Fontaine finally brought POWERCREEP to Genshin Impact

Although it might not be QUITE what you think…

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The outro song is the theme for “All Sense Clear All Existence Void” version trailer!

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#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #fontaine #genshinguide #spiralabyss #showcase #genshin #guide #instructional

0:00 Introduction
0:48 Defining Powercreep
1:43 What units have powercrept?
4:50 The REAL powercreep of Fontaine
11:59 What does it mean for you and building your account?
15:32 The potential big problem of powercreep
17:25 What to do to be “resistant” to powercreep


35 thoughts on “Fontaine finally brought POWERCREEP to Genshin Impact”

  1. One thing I forgot to mention is people might think hyperbloom powercrept things. And I do think it’s a factor. In fact I made a whole video on it here. I think you could say it powecrept the floor, rather than the ceiling, and brought a lot of worse units up. Similar to what I said about Furina except Furina also powercreep ceiling lol. Hyperbloom video here: 5 Reasons Why Hyperbloom Is Evil (and 5 reasons it's your savior)

  2. I recently came back (after roughly 2 years), and while I could 36 star abyss no problem every single time before I left, I could barely 27 star (usually 26) abyss now with the same units I had before. After 2 months of trying to bring my account up to speed, I still can't 36 star it yet. After that, anytime I heard "GI doesn't have power creep" I just rolled my eyes. Imo it's not the matter of being a delusional fanboy, it's a case of "frog slowly boiling in the water", so there was no point in even discussing it, because the playerbase was stewing in slow powercreep over time, that they just failed to notice it. The powercreep must have been gently increasing overtime, and if you're playing regularly, you don't notice it from patch to patch. It only becomes apparent when you take a long break.
    Also, I was in shock about stage 4 of current event. The part that requires water reactions. For the first time I was punished for not having units. The only water dps I have is Barbara (yes, I'm being facetious), and even using Furina, Qingqiu, and Barbara on that stage I got 5500 at the most (and I retried it so many times, and yeah, the Barbara teams actually yielded the best results). I don't have anyone else. Yelan didn't get her rerun yet. I didn't have resources or luck (I pulled a couple of times) to get Ayato, I started playing after Nouvillete went away, so I don't have him, I don't have Kokomi, etc, you get the point, and because of that I can't get max rewards on the easiest difficulty for the first time in forever. Anyone who claims after this that Genshin is for casuals, and "you can beat it with any units" will make me roll my eyes as well, because it's no longer the case.

  3. A lot of people don't mention that Lyney not only powercrept Klee, but Ganyu and Tighnari as well, like his charge attacks are much stronger than both of those characters it's insane

  4. At the end of the video that shows why we have no good endgame. While more and more of us want more difficult endgame, this guy (and a lot of other casuals) are worried that it’d be too hard. So what? Let power creep in, at least that’s an incentive to build newer characters, instead of hyperblooming every single abyss with 0 investment

  5. I wonder if the crazy buffing of hydro characters is because of how close we are to Snezhnaya and a bunch of characters who will just slap hydro. In Snezhnaya, you'll basically be running with pyro and electro teams 90% of the time so the focus on overload makes complete sense.

  6. Tbh, I don't really care or bother with powercreep at all because I'm a kaeya main who uses dps Barbara and kaveh. I have like four five favourite characters who i wish to pull (the only reason why I even play which include, alhaitham, cyno, scaramouche and nilou) (this would turn my account into dps only but oh well.) I am not even going to attempt the abyss but I will admit it, my lvl 60 navia (who i pulled on accident) with bad artifacts and talent lvl 4 does like 30k-40k without any buffs (i literally run her with lisa, kuki and xiangling) and once even hit 70k with max stacks and does not go lower than 1000. So yeah, i see it but man I ll just continue pulling once i like. (Oh btw dps lisa overload with kuki, xiangling and chevvy is lowkey doing good ngl)

  7. I think hoyo Is gonna make all the Fontaine characters broken and make natlan character meh or mid ( maybe they are racist like dehya). This is important because they can balance the characters like hi 3rd

  8. I'm so happy with my C1R1 Neuvillette, and none of my other characters can hold a candle him, especially since he's the only character I have used a crown on, and he has made clear times on the Abyss side I use him on give me enough breathing room to make 36 staring the Abyss with my other characters feel more feasible. Best I've done is 35 stars with only 15 seconds keeping me from my last star, but before that, I struggled to get to floor 12, let alone with full stars.

  9. To make a really lowkey argument, the abyss enemies or the abyss cycle kinda matters too. Like you can easily clear the abyss with a team of keqing, dendro mc , yaoyao and lisa if there are enemies like that green chicken king thingy (yes, any other electro hyper carry team like ones with raiden will oblirate that thing) but there is an argument that can be made (Im coping.) You can clear the abyss with any units but some units require a lot of investment. Like a navia crystallise team or nahida hyperbloom team requires less investment than freeze teams and these teams get better with higher investment. But man in the end, all this powercreep stiff only ever matters if you wish to 36 star the abyss.

  10. I think that with Neuvillette, because of what he is, they wanted to give him Archon level power but without archon level versatility. Every archon is supposed to have DPS, Sub dps and support elements, so for him they condensed him down to just a DPS but made him a crazy good one.

  11. the only powercreeping here is neuvillete. No one else really did much powercreeping imo. Like Lyney is restrictive, Navia has the worst range, Furina doesnt have enough good team healers. Im trynna keep it real

  12. a month ago i made the descision to take my f2p accounts neuvilette (who does have his signature) and just remove his signature because back then i was still planning on pulling him on my main as well so having played him on my f2p with his signature will leave a bad taste in my mouth when the best my main can do is r1 lost prayers. he was still balling but it was more of a challenge. nowdays im most likely skipping him for my main unless hes the only way to get lynette constellations aside of lyney banner so he is back on the blue book.

    even on r1 pamber he transformed my f2p account soo hard the last time a unit did that was alhaitham and they might be almost in the same ballpark. my triple crowned itto/scara dont even hold a candle to those 2 where it feels like a throw to not play neuv 1 side haitham on the other and that is with neuv on the craftable ball and haitham on alley flash or some other 4* sword vs scara/itto with bennett on skyward blade, c6 faruzan/gorou and a 5* weapon on scara with the rubix cube

    while the only team my main has that rivals nauvilette hyper in dps and ease of use is nilou bloom

  13. The biggest reason for power creep in Genshin is often a misunderstanding, and lack of knowledge of certain units/ roles from the community as a whole. Of course Sovereigns, Archons, and Harbingers, and Hexenzirkels are going to be powerful. Not only from a story standpoint, but it also helps for marketing. Next you know people are going to cry that Arlecchino is power creeping pyro units. But guess what, SHE'S A LITERAL HARBINGER. I'm sorry, but the stupidity is out of control here. It's like crying that Chevreuse makes Kazuha and Benny useless, but giving no context. Or complaining that poor Sigewinne is going to power creep poor Barbara, Kokomi, or even Xingqiu. But you know what, she will never even hold a flame to Furina or Neuvillette.

    Power creep doesn't exist in the game dude. Just people that misunderstand the game. Even Dehya can be powerful when you use her properly.

  14. for me Neuvi is the only character feels too op , he has no downside at all ,lyney need to be in full pyro team, navia need a geo pair and crystalize mechanic, furina is strong but she needs team wide healer but neuvi can just solo which is i dont like , if he is cryo do this beam of death, it wouldn't be this bad the fact is he is hydro and doing sooo much damage make me feel like why im building other characters, he is practically good on any sort of domain and with elemental checks you cant restrict hydro so much because its really important element. He never require a team to shine even though it feels that way. I love the team building and still relevance of the old characters that what I love about the game . There is no pvp but the fact some one can beat your DPS output with a one single character makes the game boring and makes you wonder why to build any other characters. They should have made him to required a healer or to be in a mono hydro team like a team player not like he is the whole team . I will stop ranting

  15. about constellation investment and banner sales: Mihoyo is fully aware of it that if a very powerfull constellation is early avaible it leads to more pulls. A prime example is Furina where in the beta her C6 got swapped with her C2.

  16. It's really not that deep. Mihoyo is finding new ways to play characters, and that results in both really good and not so good units.

    If they really wanted to make you feel like you needed better characters they'd spike the difficulty, which ironically a lot of players are begging for.

  17. Mihoyo went too way far with neuvilete. I feel like dumbass trying to build my xiao that requires c6 4star to work properly and he is still powercrept by character that not only deals higher damage but is much easier to play and build around. If someone wants play meta there is no reason to pull any other dps than neuvilete. Its the case for every old dps. Klee, eula, ganyu, ayaka etc. The power gap is so huge between them and neuve. Kinda sad.

  18. Building characters not an issue for me bcs I started playing right after Yelan and Eula rerun and how many years until next ? 😂 And now they even deleyed Shenhe rerun but relising her skin – it's just don't make sense. How many time my Rosaria will be Shenheless? 🙃

  19. i understand the misunderstanding… 😀
    So i will explain here what i think people are not getting…
    Power creep in Genshin can never exist as things are now, i have no idea about the future , but power creep is supposed to be a thing and make sense..
    when a game has competition, OR when the content gets MUCH harder all of a sudden because of those "stronger" characters.
    So the connotation power creep is usually seen negatively.
    In Genshin case tho… Power creep has ZERO impact on other people's game play, or in the game as a whole, not even one little bit.
    At best in fact, powerful characters like neuvillette only help people that had maybe a weak account being able to clear content they couldn't before.
    No ranking and no Pvp.. who is going to suffer from a power creep? only idiots. because when you can still clear NO PROBLEM abyss 36 stars with Diluc you understand that "genshin power creep" has Absolutely ZERO impact on the game experience.

  20. Maybe I'm a bit deafened to it since my primary enjoyment outside of story is to build and try new units out, but I don't really see a huge problem with it. I struggle with saying genshin has a "meta" since the game has no pvp aspect. Knowing that units are not matchup dependent means we need to assume the hardest available content and determine if only certain tiers of units are capable of completing it. Since player can in fact 36* abyss with only the f2p characters, no 5* weapons, little or no constellations, this informs us that any perceived damage output capabilities beyond the f2p stuff are ultimately not needed and their increased output is just a QOL thing.

    I'm definitely not trying to tell people not to pull for characters, nor am I saying certain characters don't provide more for the player, but I am saying content is currently not gatekeeping players with older/ lesser units.

  21. If anyone say this is inevitable, then No it is not, it is unacceptable. Now powercreep only make sense if we have content harder, needing more damage to justify it. But for a game that has 0 combat content update for 4 years straight, it is unacceptable to even Have powercreep. And neuvi is not just the first powercreep, it has been here since dendro. Again, if you say it is for new player to get into the game , sure, then what's the point of even build ANY character up ? Just go for dendro and call it a day, and because of dendro they now have to level up the dps damage higher to compete with a broken ass element. Going back to my first point, it is completely unacceptable, that a billion dollar company that doesn't know wtf they're doing with their game, making powercreep in a game that has no content to back it up, it's pathetic.

  22. I will never invest in constellations and broken weapons because that would make the powercreep even higher and I want to play different characters. I don't want to be locked on playing just one character when this is a game about so many different ones.

  23. Hi Jello, have you considered making a different account this time with constellation on characters? I think you should always have the access and the "normal" perspective of the F2P when building and testing characters throughout the game that way you could activate constellations on your favorites as well and didn't had to spend that much on the "normal" account.

  24. Honestly I thought that genshin did not have real powercreep until Furina and Neuvillette. Sure Lyney is very good but being quite vulnerable balanced it out a bit, Nahida was good as hell yes but since she was not a dps she mostly felt like a very good buffer. Then I got r1 c0Neuvillette and Furina (c0 with a f2p weapon), every combat event that is not immune to hydro can be speedrun, every boss can be speedrun etc etc. I have a hyperfixations of fighting raiden in coop, and it became very boring when Yelan Neuvillette and Furina appeared. Since they are hyped character and hydro, players love them and even f2p go for the weapon and low constellations for them. And as you said, they feel like c6 chara at dolphin investment. Even tho I love them, playing them feels like a very easy mode for genshin. I’m the kind to want to hyper invest for my favourite characters (going for c6 Zhongli), but I’ll not go for Neuvillette constellations, what is the fun of you are killing every enemy in 10s without having to dodge, healing yourself easily by just playing one character ? I really do hope characters like them will not be too common. Meta characters are cool don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want to nerf myself just because the characters is just too good even at c0 lol


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