The fact the nicknames are changed! Amazing attention to detail! (I don’t know the lore that well but Nuevilette only knowing Zhongli as Deus Auri makes sense to me!)
One time someone entered my world for a liben box.
They were using yelan. They said thanks and bye then used yelan's burst. I was so confused 💀 she left like 3 seconds after unleashing the burst lmao. And I was like "oohh they were trying to leave in style" 😭
What about Keqing
Who votes for Takumi to do Inazuma next? ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Only pc players can do this
Zhongli tried to hit Neuvillete and ended up exploding himself
The fact the nicknames are changed! Amazing attention to detail! (I don’t know the lore that well but Nuevilette only knowing Zhongli as Deus Auri makes sense to me!)
Zhongli be like "Wanna see a Magiic?"
One time someone entered my world for a liben box.
They were using yelan. They said thanks and bye then used yelan's burst. I was so confused 💀 she left like 3 seconds after unleashing the burst lmao. And I was like "oohh they were trying to leave in style" 😭
Zhongli : SMOKE BOMB!
This is how I'm going to leave with my zhongli now
Zhong be “Rex Incognito” ahh
Сяо допрыгался..
Props to the characters who wasted there ult I could never (this isn’t an insult)
Тадаааам, он испарился
Zhongli and Ganyu was soo good
Actually that how xianyun used to eat
Zhongil smoke bomb but metor size
The last one is the 5.2 Banner
okay but is there some kind of like manip to leave the world like that ? like shortcut to immediatly leave ToT😊
У Чжун Ли самый эпичный уход
Who else exited for the liyue chronicled wish
Nah why did zhongli leave his date with nuevillette
“And then shenhe just… disappeared! It’s been 2 years since!”
I see Wanderer I click ❤
Those players are truly creative.
as a zhongli main, he shouldve fell from the sky and died then exit the world smh
Shenhe dissappearing like it's a MOBA