Genshin's Endgame is Changing Permanently | Genshin Impact

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42 thoughts on “Genshin's Endgame is Changing Permanently | Genshin Impact”

  1. i was honestly confused where the video was going until i started reading the other comments, never been the biggest card gamer but hey i will at least try it out

  2. I am confused and not in a good way…
    Like what is wrong with genshin makers? SERIOUSLY? How did they think this is a good endgame content like wtf!!!

  3. Valk over here putting misleading titles in while talking about something that has nothing to do with the title like a certain big Genshin Youtuber does who will then mindlessly blames his viewers for "falling for the clickbait". Alright seriously though card systems should never have a place in Genshin unless there is a particular card game that's coming out that you'll like. I find card gameplay dull and boring, whether it's irl or virtual, that's just me.

    Edit: (reads comments below) oh. "Leaked" info about a card game that will be off to the side for 3.1? Anyways I'm leaving my original comment up still.

  4. didnt expect to see you make a video about leaked info. I just hope that it would allow us to use characters just like theater mechanicus. Hopefully, it would be a fun gameplay and that doesnt easily go stale after a while

  5. …if it was some sort of monster battler/arena thing i'd be more interested, y'know go out and catch a slime or something and then build it up and challenge others… or maybe mini ruin guard battles where you can swap out parts to build custom bots or something… tho at that point maybe I should just go play pokemon or armored core or something.

  6. Welp genshin is not capping when they said that they aim to get as much players as they can. Card games aint my thing, if they aint gonna put any improvements on our endgame loops might as well wait for them to establish an autochess game mode in the future lmao

  7. You guys can blame me for this……I have been asking for this every survey since itto said TCG. I asked a bunch of people to ask for it every survey since December 🧐 . I made sure to add “permanent” to my survey so unlike the rogue like mode it won’t disappear in a patch……also I’ll need to clarify what a raid is in the future based on the event we got last time…..💀

  8. When 3.1 releases I'll probably just roll on Kusanali and once I get her I will be taking a break on Genshin. Idk when I'm coming back but I'm guessing when they finally elaborate on Inazuma's storyline.

  9. why are we talking about card games in genshin impact tho ? so what are they gonna settle for a card game content since they can't seem to be smart or comptent enough to add actual content to the game itself ? are they gonna make ppl spend on cards +actual characters ? i really doubt it will be a perma mode that's for sure , i mean what's more boring than the current genshin endgame ? playing card games in genshin for sure .

  10. Don’t worry guys, it’s MHY. This “endgame” mode is irrelevant- like the Character Hangouts and Teapot. We’ve got FarmVille Impact, Dating Simulator Impact and it’s Pokémon Impact next.

  11. wtf i will quite genshin if they say some stupid card game is endgame , how a story and combat focus game is doing stupid shit like cads i fucking hate card games , i wont settel for less than a raid boss ,

  12. Not gonna lie I've actually always enjoyed it when games have unexpected but fun card games in them. Examples include Witcher 3, Star Wars Knights of the old Republic, and Bug Fables.


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