Genshin Impact 2023 Has Issues That Are Slowly Catching Up To The Game…

Genshin Impact has a serious issue that people REFUSE to talk about and it’s slowly killing the interest people have for the game.


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32 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 2023 Has Issues That Are Slowly Catching Up To The Game…”

  1. Genshin players are finally waking up from their Stockholm syndrome. 👏 Please, whatever games y'all choose to play next, don't get in the way of people criticizing the game. If y'all supported each other more and were open to accepting that the game isn't perfect, 100% i believe Genshin would've been a better game than it is now.

    Please don't carry the Stockholm syndrome mindset to other games and communities. Thanks. Take care of your mental health, everyone 😄❤️

  2. The issue of this type of game is keep it fresh and interesting for the long run. I played genshin for more than 2 years, and to be honest, i am getting way too bored with it, something that never happened with battlefield. Yeah, different genre, but genshin feels flat and the point you make is fair, no real upgrades

  3. Yes I watch a puzzle tutorial if I can’t work it out, watch guides, or watch ppl figure things out, lore channels. Time limited or tired yeah.

    Yeah some times I like figuring it out others nah, I enjoy making my own teams tho nd fluffing round. Some times the gam can be boring or slow so I just take a mini break, I like the game still

  4. Y’all are capping hard if you’re acting like Genshin’s issues are NOW catching up to it. It was obvious for years now, but y’all just kept making excuses. Don’t come out of the woodworks now acting like Star Rails opened your eyes to the issues. Y’all deliberately turned a blind eye for years because your benevolent Hoyoverse can’t do wrong. Oh Hoyoverse is super smart! They have the data! They know best! You don’t like it go play another game! Casual this, casual that!

  5. I took 8 months off pre Sumeru and then came back with a different mindset. Now i play at my own pace instead of binging content. My experience has improved greatly

  6. I am so bored with Genshin rn.
    And its sad because i said it 1000 times, i love this game so so much.
    I got this feeling where i play as a robot since maybe after wanderer’s banner. Tbh now i play only for dailies and primos thats it, i skipped all dialogue (something i never used to do) because its just boring and bad..

  7. I really do respect your opinion on genshin and star rail. Whey you said that luocha is a short term gain, I realized that I really don't need him and if my team suffers now, it won't make a difference with or without him if I don't pull for blade. My wife and I were talking about how would we have pulled for genshin if we first started and both of us would pull for Venti and skip kazuha. Childe would have been a good pick up for me and force international w venti and change with shogen later on after playing for a year. I do enjoy your content and it does open my mind to new ideas and share with with my wife. Thank you.

  8. The TCG event's quest took 6 hours of my worthless time away. Doing a quest I don't have any interest in for so long kind of broke the last straw for me. Bye. Best of luck Walruss. Hope you can live a comfortable life.

  9. 🧢 CAP. I acknowledge that you make valid point for the dwindling content within genshin, but its kinda cope to even be surprised that these "issues that are slowly catching up to the game" are something new. Every player and content creator has been saying this early on, so it shouldn’t even be groundbreaking news that genshin right now is pretty stale, its literally just over exaggerating at this point.

    Kinda proves my overall point, if genshin was treated the way it should have been (single-player, non competitive, casual gacha game) without content creators spinning the narrative, then issues like these may be lessened. Now don't come crying if Honkai star rail might eventually turn out to be genshin 2.0 because i don't wanna see it again.

  10. I'm a new player to Genshin but I've been playing gacha games since HI3 launch. I started last April 2023. I discovered your channel because I've been looking for discussions about the game. I never looked up the guides for this game for reasons you have already stated. It takes away the fun. I've been watching your vids and I've found them really engaging. I'm playing the game for fun and I can say that I'm happy I've not engaged with the genshin community as a whole after hearing stories about them. I still see Genshin as an extremely fun and exhilarating open world adventure experience and I would love to keep playing the game. Thank you for making the channel as to what it is so I can hear more of your niche community's thoughts and opinions on the game.

  11. Im a new hoyo game enjoyer started with genshin on hutao/yelan banner ehatever patch that is.. happen to stumble upon one of ur vids.. love ur conversation type content.. long may it continues and hsr as well ✌🏼

  12. Tectone and mtashed are toxic ppl and arent good for community and dont understand the game is 90% casual players so when they try to speak for the communitybthey dont they speak for the small minority or hardcore player wanna do endgame . Tectone alone just pure trash the game 24/7. It also not negative to tell ppl if you dont like the game just quit it a perfect responds . Ppl need to stop acting like there "criticism" is not free of criticism . The meta players are the toxic elitists casuals cant be gatekeeping elitist. Now i dont know or care who tenten is i wish him the best but tjis communitybž is filled with a ton of trash content creators and jorny community .

  13. I have played the game since day one. Took a 3 month break before inazuma and came back. The game has so many issues I can point out now I didn’t even see early on. That said for me I have become a welkin only player because I have too much power for any future this game will have. They have no interest making content for players as strong as me and everyone else 3 years In. I’m letting stuff stockpile up to do in the game while k have other things I want to play.

  14. The thing about hoyo business strategy, replacing old players with new players is fine. But over time theres going to be less and less new players to make start your game and eventually you wont be able to make up for all the veterans quitting. Which ive always been disappointed by genshin non effort to retain the veterans for this reason. I guess its better business wise to not add things the community wants to the game and just overtime lose thoses players but i feel like they had a chance to be a 20 year juggernaut like WOW as opposed to a 5 to 6 year one which seems to be the direction its going.

    Im not shocked by this. Its only a matter of time before games comes out that rival genshin and takes players away. Hoyoverse is kind of keeping that opportunity open for other businesses. Ik currently thier own game did it but what happens when a different company takes those same players. Very interesting

  15. Hoyo is too busy licking their profit chops to care about making QoL in genshin. Hoyo took feedbacks from genshin to create a new game to keep profits coming

  16. Here are some catchy phrases that emphasize being scammed by a game that only serves as a cash cow for the developers and all the feedback has been applied in their new game instead of the old one:

    1. "Looks like I've been playing the beta version of their next cash cow game without realizing it."
    2. "Well, I guess that's what I get for being a loyal player – scammed out of my money and my time."
    3. "I feel like a guinea pig – all my feedback was used to make their new game, not the one I've been playing."
    4. "I should have known something was fishy when they started selling in-game items for real money and not fixing any bugs."
    5. "I'm pretty sure the only thing the developers care about is their bank account, not the players' experience."
    6. "I feel like I just got played by the game – and not in a good way."
    7. "Looks like the joke's on me – I've been scammed into thinking this game was worth my time and money."
    8. "I'm starting to think the only way to win this game is to not play at all."
    9. "I don't know what's more disappointing – the fact that I got scammed or the fact that I actually enjoyed playing the game."
    10. "I feel like the developers are laughing all the way to the bank while I'm left with a worthless game and an empty wallet."

  17. With Star Rail everyone is noticing that gemshin never added qol features and with Star Rail they now know Gemshin could but has refused so people are disheartened.

  18. Hoping that MHY don't take the road Tell Tale did, biting off more than you can chew is really bad, they may be a billion dollar company but the talents to choose from are a select few like their writing teams for example

  19. Man… I just miss when genshin wasn’t this absolutely HATED game. Like people getting this visceral loathing reaction at the mention of genshin. I literally just play the game for a few mins to a few hours. I don’t go on Twitter or co-op. I just play the game when I feel like playing and it has allowed me to keep having fun for almost 3 years. I guess I’m definitely in the minority now.

  20. I finally started playing a few weeks ago. I following the game's development prior to release, but was so busy IRL that I never actually had a chance to check it out.
    I haven't really done much co-op, so my interactions with the community have been mainly online. Everyone seems to be relatively helpful and I definitely get a sense of the work that has gone into guides / resources and YT content creation – something that I am appreciative of.
    People who don't particularly like what they do for a living typically believe that the key to being happy in life is finding something you enjoy and being able to earn income from it. However, this is a "grass is always greener on the other side" scenario. What actually happens is all of the hassle of a job is dumped on something you are passionate about. It ends up becoming a chore that you force yourself into. Part of the reason we value our hobbies and interests so much is simply because our ability to engage in them is usually limited.

  21. I have experience why me hate public criticism, I got load of work I got little free time I just want watch some GI but alas, I clicked mtashed and it's ruin my mood in the middle of break, in eastern if I want say something say respectfully to the higher-ups ( some even don't at all), we knew mtashed and others butchered that's, like well we got opinions box in game and CS, if the company philosophy for game work different from you, then you work with the game not complain about it, is your work to entertain us not you have your fun and ruin our mood. I said to mtashed and others to quit the game is not healthy tbh for both side

  22. I'm a "3 year player" and tbh Genshin was never a "good" game, but It always was a game with tremendous potential. So these 2.5 years im still waiting for any improvements, so i can say "it is a game i can finally enjoy playing". But in reality Genshin was frozen since v1.2 (there were ZERO changes in gameplayloop since the game launch) and all they do is money sucking. At this point i just wasted too much time on this game to drop ;-(

  23. I feel like the main reason people prefer to watch guides instead of figuring characters on their own is because the resin system literally exists (I don't think I even need to elaborate on that)

  24. The loss of content creators is going to severely impact the game honestly. Genshin doesn't give you enough to play, and so people rely on content to fill the gap. Without that, they're going to start to naturally migrate to other things. Hoyo is betting it will be their games, but it's a bad bet. Why go to a publisher's other game when they literally just pissed you off by starving you of content? Combat focused folks are going to PGR and Aether gazer, wuthering waves and like 7 other open world games are coming up (7 deadly sins, the arknights one, etc).

    Tenten was pretty valuable when it came to a realistic pull value, then again when they released Dehya I basically stopped caring about future character hype completely, so the rush of THIS CHARACTER IS GREAT AND FUN, from people in the CC program doesn't really impact me anymore. That and since most of them started playing star rail and there's no way to filter out star rail I just unsubbed from most.

  25. i don't think genshin community is toxic, I think it is much more mature at this point, if someone criticizing you that doesn't mean they are toxic. problem with some genshin cc is that they used to make stupid videos and guides and give their stupid opinions, and now that someone like zajeff, kqm, jstern made quality content and ended all their myth they have nowhere to go. It gose for almost all youtuber including mtashed, tectone


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