Right as I heard Standard Banner. I hope they would this everytime, put the Limited Time Banner character too the Standard Banner. Keep the increase rates for them. Too make sure no one pulls they put Cyno with her, who almost plays the same but Cyno is probably better.
Tighnari is a standard baner character too but he's 10 times better than dehya and dosen't feel like a standard character, don't know why they hate dehya so much ( oh nvm i do know why.. )
I don't understand the negative Ness, her coming to standard is a very good news for everyone, it means access to C1 is possible for basically everyone now, most people, even Welkin user don't ever want to intentionally get a C1 of any 5* simply cuz they can't afford it. Now she is affordable. I'd be glad to randomly get her in the future. She is also the first 5* standard banner tank, that is not in the worst element: Geo. New players now don't have to wait for Zhongli rerun, like ever. She can fill his role fairly well, even fight back a bit against the wolf. So in conclusion, just built her as intended, as a tank, give her HP artifact, there's literally less than 10% difference on damage compared to giving her EM. Now with C1 possible, even more reason to.
Judging from the leaked scaling and some guestimations, Her total burst damage will deal 30k. (Building only hp and then leaving 1kish for atk) Thats like.. Normal burst damage for any 5* star. But this build is her being an off field support. So there'll be an interruption reduction buff refresh for a total of 24 seconds of interruption reduction buff.
Damn the second half banners look more enticing then he first half especially if they're throwing in another standard so soon. I was not expecting that.
I can already see the CN and Jp players crying and vomiting at the thought of losing 50/50 to a slightly tan character. It must be a tragedy for them to think other skin tones exist. My only hope is this is the same situation as yae and she’ll finally find her place after 8 months…
Yes guys don't listen…don't listen to this doomposter that doesn't even know the basic mechanics of the game and can't play anything different than meta from 1.0. People that skipped Tighnari regretted listening to these doomposters, same happened for Kazuha, Alhaitman and the list of characters goes on. Just wait when the trial drops instead of listening to unconfirmed infos and alledged theorycrafters.
Right as I heard Standard Banner. I hope they would this everytime, put the Limited Time Banner character too the Standard Banner. Keep the increase rates for them. Too make sure no one pulls they put Cyno with her, who almost plays the same but Cyno is probably better.
Start 31:43
The incompetence of this company is astounding.
No wonder Dehya is so shite… she is standard banner…
I saved so much for her. Lol. I guess Eula or Baizhu will get the love instead. >:(
schools finally over now i can hear the stream leeesss gooooooo
Tighnari is a standard baner character too but he's 10 times better than dehya and dosen't feel like a standard character, don't know why they hate dehya so much ( oh nvm i do know why.. )
Maybe they actually planning for dehya to enter standard banner from beginning.
Well not that i or we know what mihoyo thinking anyway
This was EXTREMELY disappointing for me…
Dehya being the coolest character from Sumeru being a non limited and Eula NOT on the banner…so sad T^T
No Eula 😭😭😭
The best thing about 3.5 by far is Ayaka finally getting another rerun.
Auto attack team burning/overload.
„Dehya is not ready until her rerun“
When you watch the video after knowing the result’s.
Soo good
I don't understand the negative Ness, her coming to standard is a very good news for everyone, it means access to C1 is possible for basically everyone now, most people, even Welkin user don't ever want to intentionally get a C1 of any 5* simply cuz they can't afford it. Now she is affordable. I'd be glad to randomly get her in the future.
She is also the first 5* standard banner tank, that is not in the worst element: Geo.
New players now don't have to wait for Zhongli rerun, like ever. She can fill his role fairly well, even fight back a bit against the wolf.
So in conclusion, just built her as intended, as a tank, give her HP artifact, there's literally less than 10% difference on damage compared to giving her EM.
Now with C1 possible, even more reason to.
Wasn't going to get Dehya anyway but also wouldn't mind getting her if I lose my 50/50 in the future
Judging from the leaked scaling and some guestimations, Her total burst damage will deal 30k. (Building only hp and then leaving 1kish for atk) Thats like.. Normal burst damage for any 5* star. But this build is her being an off field support. So there'll be an interruption reduction buff refresh for a total of 24 seconds of interruption reduction buff.
It’s a sad day to Dehya mains & Eula mains, should’ve been Eula + Shenhe tbh, HoYoverse once again messing with us
Eula didn’t get rerun because cyno/dehya bring in no money. They needed shenhe/ayaka to lessen the blow
They have all these events they keep reusing but I want them to redo divine ingenuity! I loved that event and put so much effort into it
Imagine genshin characters as fire emblem hero characters lol. Dehya Roy 😂
They couldn't afford to replace him in time.
First oz scandal now Tighnari scandal.
Nope. i seriously doubt she will ever be important. Why is important from standard? Standard is sort of a graveyard for irrelevant units.
Standard banner Dehya
Damn the second half banners look more enticing then he first half especially if they're throwing in another standard so soon. I was not expecting that.
Dehya mains are just as equal as Diluc mains at this point.
Fungi mechanic. I wonder if will we get a fontaine character that controls kahnreiah robots
I can already see the CN and Jp players crying and vomiting at the thought of losing 50/50 to a slightly tan character. It must be a tragedy for them to think other skin tones exist. My only hope is this is the same situation as yae and she’ll finally find her place after 8 months…
Deyha's constellations are really good. Really makes her kit cohesive.
Well, Qiqi will not be alone as the most unwanted character in the standard banner anymore.
Khoi shouldn’t make NPC jokes based on the other VA scandal on them making fun of that other NPC character in Sumeru.
I’m waiting on my cryo catalyst character.
Yes guys don't listen…don't listen to this doomposter that doesn't even know the basic mechanics of the game and can't play anything different than meta from 1.0. People that skipped Tighnari regretted listening to these doomposters, same happened for Kazuha, Alhaitman and the list of characters goes on. Just wait when the trial drops instead of listening to unconfirmed infos and alledged theorycrafters.