Clorinde Could've Been So Much More… – Electro's Diversity Crisis | Genshin Impact

Electro has been enjoying much success ever since the arrival of Dendro back in Version 3. But there’s a growing concern of electro characters, specifically DPS units, becoming overly dependent on Dendro, is it causing problems with character diversity? Today we’ll be looking at the first Electro character to be released in almost 2 years: Clorinde, and see how she highlights Electro’s current diversity problem, or lack thereof.

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23 thoughts on “Clorinde Could've Been So Much More… – Electro's Diversity Crisis | Genshin Impact”

  1. Clorinde is the best 3.4 electro character to he released in 4.7. this kit when sumeru was going would have been great. This kit after getting all the 4.0 characters just makes me want more. I just want that last 10 or 15 percent out of her

  2. I personally would love to have Superconduct get some love. One of the most forgotten and forsaken reactions in the game.
    I mean, I know it is mandatory for Physical DPS, but that is exactly the problem.
    The AoE Cryo explosion is very fun to play around, and contrary to Overload which can damage 1 enemy only once, Superconduct can hit twice. A buff to the reaction, or characters that play around it like Chevrousse with Overload.
    In fact even players forget about Superconduct lol, everyone talks about Electro-charged, Frozen, Crystallize and other reaction that need more love but they never mention Superconduct.

  3. I'm way behind in genshin's story and Clorinde's design didn't catch my attention, so I was meh about her. That was until I did her trial. I immediately did a 10-pull and won my 50/50 (around 70-80 pity) 😄 She's fun to play with but I will agree her skill uptime can be frustrating, especially because there's no real indicator to when it's gonna end, so my BOL is full and I'm about to lunge attack but can't because it's on CD 🥲 Overall I'm still very happy I pulled her!

  4. To think that she had 9s of skill duration in the Beta
    She wasnt even broken, and they nerfed her for no apparent reason
    Those 1.5 seconds really ruined her that much.

  5. I felt quite underwhelmed in her trial. I wasn't expecting quite Neuvillette power level, though I was expecting close. Her uptime is by far too short in my opinion.

  6. Nah, Clorinde is awesome, she is fast paced, fun to play, has amazing animations and design and does good dmg with Nahida, not every character needs to be braindead like Neuvillette and not every character needs to break the meta in half
    No idea why shouldn’t she be enough to be used as a hypercarry
    I will never understand why people are saying that electro depending on dendro is some kind of issue, game is based on reactions and there were always good pairs, people were using pyro with hydro for years now and why wouldn’t they, the reaction is great and that’s what the combat is about, dendro and electro are amazing together, that’s a good thing
    Same with saying Nahida or Furina are overused because they are the best units of their element…yes, people use bennett since 1.0 and it didn’t stop them from shoving him in almost every team anyway, XL is still being called "best pyro character" lol, Kazuha is always the first anemo choice…yet Nahida and Furina are the ones people have issues with

  7. although chlorinde is so fun to play and i consider myself a chlorinde main, almost if not all electro are basically dendro bound. i wish she was a overload focused dps or a electro charged dps(which shouldve been since shes from fontaine and fontaine water or whatever)

  8. But the thing is with clorinde, not making her an aggravate unit would be such a waste.. like she's perfect for it bc of her flashy atks
    The electro version of neuv will come soon don't worry

  9. Did you not get access to Sethos in time? I wished you did both Clorinde and Sethos together, they have the same role as an Electro carry that could “save Electro from Dendro.”

    Maybe you can do a Sethos video later.

  10. saying electro is over reliant on dendro, is like saying pyro is overliant on cryo and hydro for vape and melt

    or how dendro is extremely reliant on hydro and electro for most play styles.

  11. Clorinde already has a really weird good team in Clorinde Qiqi Furina Zhongli with Skyward Sword on Clorinde, because the excess healing gets converted to BoL

  12. Shee is as good as hoyo can make her.. you have to consider that she is an actual hot babe and not a loli or boyband character.. To that end this is how good as it gets. Arlecchino is too good for hoyo standards. They were probably very afraid of wuwa at the time.

  13. I came back to Genshin just for Clorinde. I gotta say, she did give me some hope with how fun the lunge mechanic is. But even with her signature weapon, C1 and a pretty min-maxed crit ratio, Spiral Abyss 12 was still a pain. It's fun dashing around and using the lunge as a pseudo dodge but the dmg just doesn't add up the same way my Navia (with her signature weapon and basically the same stats) does.


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