Don't Make This Mistake In Genshin Impact #genshinimpact #xinqiu #lisa

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48 thoughts on “Don't Make This Mistake In Genshin Impact #genshinimpact #xinqiu #lisa”

  1. My DPS Xiangling sitting in the corner: so yeah, I totally carried this girl's team who keeps calling me Teyvat's Gordon Ramsey, whatever that is, but me and that samurai made a pretty good team! The Dendro Archon just joined the team, and the girl kept changing healers. Bennett, Diona, then Barbara.

  2. And remember even tho dps characters can do massive damage on their own most of their true potential is only revealed under the help of support character a prime example is characters like Raiden who's true strength can be found using characters like kujo sara and so much more

  3. I remember my whaler friend, he always farm mostly one domain, which is for perfecting the stat of his dps mona He even used all his fragile resins for her. He literally has a lot of characters but doesnt build them, i mean he only focused on his dps characters, he doesnt even build some op 4stars like xinqui, xiangling, etc and some 5 stars like albedo jean etc. And then one time, i able to clear abyss for the first time, and all my friends are still struggling. I told them that you should build equally most of your chars especially support chars. And looks like he doesnt want to be order around, he try and try clearing abyss but no success. He eventually stop playing, saying he got bored of the game because there is no pvp. Lol

  4. yea…i made this mistake and im now rushing to build most of them based on what artifact they use. just saying…never neglect supports. they should be the first characters you build imo

  5. They also neglect energy recharge. Many lose a lot of time clearing the abyss because players are trying to refill their burst when you should idealy do it in one rotation. Ofc this depends on the characters/teams.

  6. Maybe some don't know this but you can buy mora and exp materials on Serenitea pot. It's a really big help for f2ps like me so visit your penguin at least every 3 days.
    Ps. You can also buy extra resin wc can be consumed within 2 genshin calendar weeks.

  7. I actually have the opposite problem as I have 1 fully built main dps and a lot of fully built supports. I’ve some other main dps characters but I haven’t finished farming for them even though I’ve had some for nearly 2 years


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