Genshin Impact Respawn Tip #shorts

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The amount of times in coop that i left and went back to the boss before it has respawned and then having to teleport away again wasted so much time, i hope this helps you, it took me so long to realise this, but im dumb 🙂

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #Respawn

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38 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Respawn Tip #shorts”

  1. They do respawn instantly. You just need to teleport far away that enough to reset the map maybe about 1km. Oh but if you don't take the blossom it will stay even after you teleport and the boss will respawn with original cd time

  2. I just do other things while waiting so when I come back it respawn. Kinda like when I have to fight a boss I’ll do my commissions in between since they do take abt a minute including loadings.

  3. a trick i did is doing a Daily Commission after every Boss,

    depending on how fast you complete a commission, its usually a guarantee by the time you head back to the area the boss has already spawned.

    if it hasn't you could always fight some hilichurls or fatui or hoarder and after that, the boss has already spawned


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