2.3 Updated Gorou Kit – *Contains Leaks | Genshin Impact

2.3 Updated Gorou Kit Contains Leaks | Genshin Impact
#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神 #Genshin #Leaks #Leak #Arataki #Aratakiitto #Itto #Gorou #Geo #Showcase #Gameplay #Constellation
2.3 Upcoming Leaks Genshin Impact

Footage Credits: Waffel/Pong/miHoyo
Photo Credits: miHoYo
Additional Credits: HoneyImpact/genshinBLANK
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18 thoughts on “2.3 Updated Gorou Kit – *Contains Leaks | Genshin Impact”

  1. Itto/Albedo-Ning-Zhong/Gorou/Bennet-Xangling are about to be an op comp lol. I think he's pretty good but it's almost troubling seeing his Constellations be so good. Feels like a money trap. Also would have preferred to see some gameplay changes instead of him just being a "stat stick" for Itto. Imo, being someone who has mained Ning, I would have preferred some traits that allow Geo to break shields. With how things look it doesn't seem to be worth running Itto without Gorou unless you have Zhongli (Hu Tao/Xing) and it doesn't seem worth to run Gorou with….anyone except Itto…I guess Noelle but not really. I'm not even close to being an expert tho so time will tell I guess.

  2. I guess if you use Noelle C6 (or are going to get Itto) and have Albedo, he can be really good

    I don't wanna Itto and i don't use Noelle, i have Albedo tho but my geo team is Zhong, Ninn and Albedo for the x3 and Zhong, geo trav for the x2

    I don't really need him, if i wanna make new teams yeah but i don't think i am gonna pull for him

    Umh, if you use Xinyan…? What about her?


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