This Is Why Nilou Is INSANE In Genshin Impact

Nilou is absolutely broken in Genshin Impact…SHES MY NEW FAVORITE!!!

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31 thoughts on “This Is Why Nilou Is INSANE In Genshin Impact”

  1. Nilou is niche, but so easy to build and 100% f2p friendly, no kokomi? Just use Barbara, all you need is 4 piece deepwood on either traveler or collei and stack em on kokomi or Barbara

  2. yeah this was correct way to play nilou. genshin community is weird. not dealing straight damage = bad. i see lot people bulying nilou character. just like kokomi, back then

  3. For Nilou to work you need many dendro application like dendro traveller and Collei but also a healer preferably a dps like Kokomi so not like other 5☆ she needs a good team comp for you to feel her "wet" dps XD


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