Character Teaser – “Baizhu: An Elusive Curative” is out for Genshin Impact and I’m so excited for him to finally release!!
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Can't wait for Dendro snake man 🙂
he is so beautiful 😭😭
I am going to be rolling on Baizhu's banner, hopefully i get both Kaveh and Baizhu.
I actually really want Kaveh! for some reason I like his design better, Baizhou just has too many colours that I don't love together honestly
I just want Kaveh
But Baizhu preety too
When I initially saw the character teaser, I couldn’t help but freak out when he said the medicine was for someone on Monstadt! It’s the commission for medicine from Anthony for his sister Anna in monstadt! I had funnily enough just finished one of the commissions in it’s series! I love that small attention to detail
OMG i forgot baizu after play with HSR a whold day 😢
Im Ngl, I don’t like his voice, it just sounds off and wrong to me, I don’t know why
Snek is adorbs
When your vids pops up I immediately watched it. 😂
The main thing about Baizhu is that he’s a Dendro enabler and a shielder, if you have Nahida or Zhongli, he’s not necessarily a must have
idk why this animation keep getting smooth HOLY
His japanese voice is the medicine itself 🫠
C'mon man. It's not "li-way", it's "Li-you-air". We're 3 years in now.
Im excited for both, already saved up ~120 wishes plus i have guarantee
I am so stoked for both that I do the one thing I hate doing, prefarming two characters at once.
Did none of you realise that he puts the pen into his hair?
Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not excited for any one of them, I just wanna yoimiya
Kaveh > Baizhu
I don't have ganyu but I want him so bad
My new King 👑😍😎
why choose Kaveh or Baizhu WHEN YOU CAN HAVE BOTH laughs in dolphin
Isn't that that commission from Monds? She's cured now. 😅😅
I am exited for keveh and i going for ganyu
Baizhu! I got 300 pulls ready for him!
I just finished curing Ann and always assumed Baizhu was this great doctor, but nice to have confirmation
I do like Baizhu and all, but I heard that Arlecchino would come around in Fontaine area. I'm saving up for the next region whether for the new Hydro Archon or Arlecchino.
The only reason I might get Kaveh is because I'm pulling for Baizhu. I loved him as a character since he first appeared in the story.. Kaveh… did not leave that big of an impression on me. I really hope this means we'll get to see events with Baizhu appearances in the future!
Hopeful for Baizhu but currently only doing the Welkin and have nothing saved so likely won't get it. Still going to try though.