Genshin Impact is just a game

Just a reminder that Genshin Impact is just a video game. Due to a number of reasons, I just wanted to talk about a couple of things that most people already know, but I still felt the need to say.

Spread some positivity around šŸ‘šŸ»

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #GenshinImpactGame


39 thoughts on “Genshin Impact is just a game”

  1. Sorry this isn't a "normal video". I'm sure most of you are already aware of everything I say in this video, and I'm sure a lot of it could have been worded more eloquently, but as a content creator for this game I felt the need to talk about this at least a little.

  2. I stopped playing the game about 8 months ago, for me they just did not and any qol that was needed, if you are gonna have a quest that's 8 hours, you need a skip button, events should not be quest gated, difficulty is not just adding more HP to enemy and we need more small qol updates. When I stopped Genshin, I was back on elden ring, then star rail came out, and in the 2 patches that came to star rail and qol updates feel like the devs care. Probably won't turn on Genshin until 2 of my issues are met. I'm not saying that my opinion matter, I just gave it, it was a game that I cared a lot about, the lore, new story quest and how every place on the map feels like it has life, then Sumeru came out, and I started to feel like it all was to heavy to play, so I just put the game on pause, I said to my self "I'll be back in the game next patch, as usual". Didn't even turn it on since then

  3. my friends really need to watch this video. they argue about characters so much when playing, "oh ei is the obvious best character," and lash out on other friends because of the bad opinions they show towards their favourite characters, well the thing is, its just a game anyway.

  4. My memorable video-game moment was actually in genshin, I have mutliple such moments. Getting my first five star, realizing I had insane luck, made me happy. Getting more luck made me happy. The cutscenes had me smiling, and I don't think that is something every videogame has. Genshin made me smile.
    The moment I remember most of all was when i decided to be a Lumine main. I finished the mondstadt storyline quest, beeing an absolute newbie to the game, and I was amazed. I haven't played many video games before genshin, just skyrim, sims and sso, and genshin was the first game I was so amazed with that I played every day as long as I could. I loved the cutscenes, and I decided that I wanted to play Lumine, since I felt like that was lore accourate and I loved her, still do.
    She is not the most meta character, of course not, but I love her and have mained her ever since, and Lumine has a special place in my heart since that moment.

    In recent times, I too, as many others, have felt burned out from the game. I believe it is still a great game, I watch genshin on youtube everyday, I talk with another player I have met over genshin and who I now call my friend about fontaine and theorize with him. I just don't feel the need to play anymore. I don't feel like farming, like doing my dailies, like reading dialogue. I felt bad wheneveer I thought about it, I still do a little bit, because the accounts I spent so much time building are losing so much progress, because it feels like I didn't do my school work and it is going to affect me negatively.
    That is why I am incredibly thankful for this video. It tells me that it is okay to be burned out, and that is such a great relief, even though I did get over my sorrow to miss out on something a little bit even before this video.

    I know that this is not relevant for any of you, except maybe those who felt the same as I do, like if we were missing something and wouldn't be able to experience it again, things like events. For those who do feel that way, this might be intresting, I don't know. I just wanted to share a little about something that stressed me way more that it should, because as Java said, it is just a game. I don't know where else I am going to tell this because it is not really relevant for anyone and neither is it something bad because people are going through so much worse, but here I am.
    I apologize for any grammatical or vocabulary mistakes, english is my second language. Thanks for reading, I wish all of you a fantastic time, and I hope you achieve what you wish to achieve. Pet the next cat or dog you see for my, aight?

  5. I understand. Sometimes it did bother me and affect my mood playing the game. Its just because that kind of people in the community are usually the most vocal (a.k.a. Noisy).

  6. Finally! This is all soo true. So many people need to see this. People that constantly make fun of the game and players need to learn that people know this as well. We are not all crazy and the game isnā€™t bad. Genshin. Is. Not. Real. It is a game. It is for fun. It is for entertainment. You can do what you want on the game but still have limits(like the scara drama people). Have fun and donā€™t hurt others.

  7. My favorite part of the game is the character and story development. I also appreciate that it isn't highly competitive. I love that there is something for everyone and I'm OK with that it not all being for me.

  8. I remember playing Minecraft with my sisters several years ago. We had a world called rose wood and played ALL THE TIME. The world lasted us YEARS and we still continued to build. We had a post office, a hotel, a hospital, a theme park, a metro and almost anything else you could imagine. One day our world crashed. We have never been able to get back on the world but we still have the Xbox 360. Every time I see the world in the list of worlds it reminds me of all the wonderful experiences we had, my shenanigans because I was young and a crazy kid that still wanted to build with gold blocks etc. included. My sisters stopped playing with me over time but I still get on my Xbox and build whatever I want to. Me and my sisterā€™s last project was a theme park. We had so much fun creating a giant mushroom and so many roller coasters as she relied on me for red stone knowledge. I want to remind you all that you should spend time with your family if you can and always remember, itā€™s just a game.

  9. THANK YOU šŸ™
    For all the new players or players who arenā€™t proud of their account; donā€™t worry! Your account is good!

    I feel like what makes some people burned out is when they see Genshin YouTubers doing hella damage and having all the characters at c3 and up or something: some people try to also build up to do that 100k or 1M dmg with their characters; Crit isnā€™t as important as people make it sound.

    Also, personally; donā€™t rush the game. I have two friends that have alr hit AR 50 and theyā€™ve only been playing for 4-3 months and Iā€™m a day to day player who has played for 3+ years and Iā€™m only at AR 50 (with lots of AR build up cuz my dmg isnā€™t that good against lvl 90 monsters) getting carried away but my point is that my view is that genshin isnā€™t a game to rush into, I feel people will do so bc they join late but it doesnā€™t rlly matter.

    (I think I saw from somewhere that Hoyo themselves had said that genshin is game to only play 30-60 minutes A DAY)

    This is just my opinion, rush the game if you wanna get to the fun stuff, build Crit if you want to, but please just enjoy the game :>

  10. Java the cup: play it in your own style
    My friend: doesn't know or learn reactions and artifacts sets or even same element no effect and calls the story boring and doesn't even try to learn and play it and downright mocks the game and calls it boring and stupid and uses only kazuha cause he looks cool and doesn't even upgrade him and says the games to hard and says roblox is better…..
    Me: ahem why you exist ?

  11. As a Ganyu main, Iā€™m totally fine with people who hate her gameplay, personality or anything else about her, as long as they donā€™t spread misinformation and call it fact (Ganyu is not a bad character). People can have whatever opinions they want on the game and the c, I donā€™t care about that, but lying and hating is not acceptable and where I draw the line.
    Iā€™m glad to see that one of my favorite Genshin content creators feels the same way about the game.

  12. Youtube removed the Thumbs Down counter so i wanted to comment and let you know this video sucks. You don't understand why other people think the way they do, you just sit behind your screen and throw insults.


  13. I burn out very easily this is why i take a break very often and and dont mind that i may miss events i do what ones interest me same with wishing for character, my friends say im trash i say i dont mind im taking my time if u want to play with me then play and shut up

  14. this is the most healthy mindset. i used to get a little worked up whenever people trashtalk the characters I like or say they're bad, but now I don't care as much. it's really funny hearing people be so persistent with getting you to stop liking a character you like or the opposite. the intolerance of opposing opinions is concerning, not because of genshin but because these people probably take these mindsets outside of the game and live their lives being butthurt that people don't share the same opinions and are probably bugging the hell out of people around them because of this mindset. maybe they'll get it one day. i'm just happy i got over that dumb hill and don't need to die on it.

  15. this video makes such a good point, but the sad thing is that a lot of people actually probably needed to watch this, even though it seems as if it should be common sense. going to as far lengths as some of the genshin community has gone to infringe on someone else's opinion is completely unnecessary and nonsensical. also, my favorite moment from a video game was both reaching the first liyue statue of the seven (when i was more of a casual player) and first playing undertale.

  16. i remember when i first started playing genshin a few months ago after my friends had all been playing for about a year (or two), and so i decided to download it and give it a try
    it's probably one of the most investing games i've ever played šŸ™‚

  17. I really just want to vocal minority to just s t o p theyā€™re really ruining it for the rest of us. Itā€™s a game with so many different aspects and different things to do to appeal to all kinds of people (like you said), if you like the story? Awesome omg me too! Do you prefer the abyss and meta? Epic please teach me!

    But I completely agree, we all have to spread some more positivity around here. Because at the end of the day, everyone whoā€™s playing obviously loves or enjoys the gameā€¦. We all do when it all comes down to it. People gotta realize that and stop trying to drag down their fellow genshin homies.

    But ! My favorite moment in Genshin has to be when Alhaitham jumped Azar šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll never forget that cutscene.

  18. I have two favourites.. 1st was Venti's rerun and getting him in a single wish ontop of an ore location around the stormbearer mountains teleport poinnt, I was so excited and I actually went and hugged my puppy because I was crying with happiness.
    The 2nd~ is this game made me reconnect with friends that I hadn't spoken to in ages and I am glad since it made me less terrified of co-op moments and I was about to share what I knew about this hyper fixation to help them and they could with me.

  19. Used to watch my dad play a game called Papo & yo on ps3, with my sister and brother when we were toddlers. My dad has never been a gamer though. That makes me think.

    My love for videogames was never that evident to me, if that makes any sense to say? Genshin was my first ever videogame I've seriously played. I even got a laptop just for the sole purpose of playing genshin. I hope that in the future, I'll dig up more games that I truly enjoy, without feeling like I should like first-shooters, horror games or whatever I feel pressured to like as of right now.

    I appreciate you Java, but not for your content. Sometimes I wonder how you've had to take on the role of "the responsible parent" online, because compared to before you made content, you really didn't have to stress about someone canceling you or setting a digital bounty on your head. That's not, ofcourse, a Java-only limited experience, since that happens to a large amount of content creators. I wish you patience

  20. "im almost positive that everything ive said is common sense to most of you" yeah, most of us. the people who make all that noise are definitely the silent majority. the most u should do is give advice or inform people. the moment u start telling people what they should do on their own accounts in a GAME, thats the moment ur not actually trying to help people

  21. i dont really have a memorable moment playing games but other than that i really get what you're saying and feel it myself haha theres so many things that bad people do in the genshin fandom that overshadows(?) the whole community which just isnt right

  22. I accidentally got Alhaitham and Now everyone is Telling me to build him because heā€™s strong and Iā€™m just like , no Iā€™d donā€™t like him , like I know heā€™s strong but I donā€™t like his personality or playstyle so Iā€™ll rather play Kokomi and Diluc or Keqing until I get finally get Tighnari.

  23. Genshin really started to feel like a daily chore, it didnā€™t feel fun anymore especially when i had the welken and had to log in everyday.. I stopped playing for a while and am waiting for Fontaine but everyday i feel so guilty like i need to log in or else i might get in trouble like not doing your homework. So pray for me and my mental journey through this break <3
    Ps. Love you Java ā¤ļø your content is really what keeps me going and happy when the world sucks, your voice is so calming and easy to list to so i love you!

  24. I love these videos. they help me focus on my work, relax and just chill
    whenever I need to do work, study, or just need to get something done I play videos like these to help it feel less boring
    thank you java, keep going! <3

  25. I remember trying so hard to finish the inazuma archon quest w the miko training, the signora boss fight and the raiden fight part 1 and 2 definetly the hardest archon quest ive ever done in genshin until now. That archon quest took me 2 WHOLE months

  26. This is a video I needed to see, I havenā€™t played genshin ever since tears of the kingdom came out and I feel kinda bad about it. But this video made me realize itā€™s okay to take breaks like that šŸ’œ

  27. Dude. Stop playing Genshin. You are clearly at a point where you are fed up with making videos about it. I would understand if you wanted to take a break, but making video after video about how much you secretly donā€™t like what youā€™re doing any more and blaming others makes me like you less.

    Burn out is normal. Stop playing.

  28. Genshin is such an important game to me. I used to spend hours upon hours playing the game, every day being dedicated to it. Now it's a much more casual thing. I play when I can and I realized I'm happier with that. But just because I don't play it all the time doesn't mean it is any less special. This game is a comfort to me, a safe space where I can feel proud of myself for all the things I've achieved on it.

    It is also a shared interest between me and my best friend. A core memory I have is this year when me and my best friend went to an internet cafe just for fun. It was our first time playing Genshin after a month or so and our first time playing it on PC. We did so much grinding together, struggling to figure out the controls, helping each other out, talking about the game and about our lives as we conquered domains. It was such a good day.

    My boyfriend also started playing Genshin just so he could enjoy it with me. I took him around getting teleport waypoints and absolutely destroying everything in his low levelled world. And he was happy to let me be his bodyguard while I used characters I don't normally use. It was fun for both of us. And of course I took him to the heart island. His reaction will always be so precious to me.

    Playing with him and my best friend reminded me of just how much I love the game. That the game isn't my everything but it's something. And honestly just writing this out has made me happy. And that's what Genshin should be about. Recognizing that you can enjoy the game without it consuming you. And being able to share that joy with others. To freely talk about what you like and don't like about the game while respecting other peoples opinions. You bet my best friend and I have differing opinions about the game and I love talking to her about it. Not with the goal to change her mind but just to get to know her more and talk about my own experience and thoughts.

    This whoooole thing just to say I've been playing for a while, three years, and this game is important to me. But I know it's just a game that shouldn't rule over my life. Others should come to learn that as well <3

  29. One memorable thing for me is when me and my bestie were playing genshin and she wanted kazuha and we were testing out rituals and she actually did get an early 5 star but it was keqing, it was a great time, I will never forget it

  30. Another thing is to simply not engage in the fandom. I am someone who has never found a reason to engage much in social media and all this "toxic" Genshin fandom I hear about has not affected me. I simply love the game. I have played much worse gacha games in the past and I just quit playing.


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