Genshin on Twitch is Virtually Dead | Genshin Impact

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49 thoughts on “Genshin on Twitch is Virtually Dead | Genshin Impact”

  1. Even though Genshin is a gacha, it feels more like a single player game. It's definitely not a MMO, because is not designed as one. Hopefully they include different type of content in the future, but sadly I don’t see it on this second year neither.

    My question is… what progression system should Hoyoverse include if there is nothing to farm aside from primos and maybe mora? Awakening is not possible if Genshin is easy enough already. And if they include for example F2P weapons that you can farm, that could harm their sales on banner weapons. Maybe an option could be put more adventure ranks with mobs having 10 to 20 levels more than you and from lvl.90 you can go to 100 and those last 10 levels need materials from an endgame dungeon like Elysium realm.

  2. First off, I empathize the content creators for this downward trend in twitch viewership and probably youtube as well, feels sadge. I do hope one thing that can be learned from this is diversification of content they're covering, I don't know if that is possible so dont quote me on it. I always think GI is only one competition away from getting their spotlight taken, and sadly, I don't see anything on the horizon that can fully take them head on. Maybe TOF, I didn't get picked for their CBT but I'm seeing mixed reviews for it and I'm sketchy on the developers for it.

    As for me, I'm sober and out of GI addiction… don't have welkin and bp anymore since Feb. I'm still doing commissions for primos but not stressing anymore on resin usage everyday, but I still do the boss fights every week and 35ishing stars abyss.

    I'm still hopeful though that after this, they'll be a change in direction from Hoyoverse. They're getting complacent even before the shutdowns and maybe this is the right time for a change

  3. Shiiiid at this rate they might just can sumeru altogether and run rerun banners on repeat til the servers can't sustain themselves

  4. Genshin is a open-world rpg gacha.

    I think we are not getting any endgame because that's how gacha works. And as for now MIHOYO only focus is on gacha and making money Because there is no competition and people who have invested are still gonna play.

    Thats the sad reality. We should all just play it always as a side game at endgame.

  5. I am actually surprised the game's life lasted for as long as it did on a streaming platform of all places. YouTube, it will stay alive with all the clickbait and memes, but on twitch, NO WAY. COPE that a busted dendro unit can bring back streaming hype I guess lmao.

  6. I have a few thoughts on this (and thanks to anyone who took the time to read this, cuz i be typing lol). I've been playing since day 1 and I'm pretty much in agreement with those who are in the same boat, so I'll try to touch on other topics here.

    Genshin Impact content (specifically youtube content) has always been in a weird spot for me. You have discussion videos on lore, future content, theory crafting and what not and personally they are interesting to listen to. I view this as the constant that's been here since day 1. Then you have content that more directly involves the in-game content: story reaction, artifact roll reactions, boss rush, etc. Aside from story reactions, the issue I find with the others is that, despite different content creator's different takes on it, it doesn't feel as fresh because it's been done so many times. Regardless of how I feel about it, I do think it just exposes the quality of in-game content even more. The quantity is consistently there, weekly content is something that I don't think should be taken granted of. But the quality is a different story (though some events have been pretty fun as of late). I think it's more evident when you see click-bait "leak" videos getting more views than the more genuine genshin content, which makes me pretty sad to see.

    Overall, the entire Genshin Impact player base just deserves better. It would just be a shame for this game to dwindle down to such a low level, because there's so much about the game that is great in my opinion: Music, scenery, a lot of animation/movement feels smoother than other games i've seen, lore (although the main story kinda sucks), voice acting, etc. Yes, Hoyoverse has been making optimization to the game that are pretty pog, but they haven't made any changes that really tackle core issues with the game yet. I really do hope that competition does push them to improve the overall state of the game. Also, not to say that it is still happening because I don't know, but I would hope that people are not still trying to invalidate those asking for better because of reasons like "Do you know how hard it is to make a game?" Sometimes it just feels like that sort of response is being regurgitated without deeper thought. It just felt frustrating to see people say no to others who wanted better for the game.

  7. Genshin was never a content creator friendly game especially for streamers so I'm not surprised. I'd compare it to something like Candy crush because it also follows the "play limited amount of time per day" formula like Genshin. You have to be really good at making content to get something out of Genshin. Guides and lore videos are interesting but they take a lot of research and work. Entertainment videos depends heavily of the person and is subjective.

  8. I feel like i see complaints about Endgame or lack thereof, but I barely see any ideas other than just making the game an MMO and adding WoW raids. what do people genuinely want as “endgame” in this gacha game? time attack mode that isn’t abyss? (even tho abyss is essentially time attack but no ones doing abyss apparently). horde mode like the most recent event?

  9. Might take advantage and start streaming like I've been wanting to bc of this, there's nothing to do for me in terms of quests(ar 56) but I just wanna wander around+coop and talk w ppl in chat for fun

  10. This game isn't suitable for streaming. Maybe when there's new area and many new world quest but after that it's dry. This is the weakness of these type of game, not just Genshin. They need constant update for new things. It's fine for casual player that doesn't spend many hours in game but not for streamers that spend a lot of time in game.

  11. I would just tell all struggling genshin content creators to play something else. Its not worth it sticking with this game.
    Also twitch numbers don't matter for HYV. What matters is revenue from banner sales. And recent banners have been setting new record high banner sales. So as long as whales keep whaling, there is literally nothing that HYV needs to do 'fix' or 'improve' the game.

  12. I knew it was going to come to this. I remember back in the day tectone and envi use to get 25k+ viewer each. Also remember envi bragging about how he made almost half a million that year streaming genshin but it was after twitch payroll leak so he had no choice. Nowadays those dude barely streaming genshin and when they do the can’t break past 3k. Streaming genshin is like everything in life, you need to milk it while you can

  13. There's like 30 minutes worth of gameplay at most per day when there's no new areas or events, Genshin isn't a game that's built for streaming.

  14. All of genshin's problems comes down to a fundamental content design decision. In my opinion in an adventure game like genshin the gameplay would be most enjoyable if the combat is used as means of progressing through the story. If the story has combat integration between dialogues and exploration, and if the combat is demanding enough that it justifies grinding to make your means of combat strong, it gives the player fulfillment in both ways, story wise as well as combat wise.

    Currently, in genshin, the combat content and the story content are very separate entities, with spiral abyss being the only hardcore combat content, while the story content being just like a visual novel.

    Even with that approach the implementation is fundamentally flawed.

    The spiral abyss is nothing more than a DPS check with the only difficulty increase being in the form of increased enemy HP and not an increase in combat depth. So ultimately it boils down to making your units stronger, because the recipe for success is already known to it. Now, 80% of a units power is locked behind artifacts and the artifact system is littered with RNG on top of being time gated. So, you can see the combat is designed to be repetative and frustrating rather than fulfilling and enjoyable.

    Next coming to the story content. While I do enjoy the story content they put out and the dialogues and stuff, but what is pretty frustrating to me is that the actual plot of the game only forms a small portion of the story content. Considering the amount of lore that is there in the game scattered in bits and pieces, I think they have enough juice in their tanks to make longer (or may be more parts) and richer archon quests. The world quests provide is fine. But most of the character story quests serve as just an introduction to the unit and their abilities, and to justify their existence in the game, nothing much of consequence.

    Lastly comes the attitude of the developers. Most of the late game is about artifact grinding. Since it has both the elements of RNG and limit of the number of tries per day, it doesn't give you any sense of progress. You can be in stuck in the same place even after months of farming, which eventually becomes tiring at some point. The developers don't make any effort to improve it, because it buys them the time to present us more rubbish limited time events whose only attraction is the primos they give. The gacha requires primos, if you want to have more chances of artifact farming per day then also you require primos, and the limited time events and daily commission gives you primos. Sounds like a convinient plan to me to bring people back to play every day if they don't want to spend much money in the game. Also the developers care very little about the community opinion as long as the cash keeps coming in.

    Genshin probably will stay like this until competition comes to put a stranglehold on their cash inlet.

  15. (If you don't agree, read the last part)
    Who cares about where Genshin is, who cares about people who rush through the game in 2 weeks and then complaining: "OHUHUUH I HAVE NOTHING TO DO OH NO GENSHIN IS DEAD."
    Literally there fault. I feel like the only thing those people do are playing games in their dark holes. You can have fun irl too. I have enough to do for 5 weeks, and my current ingame situation forces me more or less to frequently play the game.

    Even my friend, (Played Genshin since day 1, he finished all commissions and every region is at 100% and still he's enjoying the game.)

    Just STOP complaining, that's useless and makes the situation worse. I know you want to make a difference, but is a bad mood a foundation?

    Beside that I clearly recommend to do the ingame surveys and to fill them en masse with a pre-selected opinion, Valk… That's something even you can do for the game.

  16. I’m not too surprised, then again I don’t regularly view live streams so I have no idea what good and bad numbers are. Then again I checked right now and the top genshin streamer has 3.5k viewers. Between ToF beta, elden ring, and genshin having obvious dry spells because it’s a play it for 1 hour a day type of game have led to viewer count declining.

  17. Cos even after players whined for like a year they still don't give us endgame content, of course this happened, silly devs just wanted a cash grab…that's why they refuse to take risks with content and release Mid tier units all the time for ppl to spend on

  18. If MiHoYo still in delusional thinking that they are still at their peak and do nothing to improve the game and keep being a cheap indie company although having that much profit, I think it is done

  19. I do love the game, but it really is sad to see the current state. I do not plan on leaving the game anytime soon because I am personally satisfied with the current state, but sadly, Genshin is not sustainable for content creators.

    Since Genshin doesn't have much to do at endgame and many content creators play the game for the combat and gameplay, they would not be able to keep both themselves and their audience happy.

    I think 2.6 has objectively been a great patch, with the story, characters, and events, but what made me enjoy 2.6 so much is something many people might find boring

  20. If only Genshin was not produced by Mihoyo. The potential the game had (has) is insane. In 1.0 I thought this might be the future… A game for 5-10 years just like they were stating in their story plans. With the money they earned, what could go wrong.

    In the end it's just a money grab. Mihoyo does not care about the players or the game state. They don"t fix the problems and leave us with approximately 2h of gameplay each patch… Coop still sucks and so on.

    I can only hope that somebody is copying their game but actually wants to improve it then. I wouldn't even be mad because Mihoyo clearly won't change. Maybe you get a few more hours of fun when they release every region in 10 years but if I look at the game right now I don't even know if Mihoyo themselves just leave the sinking ship sooner or later.

  21. Im not even playing for 8 months complete and i still want to delete this game since I don't have anything to do , beating up masanori with different team comps is become boring because i don't have that many characters built.
    There's no combat related endgame content and all Hoyoverse wants us to do in the delay time is cook food 🤦.
    They could have atleast given more resin to players during the extension (not like 1 fragile extra per week).
    Something like reduced domain resin cost or something which would have been better.
    If there was some competitor game then maybe this could have been imaginable but there none.
    I was hoping Tower of Fantasy to release but turns out they are not gonna release it globally till like October.
    If ToF would release right now in few days in im sure genshin playerbase would cut in half of what it is currently.

  22. The lack of new content in the game made me quit and try other games like arknights where there's fresh updates. I hope the situation there in China mitigates and hoyoverse surprises the playerbase with tons of content.

  23. You can have all the content you want, if you're going to do the same thing over and over again you'll still get bored. Genshin's problem is the fact that the endgame remained the same for a year and a half

    That being said, people don't realize how much time you need to develop a videogame. It's not like pushing a button on your PC like they think, it's complex. So, even if they're going to develop some new endgame content it will take a while

  24. I love Genshin, but I hope it dies soon so I can be fully free. I’m always gonna have hope they’ll improve the game. so, as long as it’s alive, i can’t help but to hope. But i’m tired of hoping. So just die already and permanently so my hopes will be gone forever without a speck left. Die, Genshin. Die.

  25. As I'm currently watching this video:
    1. Genshin: 10.5k viewers
    2. Lost Ark: 32.5k viewers
    Youtube channel:
    1. Genshin: 5m+
    2. Lost Ark: 100k+
    1. Genshin: Official English account created Dec. 2018 with 3.6m+ followers. Is currently trending with 55.1k tweets. Almost trends everyday with or without the Official Twitter account announcing anything.
    2.Lost Ark: Offical Lost Ark account created Aug. 2020 with 472.8k+ followers. I've never seen trend ever.
    Google Trends: Compared side by side Lost Ark has lost far more interest than Genshin over the past 90 days worldwide

  26. It makes sense since
    A. There isn’t a whole lotta variety in the content.
    B. You don’t wanna see the same problem you face , through another persons lens.

  27. Valk, what games are you playing, Im currently playing like 4 games, Shadow Of Colossus, Slime Rancher, Tribes of Midguard, The Forrest. Also any reccomendations are welcomed.


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