I FINALLY Raised Childe, and I'm Impressed (Genshin Impact)

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Music from Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
Outro Music: “City Breath Control – Halcyon Lounge”


27 thoughts on “I FINALLY Raised Childe, and I'm Impressed (Genshin Impact)”

  1. That rotation in the talent domain actually gave me pain… you should use Childe as an on field enabler for Xiangling if you're gonna run them together.

  2. I’ve been waiting on this video! Childe was my first 5*. Got him off rerun. 2 piece heart of depth with 65%crit rate 170% crit damage (battle pass bow for extra crit rate)

    Talents are only 5/6/6 too. And he’s hitting like a truck! Would’ve gone 4 piece set but artifacts luck is poop 🙁 can’t wait to upgrade him!

  3. hello!! childe main here

    If you want to do some of those big numbers with Bennett

    I suggest you to do bennett's ult swap to childe get out of the ring (or get a little away from the enemy) go to childe's melee form and do his burst

    Cause youve been struggling with childe trying to get vaporize with bennett bc his attack is kinda AoE

  4. Your build for this was like an awkward hybrid build. You were running heart of depths but with a stringless. For a pure main dps childe it would've been a much better idea to use Rust / Skyward Harp / Viridescent Hunt for his weapon.

  5. the stringless is a bad bow for dps childe (its only for burst childe), if u want big pp dmg as dps childe you gotta give him the rust bow and its refinements or the skyward harp

  6. 11:59
    Here we go
    1) Stringless is made for ult damage so you are not gonna get impressed by auto atks

    2) Childe isn't made to be a carry like hutao or dulic because he applies hydro way to quickly, in fact his hydro application is the fastest in game, even better than mages like mona. So keeping that in mind he can enable others like xiangling, beidou or fishcl to vaporize or electro charged. Basically he applies hydro so others can benefit from that hydro, that's why his application is so damn fast.

    While going for big numbers,
    1) use stringless
    2) use sucrose + vv, and bennett
    3) when you go to melee mode, you apply hydro, so you need to dash away, then switch, then dash back in to do ult

    I admit his playstyle is unorthodox, but well that's what makes him special, also what do you expect from someone who cheats on bow users and make his own damn weapons xd

  7. When xinyan whacks 2/3 or more enemies with her ability, her shield does almost constant pyro dmg like it does with her ult. She could do well with childe because of that!

  8. The only thing I don't like about tartag is that his team is expensive to build, but it is worth it tho, since he enables his team you need them with good artifacts. tartag with xiangling is one the best comps since he enables her with vaporize


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