Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!

Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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► Memes sauce: r/Genshin_Memepact/
► BackGround Music: Dizzy by Joakim Karud

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20 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #919”

  1. #GIM
    Scaramouche and Kokomi banner: *is right before fontain and the characters are well functioning at C0 while also having a shit weapon banner
    Scaramouche fans when they see that the banner is not selling well: its because of wanderer hate
    Any person with 2 functioning brain sell: do you are have stupid💀

  2. #GIM
    Nahida and theresa when they meet
    Theresa: who is this shortie
    Nahida: I'm you but from another universe
    Theresa: prove it
    Nahida: I guide kids when they are lost , and you are shortie too, both of us are immortals
    Theresa: are you the no1 cutie?
    Nahida: you bet
    *casually giude the protagonist to their demise

  3. #GIM
    Me, who has been preparing for Wriothesley: i have two whole updates until his release in 4.1. I have time.

    Genshin Impact: 4.0 Special Program announced

    Me: hehe im in danger 🥲

  4. 5:19 objection!!!!! the monsant kights soltary confinment room is bascly made to be much more like a childern play room and not a prison! the sonltary confinment room the montant kights also has alot of stuff in it like books, children toys, paint, and alot of arts and crafts for klee to use when she in in the soltary confenmant room! this meme makes no gosh darn sense in the lore and story point if you know what the soltary confinemnt room that klee is in in more like a play room of young chlidern and is not a prison cell.


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