Clorinde brings QUADRUPLE 5 Stars [Genshin Impact Swords Only]

Check out Genshin Impact for yourself and explore all that version 4.7 has to offer:

Also, you can use this code: FBJCMYSXCBT5 to get 60 Primogems and 5 Adventurer’s Experience for free! It’s valid from 24th May – 10th August

Clorinde is now in Genshin Impact’s version 4.7, and since she is a brand new electro sword user, we HAVE to pull for her on our Swords Only account. The question is, can we win the 50/50?…

Swords Only in Genshin Impact can be quite challenging at times. However, as the self-proclaimed master of “Weapon” Only challenges in this game, I am able to best any obstacle (probably).

HoYoVerse put out a tweet saying “Polearm Impact”… So I decided to take it upon myself to make a new account, but only use characters who wield a sword because absolutely nobody asked me to.


10% off everything at GamerSupps:




#NewtoGenshin #GenshinImpact #Clorinde


33 thoughts on “Clorinde brings QUADRUPLE 5 Stars [Genshin Impact Swords Only]”

  1. genshin needs to start specifying what they mean by na damage, Yoimiya wants hers levelled up and it basically says the same thing as Clorindes skill so how would people even know. Ive seen way too many people pour so many materials and hours into a pointless talent, at this point its better to remove it or add a bonus scaling or something

  2. Not gonna lie, I'd have defo skipped the character banner to try my luck Oops, All Swords. They are so rare. I think the last banger weapons banner was Lyney's initial run and the Oops, All Bows banner 🤔

  3. Istg I’m still salty at this banner, also it is scary how similar my pulls were to yours. I lost my 50/50 to jean as well and had just enough wishes to get her at soft pity so I feel your pain. I really wanted to pull for her weapon because before her banner came out I was at 73 pity so I was hoping I would win the 50/50, but nope, made me lose and she didn’t come home until soft pity. Also, out of all the pulls I did I only got one Sethos which I’m also sad about. Glad to see I wasn’t the only one struggling on this banner but it sucks all the same🥲


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