EVERYTHING you missed in the 3.0 SUMERU UPDATE | Genshin Impact

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edit: the wishing history at 1:36 should be flipped

Enviosity goes over EVERYTHING you missed in the Newest 3.0 Sumeru Update in Genshin Impact. Ranging from the new Dendro Element, Wish History rework, Character Loadouts, Artifact Strongbox, & More! If there is anything not included in this video, please let us know in the comments below!

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21 thoughts on “EVERYTHING you missed in the 3.0 SUMERU UPDATE | Genshin Impact”

  1. Can anyone explain to me how to open the new map? Is there a quest for or do i just go there walking and start investigating the map, because when inazuma came out there was a whole quest to take us there so what about this? I can't find any quest, is there a guide or something?

  2. 7:10 speaking of fishing – they did give us that fishing line stabilizer which i see he already bought but it's pretty awesome. the more you fish a certain species of fish the faster you will start to catch that type. just a heads up for if you're gonna start the fishing journey you should definitely get this when you can. i picked up mine from the fishing vendor north of port ormos where the dirt road on the map meets the docks (same place in the video) – but you can get one from any fishing vendor. not sure if it's always been there but QoL for me ever since i found it lol

  3. I guess people don't use elemental sight much do they. It now shows the mobs name when you use elemental sight, not sure why but it's probably good for new players, and nobody is talking about this which sounds about right.

  4. yeaah.. but do you remember the name of the achievement you trying to find ? 😀 maybe not so useful after all.. 😀 and conversion rocks to wood is nice but.. im not going to build anything.. till they rise the limit for buildings.. cause.. its terrificly low.. :/ and i dont see them rising it anytime soon.. since they didnt do it yet.. no idea where is the problem.. character loads are very good didnt know about new billets.. kinda weird.. like why.. would rather see new weapon types.. or some sort of a transmog feature.. so i can change the fish.. into something nice.. 😀

  5. I know the electro and dendro reaction has been more popular from what I saw but personally I use dendro then hydro for the blooms, I gather as much as I can and then I burst with Benny and keep on going, it’s actually quite stronk

  6. I love the food designs, it makes me care about what I feed my characters for some reason.

    Currently stocked up on the chicken burger for heals and shrimp balls for revives. I especially like the character unique dishes.

  7. On the topic of food, Starshrooms in Sumeru can be Activated or Scorched if you apply electro or pyro, respectively, before harvesting. Activated restores 800 hp while Scorched (apparently, haven’t tried it myself yet) restores 1 hp lol

  8. THISS I didn't see anyone talking about the achievement search bar, literally the highlight of the qof changes they added.

    I've been DREAMING of this for so long I'm so happy 😭

  9. Tower of fantasy made Genshin work harder. When Inazuma dropped , how many QOL changes they did lmao.
    Now we have Mona like char sprint fix, artifact strongbox, even furniture material conversion, and did you even see Sumeru enemies? How much effort they have put into. Even Sumeru mobs do special dance, they have subtle special effect like a mob playing music and when she sees us, she breaks that instrument, these subtle details tells the effort they made this time.


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