Enhancing 6,000 Resin of NEW ARTIFACTS! Was it worth it? Genshin Impact

I spent 6,000 resin since the new dungeon Ridge Watch Unyielding IV was released. This is for the Pale Flame and Tenacity of the Millelith artifact sets.

Honestly, this is just some filler content before I release my DPS Showdown of Yanfei vs Diluc vs Klee (which should be coming tomorrow).

0:00 | Intro
0:32 | Enhancing a Bunch of Artifacts
13:36 | 6,000 Resin worth of Artifacts
19:55 | Showcase with New Artifacts


39 thoughts on “Enhancing 6,000 Resin of NEW ARTIFACTS! Was it worth it? Genshin Impact”

  1. I hear a lot that Eula will want ~40% ER from sub-stats in her kit when she is paired with sac bow Diona, so some of your pale flame pieces are better than they would first appear too.

  2. Specifically for burst support xinyang you don't actually need crit rate on her, cuz if you have her at C2 her burst always crits, so you just need crit damage

  3. Something's WRONG.
    You say you used 6000 resins but you have like 200 5* artifacts ???
    Looks like you discover them during the video so it's not like you destroyed many of them already….?

    Looks like you, in fact, spend 600 resins and not 6000.

  4. I really love watching artifact RNG vids. Please make more!

    And this vid just validated my methods of artifact farming because I do it exactly the same way. πŸ˜‚

  5. Not related but I got a Wanderer’s Troupe flower with Crit rate and crit damage. All the stat rolls went to the other two stats instead of the crit stats πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ i hate this game sometimes.

  6. oml
    6000 resin doesnt even give you good goblet
    my zhongli is almost perfect except for his goblet sadge
    im 2pc noblesse 2pc archaic gang so I need geo dmg bonus too which is rare af
    least I can shamelessly flex that overworld I can do 100k no buffs

    f2p btw

  7. The new pale flame is very epic for kaeya or aether.
    Btw i grinded some artifacts on the royal set domain and got a nice epic cryo bonus bloodstained artifact for diona

  8. Please do comparison between 2 pcs BS and 2 pcs PF to 4 pcs PF for Eula later pls~ I feel like Eula is one of those character that needs side by side comparison. Eula's kits duration is a bit tight and if you also use 4 pcs pale flame, the end result from certain build could change quite dramatically if you're facing relentless enemies like abyss geovishap or abyss herald.


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