[4.4] Why do Adepti have visions?! – A Genshin Impact Theory

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It has always bothered me that Xiao had a vision when he didn’t need one. I figured it must be some kinda Celestia “Chosen One” shenanigans… but then Cloud Retainer – I mean Xianyun – released and the pieces started to snap into place. This video contains my investigation into Adepti, Visions, and what it means to consume a deity.

0:00 Introduction
01:26 What is an “Adeptus?”
06:34 Cultivation
10:24 Cores
19:35 Visions

– Baizhu Story Quest 1
– Xianyun Story Quest 1
– 2024 Lantern Rite
– Ancient Colors
– Chapter 4 Act 5
– Chenyu Vale Blessings of Sunken Jade
– A Wangshan Walk to Remember

Visions are Dragon Pearls: https://youtu.be/JWTQqI7tOd8
True Nature of Visions and the Gnoses: https://youtu.be/7eSm5azgxU4


Footage of Zhongli with Starsplinter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZGP9-Tn9GE


27 thoughts on “[4.4] Why do Adepti have visions?! – A Genshin Impact Theory”


    – There seems to be some confusion about whether Elynas is a dragon or not. While he is never explicitly called a dragon in English, his bones and heart are too similar to Durin to ignore. In the Lone Phantom Sail quest he's called a BEAST in English, but a LEVIATHAN (海兽的) in Chinese. If Neuvillette is also a Leviathan and a dragon, then the same is true of Elynas.

  2. As a bonus to your bit on Delusions, I recall that Diluc had the Delusion that his father left behind and used it against the Fatui. I'm not sure if it was ever mentioned that he experienced side effects from it, but he managed to campaign against the Fatui for so long before he got his Vision. Just a thought.

  3. …………..the timing of this video, and my fledgling interest in Wuxia media all of a sudden is such a strange coincidence, but you’ve suddenly explained so much context I did not understand from completely different media I was consuming. The hive mind is hiving lmaoo

  4. I'm curious if we'll end up encountering any humans that have gained the ability to manipulate elemental energy without ever getting a Vision. The reigning sentiment among the people of Teyvat is that humans need a Vision to do it, but that has always struck me as odd.

    We've seen humans using other forms of magic that don't seem to be based on elemental energy, like the Onmyoudou magic introduced in the Labyrinth Warriors event from 2.2. Kamuna Harunosuke, the guy who created Shiki Taishou and the Mystic Onmyou Chamber, was from a whole clan of onmyouji, and trained with both the Tengu clan and the Liyue Adepti to improve his Onmyou techniques. Who's to say humans can't train to naturally harness elemental energy?

    We already know that this is the kind of universe where a person can simply train to become incredibly strong and fast. We see it with the Traveler and Vision users, sure, but there's no evidence that they're using elemental energy to move the way they do. And now there's the Local Legend, Rocky Avildsen, who can send Vision users packing with just his fists and the shockwaves they create.

    Perhaps it's possible to train to manipulate elemental energy, or there are ways to artificially implant the ability that doesn't have the negative side effects of Delusions or the elemental spirits used by the Eremites. Especially if your theory that the humans of Teyvat (especially of Khaenri'ah) are a sort of larval form of dragons, which are naturally elementally sensitive.

  5. I just want to add one thing.. something which i realised. In Zhongli's voice line about Xiao.. he asks traveller to give some sort of medicine to xiao and specifically asks to look out for Paimon, so she doesn't consume it because, read it for yourself:

    "You speak of the young adeptus of Guili Plains… sigh Still fulfilling his duty to this very day. Please give this Remedium Tertiorum to him on my behalf. Oh, yes… be sure not to let Paimon eat them. Nothing of this world can withstand the power of this medicine"

    What's does it means when he says "nothing of this world".. does this mean the adepti are not from this world? Moreover.. Paimon is from this world?!… What ..?!

  6. There is a note in the Tower of Ipsissimus written by Rene or Narzissenkreuz or Jacob said that Khaenri'ah people got the phase of Alchemy in a wrong way. The Rubedo is also the final goal of Alchemy in Teyvat, however, Khaenri'ah people viewed 'gold' more important than 'the philosopher's stone'(red).

    "…"Red" is the foundational principle, the philosopher's stone, while "yellow" represents gold and mortal temptation. Yellow is simply bait. Red is the final goal. However, Khaenri'ah would likely seek the truth for gold's sake before turning that truth into a bread production pipeline…"

  7. My version of explaining adeptus:

    Adeptus are Elemental beings followers of a certain liyue faction

    Adeptus, just like any other elemental being, can be born or created

    Just like how crystalflies can be born out of pure elmental powers, adepti can be formed expontaneously from concentrated elemental power

    Created adeptus are non elemental creatures or low elemental affinity creatures that through elemental training (be it natural with just force of will or artificial with alchemy and other such options) can become more pure elemental creatures, examples of non-adepti that go through this process is signora or hilichurls

    This would mean yokai are technically inazuman adeptus

  8. I assume it's going to be your main point, but in advance:
    I mean, has it ever been said that adepti have elemental powers?
    They aren't human, but they also don't seem to be elemental descendants.
    They use "adpetal energy" to cast spells/"arts" and we know spells can be cast with many types of energy, like Mona/Lisa.

  9. And I WISH, I WISH that Jeht will receive her vision and become playable has her story upgraded from world to become part of the archon one. Remember there is one girl that receive her vision in Sumeru after been nurtured in a cocoon by an Aranara. If she could do it, so does Jeht. And please please let us meet her in Natlan hehe.


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