Genshin Impact Pain in one video

#genshin #hoyoverse #mihoyo #genshinimpact #genshinimpactindonesia #genshinshowcase #genshinimpactedit #genshin_impact #genshinimpactlive #genshinshorts #genshinimpactgameplay #genshinedit #genshinimpactedits


33 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Pain in one video”

  1. As a mobile player, switching to a character while exploring but accidentally hitting their burst symbol and wasting an entire burst cause my fingers are too big. 😭

  2. Okay as a beidou main, that's one of the most irritating thing ever when u got too close to kairagi, im standing in front of him waiting to be slash and this mfkers doing a blocking stance im like "bruh u kidding?"

  3. I have, on more than one occasion, let my character float on like 1 stamina for the 5 minute cooldown for stamina food to come back up because i was too stubborn to drown and start again

  4. Raiden fight is never a pain, like even if I'm soloing her with half health with nothing but a single keqing and she devil trrigers again right before dying I'd usually have a massive smile because my God it's so much fun to fight her. It's just fun man, not overly hard, just fun. Also her non DT form I find to be much harder to read


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