rolling for klee… i hate genshin impact

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my dumbass decided to roll for klee on the last day LMAO. wish me luck… prayer circle please


40 thoughts on “rolling for klee… i hate genshin impact”

  1. No joke my nephew got Klee in his second 10th poll and my twin nephews on their first day playing got Klee in their 1st or 2nd one pull (using star glitter after they wished on the standard banner).

  2. Dude I was pulling in preparation for Kazuha and I was like oh I'm about to hit 70, there's no way I'll get a 5star at the beginning of soft pity, so I'll be prepared for tomorrow- I got Klee. Don't get me wrong, she's adorable, but I don't want her and I'm not going to use her, and now I have to start all over and now I likely won't get Kazuha cus I'm f2p and I'm SO MAD AT MYSELF ahhhh 🙁

  3. I pulled klee on my second multi and keqing on a single i’ve only been playing Genshin for a week👁👄👁

    Good luck to every single soul who wants them or just any character in general😁🤞

  4. U should try wishing on dragonspine. I've heard lots of people have weirdly good pulls there. I pulled my first double purple and then a 5star all right after each other with single pulls

  5. I lost my 50/50….and instead of giving me at least Qiqi or another 5* character…I got a 5*weapon

    edit:i forgot i lost it cause i wished n permenet banner(but sometimes there is a chance to get a 5 star weapon from character banner)

  6. I only know how to use Jean as a dps, but I play her with this formula: charged attack -> Hold E skill towards the ground so the enemy takes fall damage -> still holding E, aim upwards until the duration of the E is up and the enemy goes flying and takes fall damage -> normal attacks to heal party until the E cool down is nearly over -> repeat


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