Genshin Community Needs to Chill Out About Yoimiya | Genshin Impact

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25 thoughts on “Genshin Community Needs to Chill Out About Yoimiya | Genshin Impact”

  1. It's just the same drama as always, i don't even notice it anymore.
    But yes people need to chill, she's just a fictional character in a game. You like her pull her, you don't just skip her.

  2. Almost if not every community seems to forget fun and want to bitch about everything. And they complain even more when they’re the ones to C6 a character wasting their own money but complaining.

  3. I honestly have only experienced this much negativity in genshin after i started seeing discourse on twitter like omg every single day they complain about something different it’s very stressful

  4. I lost my previous 50/50 and am close to pity, so even though I planned to save up to pull for Baal and try to go for her cons, I'm going to pull for Yoimiya instead and main her when she's available to pull out of spite.

  5. Its kinda funny coz all this hate came outta nowhere when Shogun's release was announced… And 99% percent people calling her kit stupid without even testing it do it just because they saw Baal pull out a sword from her booba…

  6. There are no bad or good characters it all depends on the player and the team comp. she would be good for my other team for the abyss. I Freaking love her idle animation, plus I want Sayu. It is my primos I want her, if I fail 50/50 I will wait for yae. I mostly pull on 4 stars, I am happy that I got chongyun, Bennett is my last four-star character.

  7. Meta in a game with no competitive aspect to it (yet) just confuses me… Oh well.

    I pull for characters that feel fun to play, look good and have good backstory/personality.

  8. There are people who only have fun with a character with there useful to them. I like yoimiya a lot but when I look at the character I can see where I would user her over any of the character I have built. If they just collect dust in my inventory, I wouldn’t roll. Zhongli for example, is very good but I never need to use him cuz I know how to dodge in abyss. I rolled really hard o. Zhongli and regret it cuz I don’t need them.

  9. We all know most of us from the Tavern will be pulling for our pyro babe anyway. If she's good then great, if not it's fine, we just gotta live with it while enjoying her Kansai dialect voice lines am I right? If you are having fun with the character you pulled, you are the real winner (and Mihoyo if you spent lol)

  10. Half of Meta players consist of toxic players that will bash and glorify depending on character, imo they shouldn't play Genshin, they are playing the wrong game, they should play some other competitive game instead. Play Genshin base on Aesthetics and less on Mechanics, you be much happier and if you aren't happy with that approach is time to rethink and play other games.

  11. I like Yoimiya. “Save for Baal” “5 star Amber” “Not worth investment.” Nope. You can save for Baal. You can stick with Amber but I am rolling for Yoimiya and that’s final. I’ve had so many people tell me she isn’t “the best choice and there are better characters out there” Ok.
    I’m still pulling.

  12. A melt comp for my Ayaka would be nice but freeze is even nicer… She would work well with Xingqiu but would be significantly weaker than a C1 Fischl for 8 damn seconds.
    I can only spare a few wishes tbh and those wishes are going straight to Sayu and Kokomi's busted kit.

  13. I feel like the only people whining about this shit are the mega simps. Those people just can't seem to realize that others have varying opinions and that they're not obligated to listen what others have to say. That and the fact that a huge chunk of GI players are clinically insane (tell me if I'm wrong).

  14. I'm literally pulling for Yoimiya because of her Kansai-ben and the fact that she shouts "TAMAYA!" when she ults.

    That said I enjoyed her gameplay in the story quest so I was surprised to hear there was this whole controversy. Then again I enjoyed Zhongli's gameplay in his story quest way back in 1.1 and pulled for him and even enjoyed him a lot pre-buff then so maybe I'm taking a different set of pills to you meta folks.

  15. I’m pulling for her as a meta theorycrafter who can afford to pull on every banner. The people who have concerns about her capacity as main dps are right. If I wanted her as main dps I would skip, however I’m going to use her as off-field dps with her ult, supplying the pyro for my Ganyu to melt. It’s a very niche use and requires a Venti and Bennett, but I’ve tested the reactions and liked the results.

    On her own, she doesn’t apply enough pyro for a c6 Ganyu to maintain pyro on an enemy. That’s why Bennet’s strong pyro application is needed after the initial Yoimiya ult. After that her ult does well at refreshing that strong pyro application and keep it from wearing out. With Venti, her ult cost is reduced to 45, and hitting all the enemies in Venti’s ult applies so much pyro that Ganyu can use her ult effectively in a reverse melt comp. Ganyu’s charge shots and icicles from her burst can simultaneously reverse melt consistently inside of a Venti+Yoimiya ult combo.

    Why not just use Xiangling? As a Ganyu main, I have been using her every time, and it’s effective but feels like I’m sacrificing some mobility having to stay in range of Pyronado’s hurtbox. Also, Pyronado doesn’t reach Venti’s ult, so I can’t use both ults together. When I used Yoimiya, it felt like I was playing a melt version of Morgana. Yoimiya ult cost is so cheap with Venti I can chain ult whereas Xiangling still requires some energy funneling. Also, Xiangling’s Bear did not graduate from AI targeting school, and it feels very clunky to deploy. Therefore I must demote Xiangling to my pyro main dps role, instead of Ganyu’s personal melt assistant.


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