Genshin Impact 1v1 Raiden Shogun vs Zhongli


48 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 1v1 Raiden Shogun vs Zhongli”

  1. Honestly speaking, I think stamina wise both are about equal, but zhongli defn wins in durability. Also battle IQ wise I would say Raiden is better than zhongli due to her being trained as a warrior. However, I agree with zl having better intelligence ig due to his longer years of experience than ei.

  2. Zhongli gave up his gnosis, Raiden technically did too. Although, Raiden split an island in half and has an eternal thunderstorm around her island, zhongli created the entire gyuun stone forest just from crossfire in the archon war, he also sealed a ancient stone dragon under the earth, Raiden left inazuma to fight in khanriah and let kitsuni saiguu take care of the island while rifhounds laid waste, zhongli is more loyal to his people imo…

    I'm looking into this too much, sorry for the misspelling

  3. Endurancd should go on ei. Strength is tie since both can do large scale destruction. Abilities also should go on ei since she can literally pull people into pocket dimension and cut through space. I'd put them on tie overall

  4. If it's in their prime then yes this is accurate, but if it's present then raiden wins because she is immune to erosion and the puppets body allows her to use her full strength while zhongli is eroding he is still the prime adeptus but that's all he has going for him

  5. It would take quite a few raiden shoguns to overwhelm zhongli he is in fact however weaker than the raiden shogun and ei but possess the knowledge of combat no other archon has so if zhongli had time to recover his original strength he'd be able to destroy 2 or 3 copies of eis dolls and this is excluding the gnoses, and eis strength is not weakened like zhonglis which in turn means shes at her full potential right now without the gnosis of course but when she had her gnosis her strength or power would be powerful enough to rival zhonglis strength when he had his gnosis but at the end of the day it depends on how the fight will go seeing as zhongli's strength is recovering each day if we gave him enough time he'd crush the competition even if its a 2 on 1 but it all comes down to luck and how the fight will start in fact i think the tsaritsa is afraid of zhongli seeing as he had his gnosis his power would be greater than the tsaritsa herself and even if his gnosis powers are weakened the tsaritsa has no way to measure how powerful he is so thats why the fatui has childe and signora at the bank at liyue to i guess watch each others backs because they dont know how powerful he is and even if a fight broke out between ei and zhongli then.. i think the chances of the fight starting to begin with is very very slim but who knows maybe ei can overwhelm zhongli im just giving my opinions

  6. I think archons power in they're prime will be like this just my opinion 1_geo archon
    2_the tseritsa
    3_pyro archon(she's the god of war)
    4_raiden shogun
    5_hydro archon
    6_dendro archon(based on lore but how is she stronger then venti 😑)

  7. Actually, both stamina and durability go to Shogun. In her new story quest, we can see how she had been battling basically another god (The Puppet) for hundreds or even thousands of years in the plane of makoto's contiousness without any sign of giving up. There is no record of ANY battle lasting this long.


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