Xiao Blackcliff Polearm Showcase F2P Friendly Build C0 Level 90 | Genshin Impact

Pre Xiao Testing – https://youtu.be/Ulnm7QahuuE
Energy Recharge – https://youtu.be/Ls27KuvC-2Q
1st Impressions – https://youtu.be/uFYr-ul70OU

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33 thoughts on “Xiao Blackcliff Polearm Showcase F2P Friendly Build C0 Level 90 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Even without the passive effect the Blackcliff still remains a strong polearm, Crit Dmg% and decent base atk is not a joke, F2P should definitely get this if they are playing Xiao or Hu-Tao (unless they dropped a 5* spear somehow).

    Also I said F2P, meaning no money is spent in this game so these people can't get Deathmatch.

  2. Thank you for uploading this video, Seka. I really brightens my mood after my puppy's passing the last hour. It really put me down into the slumps and seeing the intro made me smile. Wish the best of luck to you.

  3. Yessss finally someone who shows how good this spear is! 😀 I thought about wishing on the weapon banner but to be honest – the blackcliff polearm is more than enough. I have a very good critrate helmet and some artifacts with crit rate substats (not amazing but okay) and Xiao destroys 😀 I have around 50 crit rate and 160 critdamage so its not perfect but really good. Love the weapon on him. And I think it kinda fits his style too! 😀
    Thanks so much Seka, I started to doubt my build because everyone I know talked trash about blackcliff. Now Im relieved 😀

  4. I'm actually able to bought that weapon, but i end up not buying it cause i thought i have like 20k primos and only need couple more to pity, so i can have xiao and have a lot left to do summon on weapon banner. But shit happen, i lost the 50/50 and end up using all the primos, now my xiao is lvl 90 with 8 7 7 talent with 55% CR snd 192 CD but without a fucking weapon.

  5. Sadly I missed the opportunity to buy the Blackcliff Polearm from the Store…. and now there is the other one. And Deathmatch wouldn´t be that good because I already have around 70% Crit Rate (without crit crate artifact). I wanted to use his Jade Spear but I got the sword instead lul.

  6. Hi Seka. I appreciate your hard work you put into all of this. As a low spender I can't afford to pull on weapon banners for the op 5 stars. Is it possible to do a Ganyu weapon comparison. Thanks in advance


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