Genshin Impact's Biggest Defender Reviewed Wuthering Waves

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My Honest First Impressions Of Wuthering Waves

Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast


42 thoughts on “Genshin Impact's Biggest Defender Reviewed Wuthering Waves”

  1. bro i play HSR on high graphics with 0 issues. i literally have everything turned down in WuWa besides FPS and its so ass. but on my iPhone its smoother than butter. like questionably good, so i am the confused why my pc cant handle the game. it feels like its constantly having to load and render everything around it. might be a graphics card related issue so not everyone is experiencing the same thing.

  2. Nah, the issue with performance in the game isn't because of potato devices. I literally play cyberpunk in the highest of settings and a crapton of mods (aside from RTX) with no issues, and I even lower the WUWA's graphics settings to the lowest, I still get similar performance issues as when I play it completely maxed.

  3. So to clairify the cap is the enhanced echo drop per week so instead of the up to 20% chance at higher data bank level, you get a much higher chance for higher rated echoes. For example at data bank 20, you get 20% base chance for an echo to drop but the enhanced echo drop is 80% chance of farming a Legendary elite echo or an Overlord echo. The cap is 15 per week after that it goes back to its base chance of 20%

  4. I think the biggest pro to Genshin's story over WuWa is that it's less carried by the story and storytelling, and moreso by the lore. Your quickly find out there are seven elements, each with their own god, and they give elemental powers to those who deserve it. Your only goal is to find your sibling who is taken by an even bigger god up in the heavens, so you have to meet the gods of each nation to find someone who can help. Then there's this underlying mystery about the abyss, and you soon quickly find out your sibling is a part of it.

    The premise is simple, the goal is simple, and mystery is simple. Then what about WuWa? The most simple thing in the story so far is that each nation has a Sentinel (dragon) but you still don't know what that means at all. You have no clear goal aside from to find out who you are (which is a very basic premise, and completely inconsequential). Then there's these ideas about resonances and tacit fields, which are both too complicated, and too generic of an idea for post-apocalyptic sci-fi stories.

    You're just easily more intrigued by the simple lore of Genshin and therefore easier to get invested in to. You wonder why they have chess pieces that they use to connect to Celestia, you realize your sibliing has already done the same journey as you. You realize that gods have their own entourages that are a pretty cool and intriguing set of cast by themselves (the Traveling Grandmaster of the KoFavonius, the adepti, Raiden's sister and the japanese mythical creatures, etc.).

    HSR too, their elements may mean less, but the Paths that characters take and the Aeons they worship are pretty interesting concepts by themselves. What about WuWa? Absolutely nothing interesting about the characters aside from their status in the world and just as characters themselves. You have little incentive to understand them if not just for their design and story relevance.

    Not that it diminishes the value of the game by any means, in fact almost every other game and story is done exactly like it, but if you're going to compare it to Hoyo's lore-building and characters, they are far above and have honed/ perfected the formula in how they create them, which WuWa sadly failed to replicate.

  5. Wuthering waves is young game and beating the ass of Genshin. Wuthering wave is for mature audience. Dont know how I stoped playing genshin and stuck in wuthering waves for hours. I had stoped playing genshin said bye to the welkin moon pass. But still happy playing wuva no regrets ❀. Nice video bro!!

  6. You know what, there's one song that I love in WuWa, try spending a few minutes standing in Mourning Aix Tactical Hologram.

    That song gave me the Frieren vibe, that song "Where the blue moon weeds grows."

  7. So funny hearing Doro talk about how mobile black screens and crashes constantly, while I'm playing mobile perfectly fine with the video in the background. Honestly haven't had any issues with the mobile performance so far, especially compared to Genshin, where my hands feel like they're on fire playing anything above medium graphics w/ 30fps.
    I understand everyone's experience is different, but I really don't think the performance issues are as widespread as some people make it out to be, to where it's completely unplayable on mobile. Honestly, the only issues I have with mobile is controlling the game, but the fact that the game was designed for PC isn't really a downside in my eyes, as it means we get way more intuitive and involved gameplay systems that we wouldn't have if Kuro tried to make the PC and mobile experience identical (cough cough, genshin impact).

  8. 22:06 I play the game on a fairly powerful laptop, with a ryzen 7 and a RTX 3060, the game was on max settings by default, and even if i have more than enough hardware to run it on max, it still had issues with details and performance, occasionally it stutter, rather than lag, and those stutters can be more aggressive while in combat, but outside of combat it barely stutters.

    The models of almost every NPC i seen is lacking in details to the point of being low poly, and certain areas/objects on the map don't render beyond their minimum details, i first saw this when i revisited the starting area for a chest i knew was there. Nothing even the chest itself ever increased in details.

  9. 16:27 yk what? Ill lose my 50/50 on this one INTENTIONALLY BTW( i already lost lmao) AND get yinlyn as my sub dps ch so my 2nd team will contain mortefi yangyang or jinyan and another main dps so its a win win

  10. i've been playing wuwa since the first day. i got every 5 stars on my account by luck by only 30 pulls and jiyan sign by 5 pull. BUT STILL.
    what make me dissapointed is that you cant upgrade echo using another echo, we can only use tube to upgrade our echo. with 60 WP used for Tacet Field, THATS NOT WORTH, even for lvl 20 data bank. it is just way TOO EXPENSIVE. even for 20 WP still not worth.

    imagine you played genshin, you have to look for your artifact on the whole map, but you still need to do domain with 40 resin to upgrade your artifact.

    i dont know, it feels like deal breaker for me. unless Kuro can make echo can be food for another echo and they remove the tuning system.

  11. Hey Tecy I have a 1700€ (at the time i bought it) pc with a 3070 and it runs fine most of the time but it definitely stutters and isn"t smooth sometimes, and it's the same for phone, I have the second best android cpu and it's the same, it's an optimisation problem not a hardware problem

  12. I don't think Doro is biggest Hoyo defender and what he said about 4.7 is facts is you not just a genshin hater, it's best update in long time, terms of content and potentially story-wise and teasers (i don't mean it's best update ever because it's not comparable with .0 new region update, i mean 0.1+ updates).And he give real honest review and not so much with copium and glazing with Tec (and i support him for critisize Gensh, just not hating likein this days). And he just like that, he is not toxic positive to me, he feel natural, just his mood like that. W for him.

  13. Coolest thing in 1.0 Genshin dragon fight. Coolest thing in Wuthering waves reliving the worst moment in human history and trying to save the world. Not even a comparison lol.

  14. bro tectone, my fucking 1200 pound pc tried running this game on max graphics and it was STRUGGLING. keep in mind my computer can run genshin on max graphics hsr and hi3 at the same time WITH NO LAG
    to make it even worse, the npcs textures werent even loading, the floor was glitching and my game crashed saying "fatal error" the first few hours of the game. only after did the lag get 100x better

  15. My main game is Nikke so hearing people say β€œno gacha game has a good story in the beginning” I’m just like can’t relate!

    The issue with the story and VA (YangYang and Rover) really needs to get ironed out. I’m finally in act 6 and it’s good now but that was fucking rough, man.

  16. I hope fans of the respective games stop dunking on each other. I like and play both Genshin and WuWa and I'm tired of the bickering lol. More games is good. Competitions is good. Happy gaming everyone!

  17. The fact that problems didn't happen to you specifically doesn't mean Doro's sentence is automatically false.. I for one was extremely excited for this game but was literally so disappointed by the amount of lag, the absolute deal breaker for me was when the game got stuck in combat mode and literally REFUSES to get out or move the camera anywhere so I actually CAN'T play it I tried literally everything.. So maybe listen to people's problems before automatically dismissing anything that didn't happen to you as false


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