MIKA'S KIT EXPLAINED (in Simple Terms) | Genshin Impact

I took a peek at Mika’s kit and he’s looking pretty good!

NOTE: He’s still in beta so some things CAN STILL change, but this video is just to give you some idea on how he works. Take everything I say with a grain of salt or something

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Background music: Touhou Cannonball – OOPARTS

#genshinimpact #genshin #mika


20 thoughts on “MIKA'S KIT EXPLAINED (in Simple Terms) | Genshin Impact”

  1. Which means, the Eula banner might REALLY come around the same as Dehya.

    Looks like Mika will buff Eula and bring her somewhat back (?) To top tier META.

    Also helpful with Dehya's as Dehya loses HP (?)

  2. Mika looks great on paper, but there's still the issue of hitlag making attack speed insignificant.

    Hitlag essentially makes a frame slower to accommodate melee characters so you'll feel impact when NA-ing enemies. This means no matter how much attack speed you have, you'll still be constrained by the slowed down animation.

    Unless they buff his attack speed bonus (or remove hitlag entirely when using him which I doubt), it won't be much an improvement.

  3. Seems tailored for Razor and Eula. Can't find much use outside of physical DPS. Might possibly work for Yoimiya and Ayato, but you'll be sacrificing one slot for a minor speed bump, which Yunjin also offers at C6, and she buffs all normal attacks, not just physical. Plus, with Physical falling out of favor, it's just not worth the investment unless you've got a really cracked Eula.

  4. Honestly, I might pull for him just because of the utility factor for him as an overworld team member. He’s got an aimed ranged crossbow attack for puzzles/switches, provides healing to top off other characters with, and is largely a melee fighter. As someone who hates using bow characters but still has a lot of bow “puzzles” left to complete, I don’t think he’ll be bad to have :>

  5. my brain is still comprehending what I just saw. I don't like his design or his EN voice. but his utility though might be interesting. I might just have him in team for co op and have him on the side for healing only. XD

  6. I want him just for the fact that he has three weapons, but I hate pulling for 4 stars. It's so risky and I have guaranteed on my next pity. I don't want Dehya and if he comes on a Eula banner I already have her at c2, I don't need any more Eula in my life.

    Also is it just me or does he look… out of place for a polearm user? His design just gives me sword or catalyst vibes.


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