Genshin Impact anniversary drama arc is coming to an end soon, but the problem still remains…

Don’t let this temporary victory from the community distract you from the REAL problem at hand here.



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46 thoughts on “Genshin Impact anniversary drama arc is coming to an end soon, but the problem still remains…”

  1. they could have easily made the anniversary epic, and then carry stuff over to HI3 so they don't feel left out during their anniversaries. idk how the game plays there, but for Genshin they could have done stuff like a special anniversary banner, where we could choose a character/weapon we wanted to roll for at a discounted rate, like what the Noelle starter banner was for new players (IE a multi for the cost of 8 wishes). 1/2 price domains and leylines for the week, or hell, even free artifact domains just for the day. honestly free artifact farming for a day wouldn't even be that bad. artifact RNG is so layered, people still most likely wouldn't get many good artifacts, but the community response would have been massive.

    i would say "they really dropped the ball this year", but they failed so hard that they weren't even in the same court as the ball. this anniversary will be remembered all right. for all the wrong reasons.

  2. Sadly on the next update we'll all forget this and their sale will be back to normal

    If only their next banner they get another Bellow 1 million or exactly as low as 1 mill, they'll start to think on how to treat us

  3. I looking forword to live stream ,now rewords doesn't matter. I just to want see mihoyo care for there playere wether they are whale or f2p. Hope they open on this matter during live stream.

  4. imo bombing genshin rating is a valid way to show dissatisfaction when all official chnls didnt work, but not dragging other games/ppl into this. i doubt the thank you mails from mhy were actually planned, if they were, why only started to distribute them on 30 sep out of all dates? why not on the anni day itself where ppl usually expect the most on? since its going to be a 4 day mail thing, y not just let it starts on anni day? mhy is not dumb, at this point i just feel like mhy was testing water, if the backlash from community didnt happen, mhy would just let anni day goes by like another tuesday.
    ppl harassed mhy VA/artists/employees to let out their frustrations is definitely not encouraged, however, i feel like its inevitable as the pent up rage/frustration in ppl has grew so much that its hard to contain n it caused ppl to take irrational actions. albeit its definitely not the right thing to do, but it also showed how mhy doesnt really care about their employees/va/artists well being, just like how they didnt care abt the community's. if mhy cared, surely they would do something to better the situation.
    then again, this is just my opinion

  5. I just don't get why they couldn't give a 5 star from the standard banner. From my personal exp, i've had bad luck with the standard banner. And i'm sure others most likely have bad luck with that one as well. Since there's more chances to get 5 stars people don't want. Because of the weapon potentials. Also i'm sure the people who make the game aren't responsible. It's whoever handles the business aspect. Which usually are out of touch with the reality of what the fanbase should get in general. :/

  6. moral of the entire saga: Bullying works!

    Anyhow, I do find mihoyo actively engaging the community on genshin first months. they tweaked resin a lot, fixed geo and zhongli, and release good characters consistently. But maybe at around some time leading to Eula banner, they simply stopped listening. the content drought is real, 5* start to go underwhelming without cons (ayaka is an exception), and yeah, that's that. But things is still "fine" at the time.

    The real problem starts at Yoimiya. She's weak and underwhelming as a DPS. People roasted her on beta, testers complained about her, and mihoyo give a total of zero fucks about it. Players are dissatisfied, but that's about it. Then there's the Raiden Beidou scam, where mihoyo's solution is change the skill description, give 100 apologems, and that's it. Tons of Raiden havers (and I mean TONS, she is the best selling banner) are left feeling scammed. And next is Kokomi. Just like yoimiya, she's not that good. people start to just stop pulling for kokomi. And finally, the anniv where the community FINALLY IMPLODED due to mihoyo not reacting to anything the community throw at them.

  7. 3:003:35 Just about the review bombing, you should at least have 100k subs.
    Like right? Where do we go then? As much as I hate that with all the censorship, you know it got to the point where my friend asked a genuine question with the word anniversary and was muted lol!

  8. the outrage of community was like a small dent in a dam overflowing that mihoyo alrdy know since day 1 neglected until a crack opens, leads to a chaos and goes out of control. let this be a lesson to mihoyo and genshin players who are future devs or business game owners that neglect will always lead to disaster and loss.

  9. Watatsumi Resistance against Vision Hunt Decree = Playerbase against default Anniversary Reward

    Inazumans want Electro Archon's attention for them = Playerbase wants MHY to communicate more with them

    The plot thickens…

  10. I'm personally not going to chill until they start communicating because enough is enough. I'm gonna continue voicing my concerns until we start getting the communication we truly deserve

  11. Well If I am a prince oil I'm gonna kidnapping Da wei torture him so he can explain to the players why they treat us like a bot, after that use money to get out from Jail 😂.

  12. Just a reminder: What they call "Anniversary" log in bonus used to be a monthly thing since the launch, up till January, when they were breaking the bank and decided "ah we got the pay piggies hooked now, lets tune down the free stuff".
    Also the stuff they gave as damage control (make no mistake, thats not delayed gratitude or anything) was supposed to be a 30$ pack sold as part of ingame live concert. Let that hit you.
    If there was no outrage, no outcry, no pain, they would have literally gave us nothing, zero, zilch, nada for the annivesary. A rehash of a old log in bonus that used to be a regular thing, later scrapped coz greed, and not even a thank you for playing. And no dont let the shills and whiteknights tell you otherwise.

  13. If this is solving the many issues with the game ? Am afraid the answer is unfortunately NO.
    1- the game still has the same identity crisis it has since day one it's a Gatcha game but it doesn't play like one.
    2- the Resin was and still is the main issue this game has and the developera kinda refuse to fix this.
    3- this acts like a damage control ( PR ) not an honest 1st step to make this game better.

    I don't really think there is such thing call Genshin impact is something and Mihoyo is another mate 👍 they designed and published the game.

  14. I dont even know who is the one at wrong here,babaric community or MHY.cant we just think about it,MHY makes millions or billions,but what does the anniversary reward have to do with that? It just marks the day of the games release,but why does the community be so babaric,just because other game gives btter reward om the anniversary than genshin? shouldn't we look into the creation of the developing maps, character,music,and everything?does all of those seem low quality?most likely we would say its high quality,so high quality is cheap and takes few thousand dollars to make?If so what game has such detailed and everything but gives great reward?lets all start being reasonable people,we have intelligence,we arnt monkey nor barbarian.just stop with this.cause even i a 16 years old feel ashamed that many grown ups are being a childish adult.

  15. Sorry but with them trying to remove all Criticism and discussions about the game and the Anniversary i find the statement they gave.. in my opinion this comes across as a ad for the upcoming concert… just like the ingame mail and so called "rewards" they sent out. Just more damage control no meaningful message or response

  16. Maybe we can talk about how whales (including big content creators, though they say otherwise) pay for the game to stay the same. Thus only through drama do we get minimal change rather than real change. Like when people keep spending money refreshing their resin they are telling the company that this feature is fine. So as much as many would love for the resin situation to change, we are not simply asking the company to change the game, we are asking them to.take a large pay cut.

    Like this game has one of the simplest and easiest ways to make a company listen (like if I want Nintendo to listen about BotW I can probably go beep myself because I have already paid for the game), yet we choose drama and minimal change over all the BIG stuff that we could get.

  17. I agree. I am also looking forward to concert. Musicians and Yu Peng have my absolute respect. I will enjoy the whole concert fully. I will just forget the problems for a moment and just enjoy.

  18. I’m still so confused what people are so angry about about or need an apology for? Of course the company is going to look at the community like they are crazy, because they are.

  19. We are not leaving this behind. As civil as possible however, we will show our frustrations in the 2.2 stream without making an embarrassment of ourselves. This will not end until they start talking directly with us, players. Damage control won't patch this up.

  20. I definitely agree with you. Whilst the lack of communication from them exist, it just didn't made sense people started attacking and spreading ill intent all over the place.

    As development in story goes, I for one have already gone disappointed due to lack of QoL and better features and additional mechanics in game. Due to lack of solid content, I simply burnt myself out in the process due to its blandness, and barely moving forward from the progress, hoping I would savor it more on the future should that big content come. I'm worn out, basically, and I've been idle since the end of patch 1.9 up until now, even opening the game for login felt like a hassle for me.

    I for one expect fairness out of them. Up until now I'm still waiting for their KFC wings come out to global, but hey, it's been a year and we still haven't received any updates regarding it. I want to support the game more like how whales do, but yeah, it just didn't hit me at all. Been spending battle passes and welkins, but other than that, nothing.

    As for the players, I definitely understand the review bombing. They're trying to get the attention of PR and give the players at least a humane response. The lack of communication gave them lot some social crackdown. There's that, but due to the chaos, a lot sent unnecessary review bombs on the games not involved at all with Genshin. Seriously, a genshin spam review on Pokémon unite!? I also feel bad for the VAs and others that were suddenly been involved with the fiasco. That just shows how cancerous the community have become. There's that current Qiqi spam on the maincord too, it's actually painful to read. Just a bunch of morons having massive tons of free time in their hands. I'm kinda envious of them having the luxury to do so while others keeps their head above water just to survive. It's a good reason for Genshin to axe themselves tbh. Racism, sexism, prejudice, name others, those people who review bombed with ill intent definitely have it.

    Bottom line: Both sides have fault. Taking advantage of each other is different from working together. The nuance is so different it's actually as clear as the day and night.

    Thank you Erotic Walrus for being a person who prefers reason over baseless accusations and assumptions. I hope you continue your good work in everything, not just on stream. Take care always. Till next time. I'm also looking forward to their OSTs on their upcoming concert.

  21. Never defend corporation no matter the circumstances.
    There are never virtues in capitalism, only monetary incentive.
    If they need to feel the pain in order to let our voice heard, so be it.
    If you don't want to join the movement, at least don't be a capitalism sympathizer, a class traitor.

  22. you're asking much my dude. ill put my money that not even mr.chen is going to dodge it but then again who knows. i wanna enjoy the concert and i love orchestras but sadly not even those is gonna calm that feeling that its just a PR damage control


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