Genshin Impact Tier List (March 2021)

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39 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Tier List (March 2021)”

  1. Invest Beidou. C2, GWS and her ult is one of the most damaging ULTs across ALL characters against 2 opponents (current Abyss), no joke. To make ULT spam off of a cooldown put Fischl in the comp give Beidou +140 ER make 2 perfect counters and you're set. Clear floor 12 in under a minute. INVEST BEIDOU if you got her at C2.

  2. I dont agree completly with you 🙂 I use Chongyun as my Main DPS with Zhongli/Albedo sub +1 situnational even if i have almost max Const Razor, c0 Diluc or hutao. I still leveling all Characters (most are 70-80 already) but still i like chongyun baseattack. It just feels right

  3. Another tier list that judge mostly on burst damage. ok. Once upon a time Bennett and Xq were B and C tier. Now they're apparently irreplaceable. Plz stop making tier lists without considering aoe and single target dmg factors. Honestly not just for this specific yT channel. Its really annoying seeing aoe characters like Childe and Beidou compared to more single target focused characters.

  4. Well tbh electro definitely is lackluster.. otherwise if Geo didn't get buffed they would be lower than electro.
    True got QiQI leveled her up and tbh she's not worth.. anything. at least buff her to get energy every E spin 😐 … or E reset after Burst
    also qiqi and barbara should be built with Maiden's always specially if you're f2p. they aren't worth using as dps or sub dps. might as well boost up what they are good at to begin with. XD people who believes QiQI and Barbara as main dps even though those are just memes. RIP

    and for Beidou and all electro. yep true electro element sucks. but for those saying Beidou sucks you could finish floor 12 – 3 -1 with her within seconds. XD .. given that her Burst is broken only if there are more than 1 enemy LOL

  5. No Electro in Tier 0 or Tier 1, and people say that Electro is fine and dont need a rework/buff? Even 5 stars electro is tier 2. Please dont say electro dont need a buff/rework, I want to see Keqing great again.

  6. Me with bad main team compotition
    (Anemo MC, beidou, barb, amber) saw this tier list: "Thats true"

    I really apreciate how much "Honesty and open-minded" this tier list was. But, for the people that not meta chaser, do what you want, you can life with that

  7. I beat the game with no five stars then I finally pulled one and it was a damn qiqi…

    -Dont worry tho I re rolled and pulled keqing and qiqi same summon then a Venti 😀

  8. i feel like with electro characters like fischl, razor, beidou, keqing, they seem weak in endgame (because electro is sadly a weak element in general) but for pre and mid game players, they're really helpful
    i got razor early on and i remember him one shotting everything

  9. If only I have sac sword, i would have built my Xinqiu any moment now, but sadly out of all the sacrificial weapon set, sac sword is the only one i am still missing

  10. Kinda sad beidou is in the lowest tier, but i do admit she's clunky to use, plus she's electro. But, i love her intact with her flaws, and up to this day i still have electro as my most favourite element of all. Having electro or beidou buffed would be nice, but to me, it having them buffed kinda erased the "special"-ness of maining beidou and electro. It gives me a little bit of a pride when i can clear the game with weak characters and weak elements.

  11. noel needs to be on t1 it is insane how much dmg her shield can absorb and how she can full heal a 24k hp keqing in 3 hits without her ulti..
    once again… unecessary lack of love for Noelle.. she is the queen of supports
    and u put her up with ningguang and you got a solid power house combo


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