Genshin Impact Skin Color Controversy

another day, another genshin imapct drama. after xinyan and kaeya whitewashing, sumeru leaked character, now genshin impact …


50 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Skin Color Controversy”

  1. Ive seen the girl who cosplayed Yun Jin kinda often in a GI official fb group. I remember when she first cosplayed Keqing or is it Ganyu(?). Yes theres a lot of rude comments, but thankfully it all turned out good now thanks to the admins.

  2. Honestly, it's like they're saying people of color can't cosplay characters they love unless the characters themselves are people of color 🙄🙄
    Edit: and I bet they're the same people who talk about how cosplay is diverse and that they're open to everyone when they're the main ones trying to start shit with black cosplayers for nothing.

  3. Why does it matter what skin color cosplayers have? Everyone that cosplays just wants to have fun, yet the genshin community can’t handle that? “oH nO tHe cHarActEr dOesN’T lOoK tHe sAmE!1!!1!” Even when a white person cosplays a character they won’t look exactly the same since nobody can just turn into pixels. Go cry to your parents who failed to raise you, you little bitch.

  4. yeah cosplay has not only this controversy but also weight height and even handmade ones. people nowadays just complain about everything while cosplay in itself was born to have fun while interpreting your fav character no matter your race, gender, height, weight or anything you have as cosplay costume or prop but lately it's only just a competition and it's sad, I still cosplay for fun and whoever doesn't like it can just Fo… Just want to say to every cosplayer, do like me, cosplay for your fun,not the fun of others or theyr admiration

  5. Answer is to stop judging heavily based on race.
    1) People are allowed to cosplay as they want. Don't be mean. Also if someone doesn't like a cosplay (which in some cases should be kept to yourself), it doesn't make them racist just because they're another race.
    2) Stop putting too much emphasis on the race of characters in media. Making it something of high importance makes it something to judge over.

    As for reddit moderators, I don't find them to be MVPs. I find them to be sweaty people who try to enforce their ideals and silence others. If someone is being slightly rude, the answer is to ideally politely tell them why you disagree. We should have healthy discourse. Extreme judgement is just going to push people further away from your opinion. Reddit and other sites try to remove this.

    Tl;DR: Just chill.

  6. Anyone should cosplay as whoever they want! Cosplaying just means "dressing up as a character" and basically you don't have to look exactly the same. And God created us like that so we can't just change our skin color and face let them cosplay as whoever they want!

  7. I agree that sumeru should have tons more darker skinned characters. Its a swana based region, there has to be more tan characters. Also, skin color isnt something you can control at all.

  8. I can't belive some of these people. Yes I agree to add diversity of skin color into the game, but that might lead to a bigger problem. People might say " Oh you can't cosplay (insert white charactor here) You're black, you need to cosplay (insert black skinned charactor here) instead. " and vice versa the situation. I also see a similar problem with body size/shape, gender, race, lgbtq+, even gender bending a charactor. It's straight up racism, sexism, bodyshaming, etc. Just let people have fun, meet people who share intrests, be themselves and be confidant about it, and make friends. That's what cosplaying is about!

  9. Genshin community is the most racist community the most toxic community in front mihoyo they act that they want black skin characters but in social media they attack black people just because they cosplay as the characters I had engaged from this community drama can't they just be a normal community like the others community's

  10. When you talk about one side, don't forget that similar disputes occur when white people try to cosplay black characters, for example, from Overwatch.
    If you want to see an example of good cosplays (if you can call it that), look at Michael Jackson, who is currently being cosplayed, even with his dances.
    If you talk about anyone cosplaying anyone, don't put the same pressure on people who cosplay black characters.
    People often forget about the opposite side as well.

    Regarding the cosplays themselves, regardless of who will create them, I will leave my voice as I see fit.

  11. The problem with all this is only one thing, people do not distinguish between a game and reality. They try to protect characters (pixels) from real people.

  12. racism is terrible. People cant control it. You cant control it. Its not fair. Then you complain how life isnt fair and be rude, Bro grow up, if its not fair, why tease people for it?

  13. Hello everyone! I am a 15 year old black girl, and I want to cosplay genshin characters. My little sister also wants to be Klee this Halloween. After watching this, i'm starting to be scared because I wanted to do an Albedo & Klee cosplay with her, but now I am worried not only for myself but for her. I don't want my sister being insulted. Especially since we don't live in a diverse community. Can anyone tell me some tips?

  14. I’m at the point where I want to play a different game just to play a character with a tan. Xinyan is not a well planned character, her multipliers are garbage, and her mechanics are just kind of a mess. It feel depressing playing here because even C6 you have to wonder how much better she could be if they’d put some effort in.

  15. Cosplay it's meant for everyone, regardless of their gender, sexuality, race… The cosplay is meant to adapt to the cosplayer, not the other way around. (sorry for my bad english)

  16. I mean if you are white and cosplay as a black character or vise versa I think is a little weird but go for it
    also I I think Natlan the one who will get more darker skin character

  17. What I know is Genshin have worst community ever and no disrespect but majority of players from South – East, Eastern Asia and American regions are the worst cuz these people engage in unnecessary controversies and try to troll people online when they don't agree with someone's opinion ! Honestly Genshin is some what a public thing amd open for all and everyone can comment on things about game but when some of these troll people don't like critic about there fav things in the game they don't try to explain the other side and neither give valid points on why that something is actually good but these people rather blame the other person to have an opinion and threat them and harness them verbally ! Honestly a part of having opinion about something also involves repeating other people different opinions about that same thing ! Majority of Genshin players doesn't understand this simple thing which is very nonsensical ! I believe we should never ever do or say something to others which when someone to us is very hurtful ! I hope to convey this message to the people and be more respectful towards each other !

  18. For the #4 point on the post shown at 1:54

    Nah bro lmao what a way to miss the point. Everyone already knows blackface is bad. We're over that. At least those of us who actually touch grass and have friends with people outside of the Genshin sphere are. But somehow people are still not over that people get triggered by exactly what he's trying to say. That post is a severely bad case of selective hearing and arguments after being triggered and is causing exactly the situation the first half of the first sentence. If they wanna do their part in clearing up this terrible stuff, they need to clean up their own house too. Hauling "inclusivity and diversity" for the sake of it and moral grandstanding is a mockery of actual inclusivity and diversity and has been perpetuated by Twitter zoomers and taken advantage of by corporations' boomer suits to merely advertise and profit. They ironically prioritize skin tone over the actual character. Nothing screams being a perverse twisting of the definition of what they hate than that. Not to mention bringing naive, teenager borne sociopolitics into a video game where everyone is just trying to have fun FFS. If they want more ammo to argue this stuff, go complain to Disney for removing non-white characters off their movie advertisements in other countries outside the US, especially in (*GASP*) China. They can leave us Genshin players in peace.

    Anytime they keep saying, "That's not the point.", or, "That isn't the issue here.", it's exactly the mindset of they're not willing to discuss all sides and sentiments for the issue and only their own. (Not) Sorry to say this, but that's horrendously idiotic and not inclusive (isn't that what they want?) at all. They only want mental servitude, whether they are conscious of it or not. They need to be shown the exit door. Next time they want in, they need to leave their internal struggles at the door too. We're here to enjoy Genshin and not to continue teenage Twitter arguments.

  19. I was just at Anime Expo 2022 in Los Angeles, California. Friends and I saw plenty of Genshin cosplayers of all skin tones and ethnicities. Nobody made it an issue like how Twitter frames it. (Everyone was more concerned of safety issues for the convention like chance for covid spread, fire safety, and even carbon dioxide levels being almost an OSHA violation at the area they used for artist alley.) These Genshin Twt fans need to really touch grass, feel sunlight, and speak to real people face-to-face.

    Get a job, save some money, find some friends who wanna go, and they'll see none of that Twitter crap exists nowhere near as much as they think it does irl.

    Put. Down. That. Phone. You're being baited for clicks and website revenue. Wake tf up. You'll do the entire Genshin community a favor. Y'all a huge reason the rest of online gaming community ridicule Genshin. "rule no. 1 NO GENSHIN IMPACT" became a thing for a reason.

  20. What I think I see here is two different groups of people in the community. Genshin being an anime game, yet with a diverse worldwide community tends to conflagrate both the racism and anti racism crowd in one place.

  21. NGL When i saw the sumeru leaks made me feel like yeah this games not for me anymore. Like sumeru supposed to be based of 'india' or middle east right? No brown main characters? and god forbid a brown 5star unit…

    Yes we all know in east asia aint a fan of darker skins tones blah blah but if thats the case why pump so much money into western streamers to stream ur game if you not going include the diversity of the western world?

    Ah yes is still early maybe all the NPC's will be brown tones?? idk man

    And the cosplayer issue is always been like that in the cosplaying community for brown/black people. Not saying its right, but i havent seen that much of a change in the last 15 years. Ive lost hope. To the point personally ive always said i wont cosplay myself cause of the hate ill get just cause of my skin tone. You could just 'ignore' 'block' but idk, maybe im too weak to handle it.

    In time i hope for when i have children it wont be such a hostile environment anymore. Hopefully my kids when cosplay (if they want to) whoever they want and get praised for the effort and skill. Not just instantly shot down cause they're 'brown'

  22. People who want dark skinned characters are more racist; only mentioning it at sumeru's release meaning they think only Arabs are dark and that's even more racist, I'm Egyptian and before being a bit tanned I was extremely pale and that's normal. I don't get it.

  23. Well, I mean, aesthetic is really a personal matter. I think it is fine to have preference, include in the kind of cosplay you like and dislike. But I don't think it's fine to speak up about your dislikes every single time, especially when you're degrading someone or dismissing one's effort along the way.

    Always remember to respect other people. Although it's a virtual forum or thread, but you're still commenting to another human being. If you can't made their day, the least you can do is not ruining it.

  24. This is so wrong these people are just trying to have fun and cosply their fav character and other people are trying to judge them I just see it as being unfair we should never judge someone by their skin color

  25. i've always found it strange how anime/ anime inspired media has a weird obsession with white ppl/ characters that look white and i get it being "apart of the fantasy," but if your fantasy shuns anyone who isn't white then your fantasy is racist. i understand that black and brown ppl are relatively rare in eastern asia and the writers are only writing what they know but white ppl are also rare yet they're the face of anime??? i just hope it gets more reasonable, i mean i don't know many blonde hair blue-eyed eastern asian ppl myself, so why not add to the fantasy by adding idk… dark skinned ppl????

  26. Even tho the Genshin community loves to be extra and belligerent, by slapping the racist label on anything, I absolutely agree with the sentiment, for both the fact that it’s boring to have the same skin tones as previous characters, as well as it being unrealistic and erasing characteristics of cultures they are basing their concepts from.
    Now as someone with the skin tone in question, do I personally think this is racism? No, I think it’s laziness and lack of care from Hoyo tbh

    Edit: Just saw the Egyptian characters’ models in Tears of Themis… I have to laugh

  27. The Genshin Sumerians controversy also has to do with clothes being misrepresented with characters South Asians have very rich culture and to see it being boiled down to Aladdin and belly dancing is slightly upsetting. Not enough to make me want to quit the game, but enough to discourage players from spending real world money on this game


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