Genshin Impact is Getting an Anime – 3.1 Sumeru Update in 120 Seconds!

Genshin Impact 3.1 is drawing near. Let’s review everything that’ll be releasing, all in just two minutes!

Redemption Codes:

Official Livestream:

Follow on Twitter for sneak peeks and strange finds:

Resources used:
– Genshin Impact OST “Hustle and Bustle of Ormos” and its night variation
– Genshin Impact official livestream
– Graphics sourced from official Genshin Impact promotional materials

#genshinimpact #genshin #sumeru #nilou #cyno #candace


33 thoughts on “Genshin Impact is Getting an Anime – 3.1 Sumeru Update in 120 Seconds!”

  1. Don't forget a reveal of a new possibly playable character. The one that delivers Varka's letter to KoF. That boy dressed like a main character/vision bearer if he's not playable or at least important to the story, then why bother made such design.

  2. I remember seeing people talk about this on twitter and they did the 1 thing they should never have done…..say aether is the canon MC. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man. They both are canon its just they need a poster child to not confuse non-players when seeing advertisements and stuff so they chose aether. No the mamga is not exempt from this either they simply chose aether cuz they cant exactly keep switching between both being the same character. Both are canon as stated by mihoyo themselves so stop living in denial. Even if the ufotable anime picks aether or lumine as the MC it doesnt mean the other isnt still the canon MC they simply had to make a decision as to which one they chose.


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