CLAIM NOW!! Players Can Claim 3rd ANNIVERSARY REWARDS Now!! | Genshin Impact

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CLAIM NOW!! Players Can Claim 3rd ANNIVERSARY REWARDS Now!! | Genshin Impact

#genshin #genshinimpact #collei #fontaine


16 thoughts on “CLAIM NOW!! Players Can Claim 3rd ANNIVERSARY REWARDS Now!! | Genshin Impact”

  1. Ah yeah, I'm soooo excited to give the multi-billion company free advertising for the chance to get 10 fates… As if they had no money to pay 10-40k bucks for actual advertising and were forced to use their fanbase for bread crumbles…

    Their greed never ceases to amaze me. It's the anniversary and instead of celebrating they want us to work for them, FOR FREE 😂

  2. Yea that is the first 3rd anniversary event and they make it random and the main 3rd anniversary rewards is garbage only 20pulls you can't guarantee a 5star character event banner, this is their 3rd anniversary and it still the same as 2nd anniversary. They really never learn on how they bombarded in their last anniversary rewards

  3. As a new genshin player I'm just here for the ride I have a lot to learn. Like…alot…but on the bright side learning team building is somewhat fun even with the few I have I am enjoying noelle, ningguang, Lisa and rosaria ATM as a team


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