This Genshin Impact Update Will Save The Community | 4.5 LIVESTREAM REACTION

This patch is exactly what I want from Genshin Impact right now.

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This Genshin Impact Update Will Save It | 4.5 LIVESTREAM REACTION

#GenshinImpact #Genshin #MurderofBirds


42 thoughts on “This Genshin Impact Update Will Save The Community | 4.5 LIVESTREAM REACTION”

  1. annoying people are so angry about this I love it lmao
    I personally am happy we are getting a filler,I need to catch up with my studies before the wild ride that will start in 4.6 and not stop until end of Natlan's main quests

  2. With how much exploration content, story quests, lore reading I have accumulated over the 4.x patches. FINALLY I am going to be able to catch up. Not to mention we got a Mondstadt event. Which more often than not randomly drop clear or vague lore bombs.
    Also a slower patch now means they can use the time to develop better future updates, QOLs and story.

    edit: Regarding the character build guide thingy. I have been playing the game almost since launch and I can comfortably 36 star abyss by now and even as a veteran player I might just use this thing over going to youtube and watch guides. I have enough fundamental knowledge of how this game's mechanics work and I can also work out synergies between characters. The only thing I watched guides for a quick tldr on which Artifacts and weapons to use. Now the general playerbase will be giving me that statistical data.

  3. I love that Hoyo have a patch pattern and it's good. .0,.1 and .2 are region expansions and archon quest, .3 is filler with event, .4 is new area and Lantern Rite, .5 filler patch with event, .6 new area, .7 Dain/Twin content and .8 is summer event.

  4. The fact some are going ballistic over a filler oatch is funny cause filler patches are a gokd way to play catch up after doing the stuff in it. Plus it helps w/ burnout or prevent it by doing stuff in thenpatch and either passing time playing/doing something.

    While im skipping Chiori im interested what her quest will bring and also how this is a good opportunity for me to catch up on Genshin stuff i havent done yet. Heck gives me time to play, finish and/or beat other games in the meantime till 4.6 abd HSR 2.1.

  5. 4.5 being filler and 4.8 being summer means that probably 4.6 will have second SQ and Dain because that’s an interlude quest and 4.7 will have the harbringer interlude quest so Arle is hopefully playable.

    Also wolf’s gravestone come
    home to Diluc. Also if Egeria and Venti are cousins, then isn’t every Fontanian related to Venti? Man is rivaling Albedo with the family members

  6. Thankyou hoyo for making focus on elden ring dlc up until you drop the next archon quest for me to finish and most likely forget in about a week and leave up until another region comes out. truly a life saver👏

  7. >this title
    I swear to god this must be biggest satire and bait ever. Crazy Copium Optimistic content creators make me avoid videos like that like fire so I'm not risking watching it to see what's the truth haha.
    If you are serious then at this point Doro44 should lose his status of "always positive guy that sees positive stuff even while drowning in quicksand and bombs falling around left and right" and that title being given to you xD

  8. this patch is unironically so baad, like objectively really bad, a couple minigames, an ass character, and qol catered to people who downloaded the game yesterday, i mean really what are you doing here, even the new wish system i just a standard banner reskin that uses premium currency, it's crazy what exactly are you doing here

  9. Still a good filler episode- I mean patch. Good cuz I haven’t finished exploring Fontaine or Liyue yet, and I gotta catch up on Penacony. 😅 But I’m extremely torn Itto’s rerunning cuz I got Kazuha sitting at C5…. It’s now or never! That himbo oni better come home 😭

  10. Im glad this is a filler patch, maybe I can finally get back to my remaining Hangouts (or other games entirely), though if there's anything Im disappointed about, it's that we only got one Hangout, I feel like there's still plenty of 4stars that could use some.

  11. YAAAYYY i couldn't watch the livestream so i just decided to wait until u uploaded so i could watch it with you!!! always more fun to see ur reaction to it. SO EXCITEDDD

  12. i take my time nowadays first 2 n half years of playing i was playing so hard to finish all in few days or weeks, and get the 100% exploration everywhere. Now im not even done with the first parts of fountaine more goodies for me

  13. Im kinda good with this patch being a filler since i still have a shit ton of things to do and i won‘t feel too stressed about catching up, but also seems like 4.6 will be HEAVY.
    And i can finally get Albedo, holy shit!!

  14. THANK YOU again for having a discussion about the possible reasons why it could take them a long time to have things changed in game in your VOD. there's always going to be players that resort to "lazy devs" "they have loads of money, they should be able to fix things fast" etc that have no clue that coding is not that easy for some features (the amount of times i've seen people assume coding is as easy as just "copy and pasting" from one game to another).

    and like you said, even if they did communicate their difficulties with getting certain things changed in game, lot of players are going to ignore it anyways because they don't care to understand and they'll brush off reasonable logic as to why that might be the case as "excuses"

  15. I feel like we’re not gonna get any news about Natlan. If I remember correctly, Natlan is a very closed nation kinda like Inazuma so I feel like we won’t get to much info on Natlan


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