Why You Should Play Genshin Impact In 2024

Why You Should Play Genshin Impact In 2024


44 thoughts on “Why You Should Play Genshin Impact In 2024”

  1. The last one is fax… "Genshin community is toxic" became such a collective thought that people actually think the community is bad and even stay away from the game for this reason. Yes, there are few toxic people but most of the community is genuinely nice. The worst part is people who says this play valorant and league πŸ’€πŸ’€

  2. β€œthere is so much to do!” no…. no there isn’t… if you’re an early players that barely does any stories then yes there’s that: but if you are like a 55-60 level players THERES NOTHING TO DO.

    all exploration is done, stories, 4star stories. it’s all done 😭

  3. tbh I really enjoy doing the story quests with the characters, I'm just a bit upset since I have no more to do. I've completed every single one- 😭

    Edit: (Btw call me crazy all you want, I'm that one person who reads all the lore and will do anything to learn more about the characters and other things. I absolutely love more background on the characters, it also gave me smth to do when I was bored- XD)

  4. he's right about people being chill af at conventions tho. i met a friend there one time who was struggling to find a name for their dog, so I helped them out. they're now the proud owner of Paimon the bloodhound.

  5. The Genshin community isn't toxic. It's just a few basment dwellers that just so happen to play Genshin. I used to think like this about JJK fans. But after watching the show and reading the manga, I realized the story is good. The fandom is just collectively traumatized and rotting their brains. So, the fanbase is pretty good (Apart from the fangirls only watching the show to jerk off to the dudes)


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