybe even Eula for a physical team. To Hydro? Oh hell yes, Neuvillette, Furina, Yelan, Kokomi, Xingqiu, even a C5 Mona, all great units! gero would bring in unkillable geo daddy Zhongli, the gunbrella Navia, Albedo for off-field damage, beyblade Noelle, my old main DPS from before I got my first 5 star unit (that was Diluc): Ningguang. So many alternatives!

    Yet what I have here is:
    pyro: trial Arlecchino, Xiangling, Bennett, Chevreuse. The useful ones finish there. Also Thoma, Amber, Yanfei, Xinyan, Gaming but those are not only extremely poorly built, but would underperform as well… though, my own Thoma might do better than the event one in terms of weapon at least, even if not going by artifacts…
    electro: Raiden. Fischl. That's about it. Maybe Sara (for mono electro Raiden) or Yae Miko. My Shinobu is purely built for EM, with the hyperbloom damage set. Without hydro and dendro, tough luck making thatwork for anything more than an off field electro application unit/weak healer…
    anemo: Xianyun (great for plunge Diluc, and can VV shred stuff, which is good.), Kazuha (vv shred and EM buff), Venti (cc, but most of the mobs are immune to him :/ Also VV shred whatever he manages to actually hit…), Sucrose (budget Kazuha/Venti, but more adorable at least), Jean (pretty good for healing, but not much other utility), Wanderer (basically the same as the trial one), Faruzan (c6 on her, but shit artifacts, vs trial one with decent artifacts on c0… tough choice, but mine would probably be slightly better for Wanderer support), Sayu… she can swirl I guess. Traveler (surprisingly decent unit compared to being free, at least on anemo, dendro and geo elements. Out of which, the 2 better ones don't play right about now sadly…)

    Going through the roster, the best I can think up about now teamwise are:
    1.: Plunge Diluc
    – Diluc, Xianyun, 2 filler
    2.: Chevreuse Overload
    – Chevreuse, Fischl, Arlecchino, 1 pyro/electro unit, Thoma would be great for shields I guess, as he's useless in most scenarios anyway.
    3.: Mono Electro
    – Raiden/Clorinde, Sara, Yae Miko, 1 anemo for swirl
    4.: Wanderer hypercarry
    – Wanderer, Faruzan, off field element applicators, like Xiangling and/or Shinobu

    Sadly, only the top 2 have pyro damage, meaning only those 2 would be good against the icewind suite…

    Obviously, a borrowed, very OP character could change stuff, like a well built alhaitham allowing for Aggravate or such, but that's it.

    The randomness of getting units during the chalenge to add to our roster makes it a royal pain in the a$$… Oh well, it's not much harder than the abyss, just a lot less predictable due to random reward characters after the fights. If we had access to all of them from the beginning, and got no reward cards, it'd be really quite simple. We'd just have to build 4 teams. But not havign access to all the wanted/required members of a team at a given time can be a huge issue…

  7. SO many people are getting mad because if Imaginaruim theatre, complaining that they dont have enough characters. Like bruh. I think he forgot to specify that this is ENDGAME content, for gods sake. You shouldn't even be LOOKING at this gamemode if u dont have that many characters built. This gamemode is targeted to players that are like ar 55 or above. If u don't have that many characters, just don't even play this gamemode. Even so, just build your characters, stop being lazy. All u need to do is level them up, and you can easily clear with 4 star artifacts with good main stats and no substats. As said in the vid, use ur terrible chars at the start and your more invested ones at the end. If you're a new player who just wants primos, there are soooo many other ways to get them. Stop being a baby and try to cop easy primos, if u dont have the chars, use other ways to grind primos.

    TL;DR : If u don't have many of the required characters built, you're probably either relatively new or just not deep enough into the game. So If u don't have these chars, either build them with the shit ton of fragile resin you get early game, or use other ways to get primos, and stop complaining.

  8. I honestly get that this mode is for older players, but I think the decision of decreasing the number abyss resets rly negatively impacted my acc. My exploration is completely 100%, so abyss is one of my few sources of primos. I don’t have enough characters to play the theatre so the amount of primos I earn per patch now will decrease. I rather they maintained the number of abyss resets per patch and introduced the theatre as an extra for old players

  9. I like Spiral Abyss more 'cause that's more friendly for selecting characters than in Imaginary Theater but I like Theater more in term of giving more rewards than in Abyss hehe

  10. This changes nothing.

    It's just Abyss 2: Electric Boogaloo. We just lost half of Abyss for a replacement that takes less time to beat. I beat this thing in 10mins, I'm not a whale or even a dolphin and you can only borrow one character from a friend.

    Also "It's not a seasonal thing", immediately "Each season of-"…like dude, proof read your scripts.

  11. Every week there is something new to read and learn in genshin. Many of us don't live on this game. or live on our computers. we have work, homes to take care of. we have shopping and family and errands. coming back to read a new game for 20 minutes before you can play is very annoying. I STILL have not played TCG because I simply don't have time. I am on level 6 or something. that level they put you on after forcing you to learn TCG.. they just need to stop drawing out the archon quests and bring more content sooner. if they didn't take months to bring a quest, they wouldn't have to come up with all this B.S. they are already a billion dollar company. at this stage everything Hoyo does is a very calculated move to extort more money and more time from you. when last could you just log in and just play. you have to learn all these mini games that go away by the end of the week and it's just too much

  12. It's pretty bad as it is right now, if you haven't been playing for ~2 years or so you will most likely not have built enough chars to play all modes, when the season changes to cryo or geo there will be even more problems. They need to increase the trial chars.

  13. How can i build so many characters, when miyoho doesn't even give one good artifacts for Arlechhino despite farming for months 😂 , this mode is a joke for f2p players im AR 59 my account revolvs around hydro characters, f2ps arw cooked 😂


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