Did Navia SAVE Geo?! F2P REVIEW | C0 Navia First Impressions | Genshin Impact 4.3

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Navia might have saved the Geo Element in Genshin Impact 4.3… Genshin impact Navia F2P Pulls and First Impressions. Realistic F2P Navia Gameplay and Build!

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🎬 Edited by : https://twitter.com/BlueStixs 🎬

0:00 Navia Summons
2:03 Character Overview
4:15 Character Test Run
7:03 Initial Testing
8:13 Gearing up Navia
9:29 Overworld Shenanigans
11:02 Spiral Abyss
13:00 Outro

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45 thoughts on “Did Navia SAVE Geo?! F2P REVIEW | C0 Navia First Impressions | Genshin Impact 4.3”

  1. I think she didn't but rather her niche and reaction being the crystalize reaction as it didn't have a use before other than shields I believe the more Fontaine characters that come out more reactions will become more useful with their own niches

  2. Navia didn’t do shit for Geo as a whole.

    She saw the sinking ship that is mono Geo and their defense scaling stats, took Bennet by the hand, built her own ship with him as her hammer, offered Ningguang a seat, and then fucking sailed off with ATK scaling Geo damage, all while watching the mono Geo comp sink.

  3. Nothing can save geo in this game , not until mihoyo decides to rework the element, imagine the only element not to react with other elements in a game based on element reactions (the crystals barely pass for one )

  4. Mono Geo was never that weak to begin with, It is just massively expensive to build, need cons for Goro, at least C4 and very cracked Artifacts. But I am glad now we can put Geo with other elements, something that was kinda pointless before. Navia made Albedo a very good Sub Dps Geo which is really great. C0 and even better C1 Zhongli is now great. and Her design is absolutely awesome.


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