Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!
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What will the Traveler be know as in Sumeru?
The Irminsul Tree Protector
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Not even a single soul:
Genshin NPC: casually have Primogems in their pocket
#GIM Ganyu: I don't liked being touched
Collei: Finally Someone who can acknowledge me!
Hoyoverse: We're only providing enough to make a short and fun 24 episode season there's no need to go hard.
Ufotable: sips hold my boba tea.
GI anime: goes brrrrrr
Ayaka: steps in shallow water for a dance, socks get wet
Nilou: steps in shallow water for a dance, doesn't wear socks
Kokomi: casually chilling in the ocean fully dressed, high socks get wet but nobody talks about them
Meta-slave: you must pull for this character, they're gonna change your life and help you clear abyss 12 easier.
Me: I am only missing on 50 primogems per rotation, which isn't alot.
Them: but the character is worth the 50 primos per rotation, gonna pay itself back in a few years.
Me: a guaranteed 5 star needs 28k Primos, while in 5 years, I get only 6500 primos back, you call that a profit?
Random NPC: "Who are you?"
"I'm the devil's right hand man!"
Paimon: "This is Aether/Lumine!"
Random: "And you?"
Me: Hu Tao…you are flatter than a board
Hu Tao: Ayaya…I guess there's a new client today! (prepares shovel)
Cyno: what does the pyroslinger fatui said to a defeated ganyu?
Tighnari: I don't kn-
Cyno: Gan yu down
Cyno: (wheeze)
Not gonna lie the microwave joke was hilarious
Her: he's probably thinking about other women
Him: if Aramani was trading with happiness during Festival Utsava then what is he going to do with all the Mora he gets by selling us all those herbs and mushrooms?
3:52 i was ready for an eye to appear so i was looking dead senter so i think i lost the test by being stupid
51 more episodes
TCG championship itto vs cyno!!!
(Itto with chad face summon exodia)
How Nahida got locked up
Scholars: What do knowledge do you give us, Kusanali?
Nahida: Take a dookie!
4:51 You Mean Cyno's Cannibal Scarabs?
To Water Waifu: Thank You, I Just "Buy the Fight" after all
To Sunfrost: Neither you, ICE SCUM!(i hate these ICE SCUMS)
Me: tries to do the association quest to get my aventure rank higher
The quest: yeah… no you are not gonna pass this~
Wait one month dear travaler!~
Me: This gosh darn quest should be co-opable instead
Basicaly, if you look at it, you will see that we will get same aniversary rewards as in 1st aniversary, 10 fates in one week and 1600 primogems in mail
Shenhe: enjoys some fried chicken
Cloud Ratainer: [Confused Confusing Confusion]
3:47 I tried to return the lyre, and he actually has dialogue where he says that you can have it since it belongs to people who travel.
6:53 AHA WRONG !!! Her Name is Nahida :3
Me once hearing Sumuru music.
GREAT now I have to go find all the Radiant Spincrystals for my tea pot.
Pizza time.
Viaggiatore, the eighth of the eleven fatui harbingers
Paimon:if Hu tao dies will she bury herself
Traveler…. Anyways get in the pot
Iansan and Yao Yao rn: :-((
Me finally pulling Ganyu.
Aloy: Haha I am in danger.
People in 3.0: arguing who likes Kokomi more
Me, who's loved Kokomi since 2.0: Amateurs.
Guys i have a theory: what if the bard that the grandpa dude got the lyre from was alice
Because everything seems to be connected to her somehow.
3:53 look at her eyes…
ME: 0.00001 sec in Ah… dang it!
6:15 Kagamine Len, it's Kagamine Len
Ppl who play genshin:

Collecting waifu:
Understanding lore:
Memorizing aranara names:
3:48 that’s false because if you talk to the same person again he said”you can keep it” or something
Xiao: You took everything from me
Kazuha: I don't even know who you are
Venti : lyre
Zhongli : meteor
Ei : booba sword
Me : uhh kusana-
Kusanali :