Exposing the Content Creator Program | Genshin Impact

Its a really bad program setup to silence creators rather than reward them for their dedication to the game.

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42 thoughts on “Exposing the Content Creator Program | Genshin Impact”

  1. From the way you describe this, it honestly sounds like a lot of the creators would be better off just leaving the program. Being free to talk about whatever they want (like leaks) might even boost their channels enough to make up for the loss of monthly gems from Mihoyo. People leaving the program would also force them to make it better.

  2. Now, as much as i think this type of program is useless, it's not as bad as people talk about, CC know what they sign up for and they still join, and there's also some CC that don't join, and of course when CC join the first thing they ask for is No leaking that's a priority of course, and second they can make genshin video at their comfortable pace, one video every week or two video every week it's up to CC, so MHY didn't tell you to "hey you have to upload genshin content everyday" no, they know the game will have a dry moment and they want CC to create genshin related video at their own pace but of course a lot of CC want to milk this game to the core, so i blame the CC if they Burn out quickly, "to silence creators" they already know what they sign up for and it's their choice, they can quit anytime they want honestly, of course the reward is useless, i mean making a leak video is easy and it takes zero effort to edit it

  3. The problem I have with leaks is quite simple, they create the mindset of "why summon on patch x if patch y will have the characters I want", but then once the new patch arrives, new leaks arrive and the mindset stays the same.
    Gacha games never benefit from roadmaps or leaks, specially regarding characters, because it hurts the mighty FOMO, and makes it less likely that people will spend money.
    If they were to give content creators access to betas and allow them to talk about future characters it would be no more than a few day before the livestream or right at the end of the patch.
    Of course this is just my opinion.

  4. Love the vid. I completely agree with you valk. Your points are valid about getting rid of the leaders by empowering the content creators. ALSO MIHOYO NEW CHARACTERS ROADMAPS FOR GOODNESS SAKE

  5. To each their own of course, but personally for me, in regards to content, I feel that ā€” in addition to all you have stated ā€” we should have more fun human bosses that give a Kingdom Hearts or Devil May Cry feel really. This is why Childe was a great boss to fight against ā€” but like all bosses ā€” he gets old. However, bosses like Azhdaha and Dvalin give off this sentiment of order really. What I mean by this is that you have to play in a certain manner to defeat the boss (excluding the Bennett, Mona, C6 Sucrose, and DPS characterā€™s burst set-up). However, with Childe ā€” the fight alone just feels ultimately fulfilling.

  6. Early access for people in the content creator program is pretty genius. Makes everyone want to get into it, as you say, makes it even more desirable not to get kicked out of it (so people behave) and again, as you say, puts them in a good place to make content even when the main game is in a drought. Only potential downside I see is that it basically knee-caps anyone not in it already šŸ˜›

  7. I personally started hating leaks, but when you want to look at community activity on twitter, reddit, facebook. It's practically everywhere and you get spoiled. I just wanted to look at a fellow person playing the game and enjoying it like me. I search "genshin impact" on twitter then you'd get spoiled by a repost!

    Never have I been surprised by any content since Albedo was released. They're more like "Oh, they were right…Ok." When I saw Childe was a playable character I was so happy because I didn't expect it. Now I'm seeing how Baal looks like and what her statue looks like because of darn leaks I didn't ask for. What next? Am I gonna see every puzzle Inazuma will have because while I was looking for fanart someone reposted and used the tag to grab attention. I didn't ask for leaks so is the same argument "don't look at it" then appliable?

    So if my favorite content creators start talking about leaks, what about people who don't want it? I'm going to avoid them as much as I can. But that's my opinion and I know it's not what most people agree on.

    I'm not a creator so anything about creating content is out of my experience ahahaha.

  8. They might allow that but in turn make primos more scarce so that people would have to whale more. They are as greedy as fck. I love the game but there are aspects that needs to be pointed out

  9. There are so many problems with Genshin impact, it's community, the updates and the content creators surround it. Mainly going back to F2P players, primogems are so hard to hard, and MHY has been very stingy with their distribution of it, so of course people are going to leak things to keep themselves and other players interested and invested in the game, if MHY would come out with their own characters, their own leaks, maybe so many people wouldn't have quit. Even Honkai isn't this stingy.

  10. Similar Situation because I got banned from the Genshin Impact Discord server for having a leak as my pfp and now Iā€™m glad that I left the server.

  11. Commenting to help this very helpful and informitive video gain traction! I was always curious about the program ever since i heard about it from the few genshin ytbers/streamers. It does sound like it's a hit or miss, depending on the type of content you make, it can be very easy to take this program. (Unless there's a specific kind of content creator that can apply for it, i.e none of the meme channels that make the .EXE can apply)

  12. I see nothing wrong with game devs wanting to keep future things quiet. From what I'm hearing, the entire purpose of the Content Creator Program is to give an incentive to not leak, and doing what you are saying is just defeating the purpose. Why do they not want gameplay/content leaked? The game is like a movie of sorts, leaks spoil the outcomes, it has a very deep lore that the devs don't want random basement boys leaking. Why do they not want characters leaked? That can drive down sales revenue, when people decide to skip due to a leaked player who they've never tried happens to sound cool. Mihoyo is a corporation, they function to make more money. Giving leaks, like what you are saying, is not going to help them make more money, it's going to make people more likely to save. From a consumer pov, that's a good thing, from a producer pov it's not. while the consumer does have influence, it is ultimately the producer that holds power over what comes. For content creators, it is up to them to weigh the risks and benefits of Content Creator Program vs leak stuff that can get them more money but also might get them in trouble. From a corporate standpoint, helping the third party leakers is not ideal. They'll do so when they're hands are forced, but otherwise, it would be counterproductive. Now of course, there are company sponsored leakers, who do help earn revenue without revealing what the company doesn't want revealed, rather just leaking things that the company does want leaked, but doesn't want to directly come from the voice of the company themself, they function differently from third party leakers.

  13. I'll be honest while your partially right, it isn't necessarily fair for Mihoyo have to clear up the mess that gets created from disinformation given by a awful lot of leak/speculation content creators. Mattjestic is a fair example of this, especially considering how misinformed alot of this community is.

  14. Uploading daily is the easiest way to grow a channel šŸ™‚

    on that note, I was thinking of becoming a twitch streamer or a YouTube content creator for Genshin but thinking about that, seems really complicated, I am a whale too but still

    best of luck to you and found you from this video

  15. Tbh i dont rlly like leaks , like sometimes its fine but leaking a whole map or the storyline is just ridiculous ( recently leakers have leaked so many new characters from inazuma even tho inazuma isn't fully out yet)

  16. I'm going to be real for a sec, my life is not great – everyday it's sometimes very difficult to get up and get through each day. In today's landscape, this is how it is for alot of ppl. Genshin blew the fuck up not only because its an amazing game, but because it came at the time when the world needed an amazing game to take us away from our hard reality.

    I personally can say that seeing some of the inazuma leaks, and getting hyped about Yoimiya, seeing her moves and skills significantly helped me get through some difficult things just because of the hype of Inazuma finally coming and giving me something to look forward to, and be happy about when things are dark.

    I do think just blasting out all the leaks is overkill and they can tone it down, but the Genshin Community would easily be half the size it is now, if leaks weren't a thing.

    Quite frankly; in my opinion – the rich content creators that are going around acting like the moral compass of righteousness are just coming off more and more fake the more they act like leaking is such a wicked thing to do. If you sign a contract, and then u leak shit, i think you shud be punished, but the "leaker Community" is not that, they datamine, make renders, and actually put alot of work into providing the leaks. Im not saying they are good, but its kinda like….Robin Hood. They are contributing to keeping the game alive whether the big content creators wanna admit it or not.

    With that said i agree, they can slow down on the inazuma leaks.

  17. It's like Rainbow Six Siege. Content creators get early access to the content and get to test things out and report back any bugs and glitches in the game! Also, they get to stream & post it to YouTube!

    If Mihoyo's mad at people leaking stuffs, y not give content creators early access? If things didn't get leaked, us F2P or even light spenders would just sit there crying so, Mihoyo's gotta come up with smth eventually!!

  18. What you said, i do believe is true. Im no content creator but knowing and having a general idea of how business works and not disclosing information is normal and consequences are there if you do say something about it or break the contract. Always funny when contracts are involved i think of Zhongli since he is all about contracts so everyone if they read his story quests and such should understand this. Haha.

    But i do wish Mihoyo themselves, like how they did with Yoimiya and announcing and showing her art officially was a good start before leakers showed her . If they do continue to do that and as you said give those content creators access to future versions if the game and post some videos or slight gameplay would benefit everyone and no longer rely on leakers. But great video and insight on what was said.

    Its a long post but if you read it, thanks. šŸ˜€

  19. hmmmm… pretty much noted …. with this I might have to start reaching out/giving feedback to Mihoyo to be more lenient with their content creators and improve themselves to avoid a brewing bad sentiment from the community now on ..

  20. IV lost interest in genshin .like I Wana play but when I do I'm have to force my self so I just log in maybe ever other day or 3 .idk IV worked alot on my account but I just not interested in playing events 24/7


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