Genshin Impact Inazuma Kazuha new leaks and info, 1.5 zhongli re run banner reveal and more

0:00 – Introduction
0:38 – Zhongli re run banner reveal
1:29 – Kazuha Info
2:39 – Kazuha skills Info
3:29 – Kazuha constellation adjustments
4:34 – Kazuha Banner Prediction
5:30 – New enemies in Inazuma
5:48 – Outro

This video contains leaks and spoilers, if you don’t want to get spoiled please don’t continue watching this video

new sweet groove
Akai Haato BGM 3

Lumie Twitter

Thumbnail source:


41 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Inazuma Kazuha new leaks and info, 1.5 zhongli re run banner reveal and more”

  1. Edit:

    Timestamp 0:003:42
    Song got copyrighted
    I muted it
    We need to follow the youtube guidelines

    Another edit:
    I can't do anymore leaks
    If you want leaks pls join in this server

    Some people are sad because they won't be prepared in the upcoming updates
    If you want leaks and spoils
    Join in my discord server:

    Also pls note that some leaks about Kazuha are unconfirmed
    The only confirmed ones are
    – His name
    – His vision

  2. Now i regret my choice to pull for venti (need him For spiral abyss though) and i know they are diffrent but my bank avcount does not csre about that

    They are to similar to even vonsider spending money uff TT

  3. Pulling for Eula is becoming a distant dream with all these Inazuma characters leaking. My ultimate goal is to have all archons so now I’m saving for Baal, but since I have a Wolf’s gravestone pulling for Eula is super tempting

  4. it is it true that the vortex vanquisher is replaced with summit shaper? and gonna be beside memory of dust? tbh i kinda want memeory of dust but i want zhongli spear. just because it looks cool even tho staff of homa is better on zhongli >_<
    those websites talking about leaks of summit shaper instead of VV is full of BS…only if mihoyo sold weapon skins instead of the actually weapon. i wouldn't feel the need to spend maybe 1 grand for cosmetics


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