CRIMSON MAXED! Can Anyone Else Use It? (Genshin Impact)

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Today in Genshin Impact we’re maxing the newest 5-star weapon, Crimson Moon’s Simblance, and seeing if anyone else can use it.

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#arlecchino #genshinguide #genshinimpact #hoyocreators

0:00 Maxing Crimson (Small farming needed)
4:03 Stats & Passive (Stats good, passive is a maybe)
5:12 Testing the Passive (It stacks)
5:38 Hu Tao?
6:27 The Bond of Life Bar is Deceptive
8:15 Considering Passive, Who Can Use It?
9:25 Xiao?
9:55 Can Xiao Game End Himself?
12:24 Final Thoughts


41 thoughts on “CRIMSON MAXED! Can Anyone Else Use It? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. is this really necessary? is a bond of life related polearm and arlecchino is the "only" bond of life polearm character
    other's can use it for extra damage and crit, thats it

  2. Bro never use those 10% chance to get double charecters, use the 25% refund ones instead, they give back enough mats to make more the what the double ones can give, it is rigged from day onw

  3. Funnily enough, I believe Xiao's optimal play style is to do a charged attack, animation cancel it with a jump and then plunge so perhaps you could actually make it work on him ^^

  4. When your craft stuff, you only want to craft no more than 14 pieces per craft, cuz when it's below 10 you can get like 0
    Crafting like 14 will give you up to 4 extra. But everything above 14 will increase nothing. That's from my experience. Never more than 14, and if possible, never less than 12

  5. i'm pretty sure that it's stated somewhere in xiao's kit that he cannot die from the burst tick dmg
    edit: not quite spelled out, but since the hp drain scales with his current hp, at a certain point the hp loss will simply be too small to subtract

  6. Hu Tao prefers HP, Xiao will die eventually, Cyno needs too much teammates (Nahida, Kazuha, a shielder, a battery, a hydro), Xiangling needs Bennett, Raiden also needs Bennett but she can kinda works with Sara/Kazuha/Zhongli switching 1200 atk for 20% electro shred and a polearm passive if you really need the crit rate more than energy recharge.

  7. The fact it’s a scythe already gives the weapon like 10+ cool points. Then the design and color scheme bumps it up by +5 more, and if that’s not enough add 30+ more points to the fact that any other weapon on her just doesn’t look right. It’s horrible corporate practice but it’s absolutely worth the buy if ur getting it for her

  8. Doesn’t Xaio heal himself, clearing some of the bond of life? I also feel like most attack scaling pole arm users run bennet for their teams (Rational), so wouldn’t that clear it as well?

  9. I just realized hu tao's normal attacks need to be leveled as well as her skill. I was using my hu tao with a lvl 5 normal attack and was wondering why her dmg was so little, I've had her since her 2nd rerun 😭

  10. Bol shows as a 1:2 ratio, so 100% only takes half the hp bar
    Honestly arlecchino's weapon isn't worth pulling imo. If you have jade winged spear it work very well on her for the same base stats. And technically it evens out her dmg loss as you consume the BoL by increasing atk and dmg as you keep hitting ennemies.
    The fact that it turns into a scythe is why everyone is buying it although it's a pretty niche weapon, it's a genius move by hoyoverse to bait all the fanboys

  11. Pre Xianyun Xiao likes doing CA on single target. Jump cancel a CA into a plunge was the max single target damage. Like stacking jade spear.

    Unless that's internalised propaganda from my 1.x days. Very possible. Those guys weren't all that good at TC.

  12. I could always tell that Moga had some deep understanding of TC but tried to dunp it down to entertain a more casual base of viewers. I like how he is not afraid to speak what is in his mind anymore these days.

    Love your content keep it up!!


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