Fisherman Eula and Raiden vs Spiral Abyss 2.2 (Genshin Impact)

I gave Eula R3 “Luxurious Sea Lord” instead of R5 and Raiden “The Catch”. Can they even beat Spiral Abyss 2.2 with those weapons?

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Builds are achievable (replace Luxurious Sea Lord with another claymore if don’t have it). Cons are C0.

#Eula #Genshinimpact #Genshin


50 thoughts on “Fisherman Eula and Raiden vs Spiral Abyss 2.2 (Genshin Impact)”

  1. I missed her initial run and when i heard she was having a rerun i was iffy cus daddy arataki was next then i 10 pulled for fun and i got her lmao she is actually soooo fun to play so far no regrets ✊🏼

  2. Wow I'm impressed how you made it, no heal dodge and still do enough damage. You inspired me to put Amber and Eula in the same team! I got full stars with Raiden Amber Bennet Eula after many attempt on team 1 .

  3. Ngl That was one of of the most exciting and dramatic endings I have seen in a Genshin video. One character dying after another, time running out and finishing the enemy on low health with the last Ult. Very Cinematic haha.

  4. One thing I like about eulas burst or rather the npcs is, enemies with iframes and teleportation moves, they think the damage is coming when eula is in her burst animation so they teleport or use their iframes. When really the burst is being charged up, then boom. They played themselves. Atleast that's how I think they're programmed from what I've seen. I know they don't coincidentally teleport when I'm using my burst skill 😑

  5. Man, that was freaking awesome. What you did in 12-3 was a pro-gamer move.
    Also, this shot was very sick as well: 7:58 , oh my god.
    Your gameplay is so smooth you make some hard to control characters seems easy to use and synergize with each other. And KuroRaven is super fun. 🤗
    I felt this entire video. 😎👍

  6. You can get one more stack for Eula's burst if you wait for her mini sword from her hold skill to explode before attacking again! There's a short internal cooldown between each stack gathered so if an auto attack and the explosion hit at the same time only one of them counts.

  7. i want eula ( i got her weapon first banner but not her ( didnt pull any 5 stars)) but imma skip her because i wanted itto when he was announced and i had no idea eula was coming back so early so im building pity for his weapon. Yes i know weapon banner is a scam i learned that the hard way (got two moonglow back to back and im poor so no jade cutter) but since its gonna be the main weapon and not the second one i dont see myself losing.


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