Genshin Impact/Kamisato Ayaka: Dance of Heron (Dance Cutscene) Piano Arrangement

Sheet Music: (Free to download)

Difficulty 2.5/5
(The difficulty is only rated according to my OWN arrangements so people can know it before they tried to learn it. I set my hardest arrangements as 5/5 and the easist as 1/5. It doesn’t represent the difficulty of average piano arrangements on Youtube.)

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22 thoughts on “Genshin Impact/Kamisato Ayaka: Dance of Heron (Dance Cutscene) Piano Arrangement”

  1. I love how this cutscene have so much more power than almost every other cutscene in the whole game, this Story Quest as well have so muche more character than the others, you really get to know her, understand her, a beutiful Story Quest with a beautiful cutscene, even remenber me a little of Honkai ones, the music as well is really beautiful, everything in this cutscene is perfect and I want more cutscenes like that in the game, is truly what is missing for Genshin get in the same level as Honkai, at least for me, obviusly.


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