Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!
Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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Some players: It's Q!
Other players: It's Elemental Burst!
Me: Ult
6:30 isn’t yoimiya lactose intolerant??
her: he's probably thinking about other girls
Him: if keqings name is keqing doesnt that mean unlimited mora?
zhongli: Screw u childe
2.5 was shit but no as bad as 2.2
Traveler : Mixing a new drink in the tavern
Venti : One glass for the bard please~
Traveler : "I can't use alcohol, vent-"
Venti : hehe, think you can get away? Destroys Tavern
Diluc 👁️👄👁️
🀄I can wait to watch your 500#🀄
6:18 Xiao "Doesn't eat Ice Cream" ? Bruh, he literally it snow "When it's thick enough". I think he eat Ice Cream 🙂
Ayaka: Hm. The traveller looks tired opening chests..
Traveller: Ayaka.
Ayaka: Yes traveller?
Traveller: I’m tired opening chests how about I open your legs instead?
damn Ayaka is so smooooth flirting with aether
You are sad you lost 50/50 to Qiqi
I am sad because I need Qiqi to replace Brabara at ar45 and keep losing to Keqing
We're not the same
6:01 traumatize timmie
Jellyfish: Traveller need you help
Kokomi: Not now… Im sleeping….
JellyFish: He's actually drowning because "Out of stamina"
Kokomi: !!!!!
Tabbito: walk to do a quest and pass a hillicurl
Tabbito: So, you have chosen DEATH
POV: your friend is a 12k main damage yanfei main
👀 "So you're playing Genshin the wrong way." 😆 Killed me right at the beginning 😆😆😆
3:42 Didn't mind picking up Qiqi, but I kind of wished I had gotten her on an Acquaint roll instead of the Intertwined roll. Still got Ei, so it is fine.
5:02 Dear Archons…I hate those things.
Losing 50/50 to qiqi is fine, but to jean's weapon is worse.
— Me, a player unluckier that bennet
Raiden: can't crit?
Kokomi : can't cook?
Inazuma: civil war