I really love battle music with choir in it. It sounds so epic and kind of religious.
Simply introduce a bit of this arrangement.
00:07 The beginning starts with Fatui Theme which is the same theme at the beginning of Childe Battle Theme phase 3. It’s easy to arrange but not easy to play at this BPM. The hardest part of playing it is probably the 6 running notes at the end of each phrase where the left hand has to switch from playing repeated octaves to running notes then followed by another jump into bass. Right hand can sometimes help L.H to play some notes but when the choir joins in, some part can be only played by L.H itself. It was such a pain to play it!!
00:39 is basically Guitar Solo in Right Hand with the Voices in Left Hand. The original music has some drum beat there so I tried to make some change instead of just playing male voices. (Maybe it’s my playing or maybe its the limitation of instrument, it doesn’t sound obvious)
00:50 The next part is simply drum beat with choir (singing Fatui’s Theme). I tried to the imitation between Voices and organs and then Female voices and Male voices. But I guess since the piano tone sounds the same, so it’s not that successful to bring out the call/response effect. I thought about using tremolo to make some change but it doesn’t sound right either so I gave up by just playing a chord istead.
1:10 Another guitar solo but this time in a minor.
1:21 it’s my favourite part which I guess is also most ppl’s favourite part (?). It’s the melody of La Signora’s Theme. Basically all I need to do is transcribe the piano arpeggios from original music then manage the melody notes in. It’s a typical three-hand technique from Animenz. In the second time, the melody went one octave higher in octaves which require more three-hand technique.
1:44 is the most difficult part for me to arrange. There are both female voice and male voices singing different melody where the male voices continue singing the Theme of La Signora which will be the main melody. You can hear a bass ostinato with XX.XX.XX.XX.XXXX rhythm all the time, and some cool drum beats. I don’t want to get rid of female voices because it’s gonna may make the notes all in the middle or low range of the piano. So I was trying a lot with the male voices with the left hand itself together with the bass ostinato. It sounds not bad and it will allow my right hand be able to play those female voices. As female voices are normally long notes, my right hand is free to help to play Male voices sometimes to allow my L.H playing some lower bass notes. (I don’t think my explaination is clearly enough, hope you will understand). This is probably my most satisfied part of my arrangement.
The rest of the piece are pretty much the same/similar material from the beginning as the music returns to the theme. I added some random thing at the end. I firstly thought about using tremolo but I guess I’ve done a lot tremolo ending. So just trying something new and different!
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Sheet Music:
Difficulty 4.5/5
(The difficulty is only rated according to my OWN arrangements so people can know it before they tried to learn it. I set my hardest arrangements as 5/5 and the easist as 1/5. It doesn’t represent the difficulty of average piano arrangements on Youtube.)
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#genshinimpact #lasignora #bosstheme #battletheme
My fingers started to bleed from watching that arpeggios
It's just as beautiful as Signora. I love her sooo much. And I also love this composition as much as I love her.
1:21 is the best part. Eventhough the whole composition is extremely good. But specially 1:21 is best for me bcz it kinda reflects the agony and misery of her past. Kind of like she is telling her past sad stories.
Btw Mihoyo should recognize your brilliant work.
Got the music sheet, beautiful work and thanks a lot!
From Signora's story I learned one thing.
Just let go the thing you have lost.
Let it go
Let it gooooo
Finally! It is good!
This is only 0.001% of piano archon's power
Wtf it's so smooth especially in this part 1:11 – 1:21
I cry
It’s getting real Liszty in here
I must have this played whilst I am battling Signora 😩
"Not even (my) ashes will remain!"-La Signora's last words after Raiden cremated her.
my toxic trait is that i can act like i can play this without practice and as a beginner
huh so the theme here from 1:21 onwards the chords kind of match those from Zelda Breath Of The Wild – Fairy Fountain
This is awfully good arrangement! Also piano version of this theme sounds like Chopin composed an etude after an angry argument with Liszt 😀
Shadow of the colossus vibes
Now this reminds me I haven’t beat her yet 🙁
Oh yeah this theme is way better then signora!
I can feel the anger, sadness, and desperation in this song.
I think Yu Peng-Chen would be proud.
배속한거마냥 빠르네 저게 사람 손인가
Cynthia's theme: "Finally, a worthy opponent"
Um, im like kinda blown away by this haha nice job!
lol if anyone asks for me I'll be copying the notes until the Sneznaya update goes live xD
I heard many pianists. But you, you are so cool wtf
Maybe if i was zhongli and practiced for about 6000 years i would have half of this talent
This is the Archon of Piano!!!
아르페지오구간 진짜 쌀뻔했노ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Piano Boss Fight @_@!!
My mind is absolutely blown away like the strong Anemo winds…
How are you even at 63k subscribers. You deserve more than a million. You really look like a famous pianist.
Уууу, помню как целую ночь вспоминала все маты пока все таки не прошла Сеньеру. А исполнение прекрасно! Огромное спасибо пианисту, за возможность ее послушать на пианино
Cê é louco deve ter ficado com uma câimbra nós dedo doido demaiss
My fingers felt like breaking watching this
+ you can't play both the whole orchestra and guitar of a symphonic-metal theme by yourself.
– Hold my primogems.
Omg i love this 0:39
Fantastic 😭🤩
You are one of the most amazing arranger I've seen and I've watched a lot of arrangement as well as arrangement a few pieces myself. It's really amazing how much of the original piece you were able to fit into the piano. Absolutely amazing work!
God those arpeggios are absolutely mesmerizing to watch . Excellent job
这投影是真的吗 还是特效👀👀👀