Features hoyo NEEDS to add | Genshin Impact

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14 thoughts on “Features hoyo NEEDS to add | Genshin Impact”

  1. Quick character list for finding those local specialties;
    Mondstadt: Klee, Mika
    Liyue: Yanfei, Qiqi
    Inazuma: Gorou
    Sumeru: Tighnari
    Fontaine: Lyney
    There’s also Ningguang who marks any ores nearby, and Lynette marks recovery orbs underwater in Fontaine

  2. 1) it’s a story heavy game so the dialogue is very important. if it was skippable, well, might as well not include it at all. i think the writers can be more concise when writing dialogue, but a skip button would worsen the genshin fandoms already shit understanding of the lore
    2) having smth to locate local specialties would negate the passive talents of many characters leaving them with an essentially useless talent and therefore devaluing them in comparison to others
    3) i believe hoyo are working on this one

  3. Ok but! Do yall know what a skip dialogue button would actually do for us, it would turn 90% of old quests into hit skip, walk, hit skip, walk, go to location, maybe fight smth minor, then get your primos, every preexisting quests would be shortened down to basically nothing you could get so many more primos in so much shorter of a time but then in turn be left with less game overall to play, and going forward knowing the skip dialogue button exists devs would supliment the experience with smth else like even more meaningless combat or puzzles or perhaps even make quests require time passage like how the three days on the fog island in inazuma work


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