Who to Pull?? in Version 3.7 To Version 4.0 !! [ Genshin Impact ]

Who to Pull?? in Version 3.7 To Version 4.0 !! [ Genshin Impact ]

Note :- this banners are just speculations
genshin c0 f2p DMG showcase!!
I talk about f2p genshin theorycrafting and powerful dmg showcases
showcasing my characters ( Wanderer Yelan Childe eula alhaitham Kazuha) against raiden shogun boss
hope you like the video thanks for watching like and subscribe

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inazuma theme remix by mitsaki music

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46 thoughts on “Who to Pull?? in Version 3.7 To Version 4.0 !! [ Genshin Impact ]”

  1. Please help. I already have a kazuha and no althaiham. should I pull for C1 kazuha or C0 Althatham? Reason why I’m debating this because..
    1. I’m FTP I can only pull for one because I don’t have funds to do more (also need to win 5050 D:)
    2. I like both Alhatham and Kazuha ‘s character. But I do like kazuha more, he’s my favourite character. However since I already have him, I’m debating if I want him again
    3. I actually don’t need any dendro units (I have nahida) or anemo units (I have all anemo characters except one that I willingly skipped) so pulling for either of them is just based on my liking of them and not really for damage.
    Oops I wrote a whole essay haha

  2. Scara has energy issue? lol
    Also if we're taking the fact that we need a c6 faruzan for the ideal Scara team, crowd control is not an issue at all. Faruzan will take care of that with her Q.

  3. I dumped my entire savings onto kazuha's banner. I got qiqi at 78 pity, kazuha at 14, then another kazuha at 79 pity. I also got freedom sworn at 28. Funnily enough, I forgot to set the epitomized path before wishing on weapon banner. 🥴

  4. i got kazuha, because i, one, really needed him to complete my cyno team, and two i really like him as a character.

    i will be pulling for scara when he gets a rerun because i also really like him, also easy traveling

    and i will pull for kokomi whenever she gets a rerun. and albedo too

  5. honestly, speaking of kazuha, even if sucrose exsists and is really good and viable in many teams, kazuha is most likely to be considered a must pull and i'd say he doesnt have any bad reasons not to pull for him

    but he has a lot of good reasons to pull, u basically mentioned the ones that came to my mind at first, but ill just add and that his gameplay is just really comfy compared to sucrose, like speaking of the current abyss 12-1-1 – in my opinion, kazuhas grouping is so much better than sucrose from experience, but u can hardly disagree with that

    and also the fact that sucrose may be clunky sometimes, and she sometimes just infuses whatever she wants with her burst lmao

  6. OML?!?!?! YELAN RERUN THIS EARLY? I've got guaranteed, so i farmed for zhongli, but ig it's time to farm the ruin drake cuz yelan is yelan hehehe

  7. Yelan why to skip? Because focalor banner is near her rerun… I have both yelan and xingqiu and they always used on spiral because hydro offield on hyperbloom team is a must!!

  8. I want childe so bad since he first showed himself but I might skip him because i need primos especially since the archons only rerun once in one overall version

  9. Idk if i should pull for kazuha because I really want Focalors. Its hard to get primos when you're f2p so I'm thinking what's the best decision to make. I'm also on 50/50

  10. After watching this I think I'm gonna choose Childe over Yelan cuz I now have Kazuha along with Bennett Xiangling for "National Team" this line up is OP🔥 but I still want Yelan😔

  11. Eula:

    Why to pull:
    -Physical Queen
    -Beauty Queen

    Why to skip:
    -Don't skip, pull for her
    -Don't skip, get her
    -Don't skip, because she is the greatest Queen

  12. i accidently got light of foliar when alhaitams release but i don't have alhaitam. Currently using it on keqing and in my other account i already have alhaitam with iron string. i am too undecided about who should i pull for. alhaitam for his weapon or kazuha for keqing with alhaitams weapon. i also have yae miko but dont have nahida so using yao yao right now. what is your opinion help please i will go crazy from indecision.

  13. Tip for anyone pulling wanderer later in 3.8, pair him with a strong shielder like zhongli and if you don't have him, with layla or kirara. So you can get his e attack uninterrupted in the battle


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