EVERYTHING We Know From the 4.0 Archon Quests | Genshin Impact Fontaine

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A leify lore streamer’s summary of the 4.0 Fontaine Archon Quests

⟡ I’m your leify lore streamer Minsleif
⟡ “I read the Genshin Impact lore so that you don’t have to”


38 thoughts on “EVERYTHING We Know From the 4.0 Archon Quests | Genshin Impact Fontaine”

  1. I just realized that Primordial Sea water could be scientifically explained. What if it's something akin to Sulfuric or Hydrochloric acids? If you take a beaker of either liquid and lay side by side with actual water there honestly isn't much difference in appearence and to the untrained eye it would look akin to normal water..until something touches it that is. If ACID had never been discovered or named yet and some random mortal had stumbled upon this liquid they very well could name it whatever the hell they'd wanted too and nobody could refute it. If Someone in the Real world had been the first to discover and name Acid before it was deemed as such we could've been calling it Primordial Sea Water because that would've been it's chosen name. See where I'm coming from?

  2. Since Furina didn’t seem all to concerned with Lyney looking into the Oratrice, I believe it’s safe to say that the Oratrice is not operated by the Gnosis.

    The Akasha was an invention unique to Sumeru that was operated by the Gnosis.
    Fontaine has two unique inventions, the Arkhe System and the Oratrice. I believe the Oratrice is just an Arkhe Machine with some special properties. So it must be the Arkhe System that is operated by the Gnosis!

    After all, if the Oratrice was built with the Gnosis, then why does Furina know nothing about it? It feels like Furina took the credit for inventing it, while the inventor of the Arkhe System, Alain Guillotine was the true inventor of the Oratrice.

    This heavily suggests that Furina gave Alain the Gnosis to create the Arkhe System with it. I wonder if perhaps the Arkhe system was created with the purpose of fighting against the previous Hydro Archon’s prophecy, and that might be why the Oceanids left out of anger at Furina. Since she helped create something to combat the prophecy of their beloved lord. (I know that they also left because the waters became polluted with something, is it possible that the Arkhe system was responsible for this pollution as well?)

    The Oratrice has two functions, create Indemnitium, and give out sentences, so far it appears that these two functions work separately. As an Arkhe machine, it has an Annihilation Reaction, it looks like the sentencing is the Annihilation Reaction.

    As for the location of the Hydro Gnosis, there is this fountain in Fontaine City, that has this white glowing light in the center, and has water surrounding that light. As of right now, I am betting that the light we are seeing is the Gnosis.

  3. ➡️ The satanist and false church don't like to hear the truth that female-angels and female-demons don't really exist.

    ➡️ I promise you the she-demon Lilith does not really exist.

    ➡️ We cannot talk to the dead. The one we are talking to are demons.

    ➡️ Witchcraft is real. But the Lake of Fire.

    ➡️ hell, abyss, Tartarus and Lake of Fire are different from one another.

  4. I found someting else that prove only one of the twin is from khaenriah (idk how to write it sorry) in a quest at fontaine we talk to someone who love flower and then she ask where the flower in female mc is from? And fm mc respond “it doesn’t exist anymore” and if you look at some khaenriah animations you can find the same flower than female mc when i found this strange so i go to my other account where i have male mc and do the dialogue but she didnt ask for the flower i was like WHAT!

  5. Melusines can see what humans cannot. Canotila mentioned that Emergency Food is like a rainbow balloon floating 🎈 in the air with her strings extend upward 👆 somewhere above the sky. Could this be that Celestia is controlling her and monitors what Traveler is doing. Plus why would she lead the Traveler visiting other nations to find Archons just to find her sister/brother, the Traveler could've just ask to the Abyss directly.

    While doing the world quest called Book of Esoteric Revelations. It is said that melusines cannot see what humans see. When Traveler meditated and transported into an Abyss Space, the rifthound appears to be a german sheperd dog based on what Canotila sees.

    If Emergency Food betrays us, I won't hesitate to fight and finish her just to achieve true freedom.

  6. I really liked the detail in wich everytime it rains during the archon quest we could suspect neuvilette is sad like when we were visiting the grave or right after we confronted him about navia's dad

    Ps. The rain stops shortly after we start talking to neuvilette while visitng the grave


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