Genshin Impact is Dead | Genshin Impact

#genshin #genshinimpact #calledit

Lol, knew it for a long time. Guess its official now.

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31 thoughts on “Genshin Impact is Dead | Genshin Impact”

  1. Genshin and ToF are for casuals and will be forever like that, that is why you play those game for a while every new patch and return to your Life or return to your main game that actually require Skill like StarCraft or Counter Strike or less skill but still fun like LOL Valorant Fortnite… It was ridiculous expecting Genshin or ToF to become competitive games just ToF is pretending to become one but is just that "pretending" you don't gain or learn absolutely nothing playing those Gacha games, just lose money or Time but that is ok

  2. Really sad to say this but I'm quitting genshin. I hate that it means I have to quit all the amazing content creators like yourself who made the game enjoyable to talk about when the game itself wasn't fun. I speak with my time and money and for me, this dev interview was the last straw. They've taken away all meaning in building and wishing for new characters for me since there will never be enough places to use them. Thanks Valk

  3. nothing new under the sun . this article just made clear of what is abvius and set free the cupiom cc that try to make this game what it isnt ~
    gladly, ,most of us are – the casual players – most of us , dont even have the time to build and grind and pull every character,
    i would lovveee more abyss stuff , but overall, i dont care. i love the story, i love the world, explore, characters ~
    the only ones that might quite are the content creators — nehhhh~~ they wont cause this game make them money lol

  4. What drives me insane is all the people who just don’t care and keep defending Mihoyo, they made 3 Billions and after 2 years we can’t even get a resin increase, skins and accessories for the traveler, no new reactions, and no buffs on old characters.
    Seriously, fuck Mihoyo, what a scummy company.

  5. It's not just hardcore players are going to tired of Genshin, it also includes old players because it's all becoming repetitive even the story itself they just introducing new characters but the plot stays the same moving on to the next nation, they can't say or don't know any about Celestia or the twin, it supposed to be a good story but it becomes repetitive even the gameplay itself no point to whale on it since it was an easy game and most of the characters are powercrept

    Edit:also exploring Teyvat is not fun anymore there's nothing new like mounts, they added Waverider before but in 3.0 it's literally just a new map Sumeru that feels like a dlc

  6. Oh bohoo its a story driven gameee.the end of the story is its endgame.currently we only face 4 archons, 3 regions still lock how can u say that this game is dead.🙄plus mhy target a casual player from the beginning that is why all of its puzzle and monsters is not that hard to beat..

  7. It honestly sucks. Nowaday you can't have a fight longer than 1 and a half Minute. I'm not kidding. Not even Spiral abyss lasts more than 1:30 seconds for each part.
    And this is just a once in 15 days.
    You get new characters and build them with no point. There's no rush or excitment in this game anymore.

    People aren't going to Stick around for fishing and card games. And especially not for the cringy pointless dragged out dialogue that genshin has.

    And once hardcore players leave, new players won't keep coming into the game since there's no content to advertise it. Well deserved if it dies because of this.

  8. DEAD seems more fitting to describe TOF, they have that endless abyss right as endgame? guess what TOF is pretty dead after a month.
    Whatever endgame there is, people will always just wants more or get bored with it pretty quick.

  9. Yep, what we're reading here today is genshin impacts obituary.

    any game that refuses to evolve and instead chooses to remain stagnant is fated to die. Good thing they put this out there so people can just make a concious desicion to leave rather than waiting for its inevitable death.

    I think they had good ideas about challenging combat centered content, like hyakunin ikki, or the labyrinth roguelike in 2.2, sadly they never went around to implementing it as a permanent game mode

    They CAN cater to both casual and hardcore players, both kind of content are not mutually exclusive. Endgame challenges and casual stuff can coexist together, you can have your cake and eat it too, what's this about "Excessive Anxiety"?

    Shame, real shame. I'll still be playing the game unfortunately, buyer's remorse and all that, but only sparingly.

  10. So, less than 1% of cry babies expect a casual waifu gacha simulator to be "try hard", which is already stupid as fuck. They put money on it and whale, (even more stupid) then after 2 years they cry rivers and keep crying and crying because their casual gacha game is not try hard enough. Can you be more irrational and absurd? no you can't. And to make it all more stupid, this "interview" is fake, no one really check the info, FOX or CNN do a better job than you guys, you can't fall lower than that. And….they are still making content 1 day after, builds, reviews, all videos after "we are going to leave this evil game" no you don't.

    This was the most absurd drama queen theater I have seen in my life.

  11. I'm sad I'm really sad I can't play it anymore now….. all the artis godly artis all the signature weapons all the constellations are useless now my only hope for returning was they do smth exciting whaling is just lost it is purpose.
    I hope casual players can still have fun and I'm going to stay in tof for now even the servers in Europe are mostly dead… especially after cobalt mistranslation rip..

  12. Dude I am on the same camp as you. Started playing the game almost 2 years ago and I hate comparing the two specially cause ToF is really rough at times, being buggy and janky BUT it just feels like a good QoL as a long time gamer being like me being able to navigate the map easily, have more gameplay options, the community is so nice, got a skip button so i can skip unnecessary dialogue (cuz people dont understand you dont say the same thing 5x) and the devs actually listen and are transparent! Like me and GF started playing Genshin 2 years ago f2p to the point our characters were really broken. Then the coop events disappeared and we barely played together. Inazuma story was sh*t, not only that but not having a skip button that the kids dont like it actually made me realize the flaws of the gameplay loop and remind me about the game dev classes I had at uni and see how they make everything to artificially extend gameplay and make you "work for it" like a job. Then the Anniversary hoyo tried to pull a scam on artists like me and her (genshin kids will defend that), 2.7 streamers program I got rewarded w/ 200 primos by streaming 24 hrs with my community 😂, lore moves reaaaally slow and predictable with paimon parroting everything 10x, no QoLs in general, could keep going on. Genshin does the bare minimum to their player base and if it was a western game company people would be raging but hoyo smol indie company with my pixel waifus people forgive all this crap. Good thing I quit months ago and stopped doing content for this shitty company. I just grew sad cause I love some genshin characters and the art team puts so much into their visuals. I mean sure, if you love the game and dont care about the other stuff keep going, fair enough. But schrodinger genshin is either the "most perfect game above all criticism" or "its a gacha what do u expect quit the game lol" so yeah tired to discuss with the community but glad they made an almost-statement and now there is no hopium to come back and I hope other players start to play other stuff they actually get rewarded by their efforts. Just sucks the game could be much more. People are happy attacking others on reddit without realizing even the most casual is gonna be an "end game" player some day. Sad.

  13. “Spiral abyss is incredibly easy to beat” my c2 raiden, c1 eula and Hu Tao, and all my other characters still can’t get me to 36 star it. I just recently beat floor 12 and it was irritating with how I struggled. I might be bad at deciding which elements to use for which sections but that means it’s not really easy if you have to use strategy

  14. Genshin was never meant to be a game you play for 10+ hours a day and it only took western players unfamiliar with gacha games 2 years to figure it out. Most adults in Asian countries don't have time to hardcore play any game, I certainly don't. I play during my lunch break and sometimes a couple hours on weekends. Genshin was designed for players like us, to play casually over a long period of time. Most of us aren't anywhere finished with what Sumeru has so to offer so far. Spiral Abyss feels like a chore to me so I rarely even do it.
    Not to suck Hoyoverse's dick, they are pretty scummy, but western players expect way too much from a f2p gacha game.


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