Genshin Impact 5.0 Is The BEST Update! (part 2)

#shorts #genshinimpact #genshin #natlan #pyroarchon #pyro #mavuika #capitano #fatui #genshinlivestream genshin livestream 5.0 genshin impact impact livestream 5.0 pyro archon mavuika capitano trailer raiden kazuha rerun #raiden #raidenei #raidenshogun #kazuha #fatui #fatuiharbingers #genshin4u #blazetonatlan


41 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 5.0 Is The BEST Update! (part 2)”

  1. There's a bit of miss info here, there are 6 Natlan tribes and stamina won't be increased, you'll simply be able to increase it like before, giving anemoculous/geoculous to the statues but now every other region oculous will increase your stamina, so aren't forced to get all anemoculous and geoculous to get full stamina.

  2. bruh these new fuckers getting the kings treatment. you telling me the unlock fuckin natlan and fontaine after completing fuckin liyue. they made accenscion quest easier, their getting a free 5 star for aneversary and now pity.

  3. Wait wait, One correction : Natlan is divided into 6 tribes. The 3 new characters (mualani [ hydro, catalyst 5 star], kinich [dendro, claymore 5 star], kachina [geo, polearm 4 star, also the free 4 star girl mentioned in the video]) belong to 3 different tribes, but there are 6 tribes in total corresponding to each element (which means one tribe is technically missing, but we'll only know after we do the quests)

  4. Stamina will not go up, will only be obtainable through multiple statues until the 240 cap, only the shrine of dept were buffed (and obviously only the natlan one) and most important custom artifacts will be a thing

  5. I would assume that the skipping to natlan part is mostly so you are not locked out of upgrading your natlan characters if you havent progressed through the story enough

  6. You also forgot that we can get the ascension mats for characters after doing their quests and the most important mention for farming that is gonna change efficiently forever… Choosing the main stat and 2 other sub-stats on artifacts.


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